Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 1984032 times)

Offline maggs30

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5160 on: July 29, 2020, 05:02:19 PM »
So back in July 2019 Yona saw heart key home. A house with lots of trees and a dog. Me and the guy in my backyard talking and the dig really likes him. We both thought this was my ex Alex. This prediction passed in April 2020 with the guy I am dating. All 5 of my dogs love him. He calls them his kids and jokes he won't ask who their real dad is since all are black. I'm Italian and he's Hispanic. He doesn't come into my house without greeting each dog impatiently waiting for his attention. Did I mention they weight between 40 and 100 pounds each? Don't ever lose hope because Yona may mix up who the energy is but I thank God now I never had the ex in my house in the year we were together. He didn't deserve that closeness with me and my pets and son.

Offline starGazer

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5161 on: July 29, 2020, 05:09:27 PM »
So back in July 2019 Yona saw heart key home. A house with lots of trees and a dog. Me and the guy in my backyard talking and the dig really likes him. We both thought this was my ex Alex. This prediction passed in April 2020 with the guy I am dating. All 5 of my dogs love him.He calls them his kids and jokes he won't ask who their real dad is since all are black. I'm Italian and he's Hispanic. He doesn't come into my house without greeting each dog impatiently waiting for his attention. Did I mention they weight between 40 and 100 pounds each? Don't ever lose hope because Yona may mix up who the energy is but I thank God now I never had the ex in my house in the year we were together. He didn't deserve that closeness with me and my pets and son.
This made me chuckle 😂

Offline maggs30

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5162 on: July 29, 2020, 05:18:03 PM »
So back in July 2019 Yona saw heart key home. A house with lots of trees and a dog. Me and the guy in my backyard talking and the dig really likes him. We both thought this was my ex Alex. This prediction passed in April 2020 with the guy I am dating. All 5 of my dogs love him.He calls them his kids and jokes he won't ask who their real dad is since all are black. I'm Italian and he's Hispanic. He doesn't come into my house without greeting each dog impatiently waiting for his attention. Did I mention they weight between 40 and 100 pounds each? Don't ever lose hope because Yona may mix up who the energy is but I thank God now I never had the ex in my house in the year we were together. He didn't deserve that closeness with me and my pets and son.
This made me chuckle 😂

Yeah he's got jokes lol and a serious jealousy issue. I guess I should clarify so he doesn't sound racist. I had told him my ex husband demanded a DNA test on my oldest son because he was born with blue eyes. Many babies are and my dad has blue eyes and so does his mom. My ex husband is an idiot. My new guy likes to point it out.

Offline Rayban212

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5163 on: July 29, 2020, 05:29:53 PM »
Don't know if you guys remember that job that yona predicted in my recent top up that I posted about around a month ago. Well just an update, the job/company is a complete scam and people are quitting left right and center. It looks as if the company is going to go down as well pretty soon. So yes I got a job with the same dynamics are she stated but Im no longer working there a month later. I can no longer believe that yona was right on this or even had a hit on my career. the dynamics around the job sounded extremely similar to what she was saying but I do not plan on going back from what I just heard... she also said that I would be super busy, yeah I was cause they had me working damn near 70 hours a week!

I feel like she should have seen this coming. I have just lost all faith in her. none of my love predictions have happened either.

Offline Piggynose

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5164 on: July 29, 2020, 05:36:26 PM »
Sorry Rayban.....this sucks. I hope you get a new job soon.

Yona is my last hope and she might be wrong for me too since it’s been 2 years and I’m still waiting for my Ace of Cups. To be fair, she did say this would take longer so I guess I’ll be waiting 10 years or something lol

I can understand your frustration and I’ve pretty much given up hope too.

Offline Tzwilson84

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5165 on: July 29, 2020, 06:08:21 PM »
I had a reading with Yona back in April of this year. I did the 30 minutes and didn't read the forum beforehand. I want to schedule another reading.....should I get a full reading with Crystal 🔮 or should I do a top up reading?

Offline LillyPad99

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5166 on: July 29, 2020, 07:30:14 PM »
She still uses the crystal in Top Up reading. It’s just cheaper, which is a plus

Sorry, Rayban 😕😕

Offline Tzwilson84

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5167 on: July 29, 2020, 07:41:41 PM »
Thank you 😊

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5168 on: July 29, 2020, 08:56:20 PM »
I'm truly sorry Rayban. WE can say maybe it's not the job she saw but it's sort of trying to salvage her at this point. I do hope something more solid pans out for you.

on Ace of Cups, I am not sure which is worse. Waiting for an Ace of Cups for years on end or finding out that the grand romance and heartbeating date she predicted turns out to be a guy I already knew I wasn't attracted to. So bummed with this. The one thing that fails to match is the failure to communicate aspect. since this guy thinks he's got a chance, he's been blowing up my messenger. ugh. I am sure it will continue exponentially if I go out with him.

Offline Piggynose

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5169 on: July 29, 2020, 09:15:41 PM »
Hey Summer, so why even go out with him if you’re not feeling it?

Offline Rayban212

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5170 on: July 29, 2020, 10:34:57 PM »
I'm truly sorry Rayban. WE can say maybe it's not the job she saw but it's sort of trying to salvage her at this point. I do hope something more solid pans out for you.

on Ace of Cups, I am not sure which is worse. Waiting for an Ace of Cups for years on end or finding out that the grand romance and heartbeating date she predicted turns out to be a guy I already knew I wasn't attracted to. So bummed with this. The one thing that fails to match is the failure to communicate aspect. since this guy thinks he's got a chance, he's been blowing up my messenger. ugh. I am sure it will continue exponentially if I go out with him.

I would hope it’s not but the details surrounding the job it sounds exactly like it. Sorry everyone I’m just tired of yona not being held accountable the way we do with other psychics. It’s not acceptable. If someone is wrong they are just wrong. Nothing with love has happened either

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5171 on: July 29, 2020, 10:58:59 PM »
Rayban, I agree. Normally I am a big fan of Yona but there's a point where you gotta say she got it wrong. She got it wrong for you-she was able to see the job and that you'd work 70 hours a week. but ultimately she was wrong that it'd be your long term job.
She got it wrong for me in that she saw that a guy I already know comes to see me but got it wrong that there's chemistry. And not to mention this was the first prediction given after my overseas trip which was at this point 5 months ago. that's nearly half a year. the second reading in between, which is now 2.5 months ago, gave a financial Tower in between-which passed, and again this guy, both times named as a Knight of Wands. As my original love interest, whom Yona herself had predicted 2 years in advance was a Knight of Wands, and since every time that card had appeared it'd been him, that is what I expected  and hoped for-even though it looked unlikely.

So I'd totally  be singing her praises if it'd been a case of me meeting a guy I was interested in and it's not the original. but the point iss, this is a guy I randomly met upon the urging of my friend, whom I gave a shot last summer, a year ago, and wasn't attracted and so did not pursue after he asked me out repeatedly and then he gets in touch now to ask to see me. how can this lead to chemistry and passion when I'm mad at and resenting the prediction.

Offline massine

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5172 on: July 29, 2020, 11:49:04 PM »
From this thread I've definitely learned to not put faith in her love readings, and I do think it's great people are honest when it doesn't work out for them, and I'm sorry to hear Rayban. I'm just thrilled she's worked out for me on most predictions so far! I'm also going back to work in 3 months as Yona predicted!

She said I'd be involved in a law man before the end of the year and honestly I'm super interested in a pilot ATM so I'm not sure she's right about that but I'll wait and see

Offline Lys

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5173 on: July 30, 2020, 03:10:34 PM »
If Yona said your ex will not be your long term partner, usually in your experience is it correct?

She said I won't be back with my ex as in couple. But I feel she described him very vague, so I don't know I find Yona very vague for me in describing people. So I am not sure if this is the ex that she mentioned. And she kept changing things when I feed her informations. My bad though. She said my ex is not ambitious, well he is definitely the most ambitious person I know. It's very something because I thought Yona can't be wrong but she was very wrong

Btw she also described I will meet with a good looking guy and bla bla.. that's true I said this is the one who wants to be with me but he is married man. She didn't pick up third party at all, I told Yona, no I don't like him. She said Oh why? Why did you turn him down.. You have your choice but you don't like him.

She definitely didn't pick up that he is married and THAT is the reason I don't want him. I don't know how good Yona is, but from here I judged 1 hour reading with her seemed nothing truly accurate.

Same for me. I was confused. Because she said I dont reconect with an ex I have feelings for, she said he have brown eyes. Yes he have brown eyes but I dont have feeling for him. I was confused, because i have feeling for a guy I saw in december but he have green eyes. She said she saw min in a relationship this year and the way she described the person he looks like the guy I saw, but maybe I will meet someone who look like him. So I was confuse if she mix up the two guys.

Offline Calleronhiatus

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5174 on: July 30, 2020, 06:53:04 PM »
All psychic threads go thru this. A wave of glowing reviews and then a wave of negative ones. Its now the bashing part of the Yona cycle. Perfectly normal. I will only say this: her thread is 370 pages long for a reason. And yes, she does have cult followers but I dont think its because she pays them to market her. Its simply because they find her to be the best. In my case, she has one year left for me to continue singing her praises. She has been the best for me so far. And ofcourse she isnt God. Ofcourse she will be God awful for many. But she has the longest thread for a reason. And if she does have a cult following, its for a reason too. Maybe she is overall the best on here despite her being a disaster for some. I just dont think you can get to 370 pages by faking your way through such a volume. Do I hold Yona to a higher standard? Am I a cult follower? Absolutely!!!! Why? Simple: she is the only one who hasnt been wrong yet for me. So, no psychic is God and no psychic works for everybody. But you cant fake ur way to 370 pages. The fakes usually get called out by page 100 the most.

@professor. “She has not been wrong for me yet” is equivalent to 100%