Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 1983069 times)

Offline Piggynose

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5235 on: August 09, 2020, 11:13:40 PM »
Hi all, I have an update but I'll also respond to a few commentators.

First off, Professor, thank you so much. The fond wishes are shared. I do hope that in a year's time, she proves right for you vis-a-vis the love interest. I truly do.
I did wonder after reading your post whether my reading of various stories on this forum impacted my thoughts about Yona. That is,, I had this internal thought process, but also reading how she got x y z wrong for clients particularly on romance, may have compounded my internal process, or it may have triggered it. Hard to tell, but food for thought nonetheless. So that is perhaps conforming in a way as in saying yes, I have had a parallel experience.

Piggynose, I'd agree that she has a known track record. The example I will give even tonight showcases that she is talented but how she can get stuff wrong.

Here is an example: so this Knight of Pentacles guy I identified based on his recent mention of a court case and his past relationship asked me out for tomorrow.
This date with the KoP was supposed to be immediately after a medical upset (Tower) concerning someone I know.
Our family friend, whom I also know, was hospitalized. It's not covid but he got pneumonia initially suspected as covid and tested negative. But  problems persisted and finally he was hospitalized.
Yona said it's not my own health matter-it just says medical symbol and Tower-b/c she sees me going on a date with this KoP immediately after.
This was in my reading from April of this year.

I read the recent posts and have a few other remarks:

@Fidget: yep, do not feel bad one bit. I will echo Lilly here and say it's a process one goes through. Not saying psychic talents aren't real. I think there are talented ones but no one is foolproof.
I've also had cases where everyone saw the same time frame and developments for an old PoI: not this past KoW but a 2014 guy and nothing ever panned out.

@Rayban, yep yep yep. So her Wands that she said I'd miss a lot and then have passion with upon his return ended up being a guy who crushed on me last summer but that I'd only want as a friend. The King of Cups that she'd been predicting since 2016 and oscillating about-one moment he'd be a foreigner I meet online, another someone I meet face to face, one moment I have passion with him, another reading says no I find him offputting, one moment gives him as a Knight, a youngish guy , another says he's older than me-so much so that we still haven't figured out if it's the same guy--turned out to be s/o I'd met around 2018 ish and only saw as an acquaintance who goes to the same watering hole. He asked me out after a chance encounter but again  I only see him as a friend .
So yep she can get attraction wrong.
This makes me think the old Knight of Wands whom she saw as a big passionate love affair and swore up and down had feelings for me--never did have feelings and was an unrequited crush.
I just woke up and smelled the coffee and thought to myself: how many more years have to pass for me to stop waiting?

Wow, thanks Summer for sharing this. She’s my last hope when it comes to love predictions. I have a top up with her later this month. I’m curious to see what she is going to say. I’ll take it with a grain of salt though and just keep living my life.

Offline Piggynose

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5236 on: August 09, 2020, 11:17:03 PM »
I had my third reading with Yona earlier today and it was my last psychic reading. It was overall a good reading as expected. Almost all of it was abt my poi. She picked them up by reading a spread for me then she did a spread for them to see how I would come up in their cards. She described me as their secret passion, lol. She also mentioned a tower coming up surrounding a trip. She actually said the cards were quite bad and involved the justice card/bureaucracy. It actually sounded quite scary. But im not surprised since my life has been riddled with towers. But going forward, I have decided I dont want to know of my towers before they happen. I dont want to waste time worrying abt when and how they will happen while subconsciously using the excuse that knowing before hand will prepare me for it. In my case it doesnt, it just causes worry. When I reach that bridge I will cross it. Its time to let life happen and accept the cards I have been dealt.

I definitely will take her up on her offer though. She said I should email her when poi and I finally reconnect. What joy if that happens one day! And I closed by asking her how Wren, her new puppy was doing. She says, the Apple Store has been seeing a lot of her recently because Wren enjoys chewing through her wires. She says when her other dogs see her put her headset on they know its work time and they go lie down. Wren hasnt mastered that lesson yet, lol. 🐶

It was a pleasure getting three opportunities to read with her. I just somehow felt prior to the reading that this would be my last time reading with her. After the reading I now feel certain. But its time to let life happen! I see myself being an annoyance on this board maybe a few more months then move on with life, take the punches as they come and let life happen. The professor isnt gone yet, but the grand exit is now being prepared! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

Professor, I completely understand your decision to move on. I really do hope your happily ever after comes true. Will you please come back and update us? I’ve enjoyed all of your posts and the question that you have posed. It certainly opened the door to the conversations that led me to better understand Yona’s readings.

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5237 on: August 09, 2020, 11:55:23 PM »
So again I spoke too soon. I will concede my rush to judgment. That app guy of course ghosted me. I did account for this possibility and it is typical of the apps-90% of the time one party bails out or ghosts on the day of the meet.
so he's not the KoP. perhaps this KoP in the future b/c I can't think of anyone other than the old love interest.
now this makes me doubt myself about the Wands identification. I think I got the King of Cups right but that's it.

bear with me guys-so many Knights and it's impossible to fit app guys on them.

Offline Piggynose

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5238 on: August 10, 2020, 12:17:53 AM »
Sorry this happened to you. Why is dating so hard now a days?

Ugh, I’m sorry that it’s all getting scrambled up. It’ll be interesting to see what happens next. Hang in there Summer!

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5239 on: August 10, 2020, 12:27:15 AM »
Thank you! It's still possible he reschedules but I'm frankly turned off since he didn't bother to update me. I think the King of Cups is my best bet atm and strangely enough he's how I'd see the old Wands again.

This was an app date that I did want to be on-I mean I thought I may be attracted but I've had last minute cancellations so many times and been guilty of an equally higher number of cancellations myself that I was thinking 90% likelihood of a cancellation.

so this still leaves open the Knight of Pentacles card. maybe he is the old PoI from 2015-how and why would he get in touch. heaven knows. but perhaps I'll bump into him same as I bumped into the King.

@Piggnose, I know the feeling of Yona being the last hope & taking it with a grain of salt. I think that's the right approach.

@Professor,  I am sure I speak for many when I say that we'd miss you on this board! but I can understand where you're coming from. I do hope that the poi gets in touch one day. I truly do.

There was a discussion a while back about free will and if we can change the outcome. I believe that free will is already factored into her predictions. So it was my free will to remain hung up on the old KoW for so long and hence he showed up in my cards for some time. It was my free will to get back in touch with the King of Cups although it was a random encounter that got him interested in me.
Another example: back in March 2018, she had seen talk of property, looking at property, thinking of moving. I had said I am not there yet.
but now since last winter, before covid, I began contemplating it and I've finally reached the boiling point. I am tied to this lease until next Aug but in the spring of 21 I will start looking at property that is more residential -away from students whereas this building has become a frat house. I wish I'd saved money early in my career and I'd have had enough to put on a deposit. but curiously both her original lenormand and mini lenormands she's done have shown a new key and house.
So my free will came into play now.
Interesting to note that it showed me as sort of playing the field around the time I'm looking at property but haven't yet moved. and the Knight of Wands is showing up at that point though all bets are off as to who he is by then. Showed me concerned about him etc so must be s/o I like. Could I change my mind by the spring? Sure, if covid worsens, if I lose more of my salary and cannot afford a move but even so I'm so determined that at the least, I want to rent property in a residential setting.
So there you go-cards knew something about my free will that I did not yet know about at that point of time.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2020, 04:01:21 AM by summertimesnow »

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5240 on: August 11, 2020, 01:01:13 AM »
So guys, I have an update. That guy wasn't the Knight of Pentacles. He did the same thing twice, claiming he just woke up after I went to the venue.. And he messaged that he had just woken up 5 min after we were supposed to meet up.
Yep. What a loser. this is the apps for you. Well he was called to court for leaving his dog in the car in 100 F heat and was like I didn't know the regulation. Now it makes sense, what an irresponsible loser. Worse than the old Wands. Nah I'm done with him and done with the app loserdom. this is a story that goes back 8 years now.
I am glad I got in touch with the King of Cups. I do believe people we know from real life are safer bets. unless they are good for nothings like the old Wands was.
So that leaves open the Knight of Pentacles. Perhaps it is s/o I haven't met yet. Or perhaps it is the old love interest.
So she didn't get it wrong when she said it isn't a new app guy; it's s/o I already know. it may turn out to be.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2020, 01:04:01 AM by summertimesnow »

Offline Nina710

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5241 on: August 11, 2020, 01:43:06 AM »
Can someone please help me? I had a reading with Yona in feb 2019.... it was all about the queen of cups she picked up. His ex. That he hasn’t processed his feelings yet. That that would explain the tower. That he may actually have to talk to her and for me not to become directly involved in it. Going through that right now. The reading I’m talking about - everything is happening as she said it would. He backs off - ( we are at the him backing off part ) and then he comes back around ( waiting for that) super upset. I want to hold onto Yona’s words that then he comes back around. He never told me he needed space... but the ex is blowing up his phone 300 times a day.. Yona said she wants closure. I wish he would change his number and feel liberated. But she never ever ever mentioned a breakup. Then my reading on May 22 of this year just 3 months over it was a good reading... one part she said that there would be a gap where we don’t see eachother - I think that’s happening how’s that we would be in different locations. True - he went upstate to get away. But even in that reading she said no break up. I think I just have server PTSD from my previous relationship that my ex would just leave me out of nowhere. And that’s what I feel Is happening but he told me he had to figure this out. He never said to me the words “ I need space” and then my May 22 reading she told me “ I should have reassured u that u have long term partnership, family and choices still ahead of you. That there will be more passion. Could it be she saw the other side of this tower? I’m scared of a break up here. I did nothing. The ex has mental issues. I want to be support him and want to be the rainbow after this storm. How can he throw away pure bliss we had the last 9 months? Infiltrated my family. I can’t fathom it-... can anyone help.? Yona has been so right for me-and always said she liked him...

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5242 on: August 11, 2020, 03:16:04 AM »
Nina, maybe your story will be different but from my own experience and the reading of others, Yona has an uncanny ability to pick out the gaps in communication and Towers and 3 of swords. S/o wrote earlier she told a client the negatives are easy to read but positives less so. Maybe.
But I would be cautious in not falling into the trap of waiting forever.

Case in point. my old Wands: she had seen an apology. at the time I had zero clue b/c things were going well and toward some flirtation or so I thought . this was fall 2017. Then he did several stuff he'd have to apologize for, HAD we been more than acquaintances. ONe example-he recounted a house party and hookup in front of me b/c I was just an acquaintance. another example, he picked up  a girl for the night and didn't even say goodnight to me that night. Sure, the girl had started hitting on him randomly , having walked in with seemingly her own girlfriend (as in a girl she was dating, complete with hand holds and kissing but she apparently can go either way), but he decided on a whim to exploit her drunken state and go for her. and ditched me on the spot without even a good night.
But he has zero clue he'd need to apologize for any of this. Because I was nothing to him. not even a friend. so where's the chemistry? where's the passion? where's the apology and passion?

Even so I sent him a text about covid after his venue shut down and he never responded. b/c I was not in his radar and he's the sort of selfish a-hole to not respond unless you deliver something to him; a meal, booze, drugs, a hookup, a house party or some combo thereof. I don't matter b/c he either wasn't physically attracted or deemed me unreachable due to my education and income and so it meant I am of no use since I"m not in his book.
so where's the apology? it's repeated 6 times in 5 readings so far. it repeated even in my December reading and again in April
sure, it can be a brand new person I meet, he messes up and apologizes..
anything is possible.

so I would take these types of explanation/update or approach predictions with a grain of salt.  If I had been a 20 something I would have been even more devastated perhaps, having trusted Yona's cards but at my wise old age, I grew more and more skeptical. and boy was I right!
she now says I'll bicker with him-even that is impossible b/c were I to run into him,, he'd either pretend not to see me, or not recognize me, or say a quick hello. And he wouldn't be pretending per se- I am LITERALLY invisible to him b/c I don't provide any of the above benefits.  and say that this opportune time came to be, at best he'd say  I don't remember seeing you last year, i don't remember this incident o shrug. THAT is who he is. the great Knight of Wands.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2020, 03:25:07 AM by summertimesnow »

Offline massine

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5243 on: August 11, 2020, 03:41:24 AM »
So I emailed Yona on behalf of my mum as I paid for a longer reading for her as a surprise late mother's Day/birthday gift, and while I was at it I asked Yona if the card she pulled in a previous reading was only applicable legal careers.

She emailed and mentioned a few other jobs. Including a pilot, however this isn't really a majorly common job so she doesn't usually mention it. She predicted I'd have a romantic fling with a brown haired brown eyed man but he'd feel more strongly about me (this is occuring) and that it won't last until the end of the year (unless he drastically changes this could happen, don't get me wrong I like him and I'm trying to work on it, I'm just not 100% convinced!) So Yona was right about the description, outcome is currently unknown!

She also got another hit in my education; she mentioned four or five major delays in this. Delay number four and five occured; I've been ill the past week to the point of hospitalisation and missed a coursework submission for one module, and an exam for another.

I have two and a half predictions left; the half is due to me sewing how this fling goes
1) I'll have an interview/informal gathering for my potential degree in March, Yona said it wasn't quite and interview but not quite a meeting either, I agree with this description.
2) A blast from the past, who matched my ex perfectly but may not be him will come back. She told me she could clearly see I'm in love with him and I only feel this way about this one ex. I'm also *that* weirdo who hates bad blood so befriended her exes after the relationship.... They all know I have no feelings for them and would never date them again lol!

So my ex may come back, he may not.
From when I started posting on this forum until now, I can say I've had major breakthroughs. Yona has really helped with this, I can't take all the credit lol!

When I first posted here, I was still badly hurt, I hated myself, I was a mess and just so focused on my ex. My mum had a heart operation on valentine's Day, my other ex declared his undying love for me and couldn't accept that I didn't want him (he finally has!), My brother was injured in a car accident and his car was a write off, someone rear ended my car at a red light and caused me to miss a vital meeting for my degree which affected my thesis, I didn't have motivation or energy and I was hurt at how badly I was treated.

Now I'm focused on my next major breakthrough with my career, I'm moving into a new house with my friends in September, I'm going back to my job that I love, I managed to lose more weight and tone up, I had a sleepover with my aunt (her kids no longer live at home except for her son but she sent him to his dad's house for a few days so we could just hang out as she knew how bad this year was for me), I've gotten so much closer to both new and old friends, I focused on myself and my life and I'm so much happier. Yona told me these things would happen and they did, but the important thing is I AM MAKING THEM HAPPEN.

Take these readings with a pinch of salt. But Yona clearly works for some of us, and I can safely say my addiction and binging is done. I'll get maybe three readings with Yona a year and that's it. There is hope for us people, we just need to love ourselves and have faith <3

Offline LillyPad99

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5244 on: August 11, 2020, 11:18:21 AM »
I PM’ed you, Aquarian. I don’t want to this thread to get derailed with back and forth convo based on what you’ve posted 🙂

Offline massine

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5245 on: August 11, 2020, 03:12:17 PM »
When Yona talks about a crossroads coming up does it always involve a choice or can it be a forced change? I just lost my job unexpectedly due to covid-19 & am being forced to make career/professional changes. If it was a choice I would not have left on my own like that.

Yona has some -isms. When Yona says crossroad, it tends to mean a decision has been made but you don't really have a choice, you just have to go with it. So if she says you have a crossroads between your old job and a new one, it means you're going to get a new job. It's a nice way of breaking the news and not dictating your decisions :)

Offline Nina710

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5246 on: August 11, 2020, 09:03:54 PM »
I am re listening to my May 22 reading and she told me “ I know there’s a gap where you don’t see eachother.. I don’t know the cause but there’s a gap where your not as close. It can be that your in differently locations or that there is a change in the structure of the schedule” I then asked her “ did we get into a fight” she says “ I can’t see an argument it’s something tactical but it causes you to overthink you’ll have too much thinking time and you become suspicious” she says “ i could be looking at one weekend it’s not necessarily a long period of of time but you can either snap at them or be super passionate to get that double reassurance “ she says “ I would go for then more passionate it’s less damaging” she says “ it’s a brief 5 of cups which could mean emotional distance but I think it’s physical “

Does anyone have any experience with a brief 5 of cups? I think this is what we are going through right now... can I have your thoughts?

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5247 on: August 11, 2020, 11:52:40 PM »
I am re listening to my May 22 reading and she told me “ I know there’s a gap where you don’t see eachother.. I don’t know the cause but there’s a gap where your not as close. It can be that your in differently locations or that there is a change in the structure of the schedule” I then asked her “ did we get into a fight” she says “ I can’t see an argument it’s something tactical but it causes you to overthink you’ll have too much thinking time and you become suspicious” she says “ i could be looking at one weekend it’s not necessarily a long period of of time but you can either snap at them or be super passionate to get that double reassurance “ she says “ I would go for then more passionate it’s less damaging” she says “ it’s a brief 5 of cups which could mean emotional distance but I think it’s physical “

Does anyone have any experience with a brief 5 of cups? I think this is what we are going through right now... can I have your thoughts?

not sure what your 5 of cups means but yona has told me that 5s are not good in tarot. she was talking about my poi and 5 of pentacles and 5 of cups came up.

Offline staircasewondering

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5248 on: August 12, 2020, 01:00:24 AM »
I am re listening to my May 22 reading and she told me “ I know there’s a gap where you don’t see eachother.. I don’t know the cause but there’s a gap where your not as close. It can be that your in differently locations or that there is a change in the structure of the schedule” I then asked her “ did we get into a fight” she says “ I can’t see an argument it’s something tactical but it causes you to overthink you’ll have too much thinking time and you become suspicious” she says “ i could be looking at one weekend it’s not necessarily a long period of of time but you can either snap at them or be super passionate to get that double reassurance “ she says “ I would go for then more passionate it’s less damaging” she says “ it’s a brief 5 of cups which could mean emotional distance but I think it’s physical “

Does anyone have any experience with a brief 5 of cups? I think this is what we are going through right now... can I have your thoughts?

not sure what your 5 of cups means but yona has told me that 5s are not good in tarot. she was talking about my poi and 5 of pentacles and 5 of cups came up.

I agree getting a five card is never good in a reading, but it depends on the cards around it because there is always positives these cards.

Five in numerology means a crisis, conflict, having difficulties, challenge, or being in between two worlds but, these are only temporary or a brief crisis or challenge. In traditional tarot, the Five of Cups meaning depends on whether it’s is upright or reversed and I know Yona does read card reversals. Upright the cards means it about a loss of something and there is a feeling of sadness or a disappointment, but it’s only temporary. Reversed the cards indicate that a person need to accept the situation, move on, hope returns or they have recovered from their challenge or situation. Ultimately the card says to look towards the future because all is not lost and it takes time to recover from temporary crisis or challenge.

I had the 5 of Cups in my first reading in my opening cards indicating that there was a physical distance from a poi and I was emotional because there was a feeling of regret. It made sense because my ex and I broke up a few months prior to my first reading and I have a feeling of regret. It didn‘t take long for me to get over my ex after my first reading like around 4 or 5 months because I met my current poi and my focus shifted.

Offline Nina710

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5249 on: August 12, 2020, 01:18:33 AM »
Staircase- so do you think this is a temporary distance? Just a bump in the road?