Thank you Professor.
I discovered that in an old old reading; March 2018, there was a blurb about how Yona thought there were maybe *two* Knights of Wands in my cards, one coming in from out of town. So this is what's happened. She said it's a fun time with me simultaneously going out with a King of Cups-now identified, and the two KoWs. except the other KoW, KoW1 (old love interest) has not surfaced and all I have is this one who is coming on strong.
So he tried to convert drinks to dinner-and I knew this would happen so I made up that I already have plans (I don't). and so now I'm trying to drive home the message I see him as a friend.
This is just so off that we can say yes she got the timing, events, the two KoWs right, but she's seeing that I am impatient to see KoW again, annoyed he's not communicating yadi yada. He's bombarding me already with messages so how is that supposed to ever change?
I think what happened is this: with the old KoW, she mistook my feelings for a mutual spark and with this KoW she mistook HIS feelings for a spark. in neither case is it mutual. With this one, as is in majority of cases with guys-not to brag, but this has always been, and I guess will be until I totally lose my looks, they're crushing hard and I'm not.
I will say that the March '18 reading was the one where she had clearly seen that there'd be a financial Tower to my institution followed by this period of two KoWs and two Cups-I don't know who the other Cups is.
She's certain I will end up with this Knight of WAnds-except that I feel zero for him. I am getting annoyed the same as I've always gotten with suitors since the age of 17 when it all started like this, and the reading is just adding to my frustration. I resent the fact that the cards think I should be with this person. I am no one's puppet, not even Spirit's. I suppose this is when free will is deployed. Besides, it's unfair on the guy, and unfair on me-when I'm his fantasy woman and I can't bear the thought of him getting close to me-ugh, gross.
Does this feel to you like a spark and chemistry?!?
Oh and she had seen an invite by a female colleague to achieve an outcome followed immediately by the Knight of Wands.
So today, we have a faculty meeting organized by a female of a group of faculty concerned with the budget situation. it's at a socially distant outside location. and of course that again identifies this guy. I am beyond annoyed with this. I'm also at a stage when I'm trying to lose the quarantine-10 , speaking of the Magician and don't want to waste calories (or money) on dinners and drinks when it's with s/o of zero interest.