Hello all, I haven't posted since last summer and I wrote how Yona was wrong. I wasn't talking to my POI then and well, it looked pretty hopeless but it wasn't and we reconciled for about seven-eight months.
In my reading with her in May 2020, she predicted my POI was closing a door in their life; in fact she predicted a divorce from my first reading in March 2019, mentioned it again at the end of the May 2020 one, and it was finalized in August 2020. She also predicted that my POI would withdrawal and there would be no communication, which of course happened.
Unfortunately, she predicted more of the same (distance and no communication) in my August 2020 reading; and that was spot-on since I haven't spoken to POI in almost 7 weeks now, but saw their return (pretty emotionally exhausting).
I was curious though if she ever pulled "loads" of fertility cards and referred to it as your POI wanting to tie you down with roots? She mentioned that in one of my most recent reading, and I can only interpret it as some kind of commitment.