Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 1983891 times)

Offline massine

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5085 on: July 25, 2020, 10:14:07 PM »
Different readers work for different people.  I know Yona has worked for me and has gotten specific details right.  That's not to say she can't be wrong.  As much as Kisha was very wrong for me, that doesn't take away that she works amazingly for others.

Am I second guessing two predictions Yona has given me in May?  Yes, but that doesn't take away from her track record where she has been more right than wrong with me.  And who knows, I might get a surprise and it does unfold. After all, she predicted partnership with my POI even though I hadn't heard from him for four months last year.  It took 9 months but it still happened.

Ooh you'll have to keep us up to date with how things play out! :)

Offline samantha87

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5086 on: July 25, 2020, 10:33:38 PM »
I will!  Yona already predicted my POI (I keep calling him this because I don't know if he is still my boyfriend or not) would bow out.  She said he would be back with an update that would surprise me and he'd be more determined.  We'll see; I'm waffling between believing he'll come back or not.   :-\

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5087 on: July 25, 2020, 11:16:17 PM »
Guys, my cards are moving but not in the manner I expected.

Remember how my next prediction would be a guy, a Knight of Wands, gets in touch to say he is leaving town due to lack of finances?
and how I was thinking it'd be my old love interest, a Knight of Wands?

It isn't. The other guy who is pursuing me whom I had thought was a Knight of Pentacles,, just posted on social media he is leaving town. I am guessing due to lack of money as he worked as a bartender and his venue has been shut since March.
I had met this fellow last summer and he's been on and off pursuing me  since. WE reconnected over text back around May but hadn't met up.

I'm just really annoyed right now b/c the cards showed that this Wands will return one day and we'd be an item. that I'd have passion with him.
I am NOT sexually attracted to him. And unlike most women, for me attraction doesn't grow over time.

I dmed him to see what's going on. but maybe this prediction is right but Yona got it wrong that I end up with him.

I dunno.

And it's an exact match-that he wouldn't know what he's doing. he said that he just wants to leave, doesn't know where but is thinking of the Pacific Northwest. We are far from that region but anything within the US typically shows up as Chariot.

So she completely misread the 5 of cups as me missing them. I mean sure, it's an acquaintance leaving town and I wish them the best but I'm not sad over it. BUT I am disappointed that now the Wands card identifies him. I just don't see how he'd get back and I'd end up with him. I mean i'm not attracted now-else I'd have been eager to meet up with him, when he had asked me out again and again and again and I delayed. Now of course, as a Yona junkie, or cult-member, I have to meet up with him just to see if i can muster up feelings.

But the next big prediction after this is my bureaucratic paperwork. before that it had some filler info on like chatting with a guy who is a vet-just to denote appps, apps, more apps.

but yea the big one is the bureaucracy.

« Last Edit: July 25, 2020, 11:47:09 PM by summertimesnow »

Offline samantha87

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5088 on: July 25, 2020, 11:24:37 PM »
I hope this really isn't the prediction, Summer.  And maybe she mixed up energies, while she got the first scenario correctly maybe she could have kind of assumed the second half?

Offline LillyPad99

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5089 on: July 25, 2020, 11:32:57 PM »
Sorry, Summer 😕 COVID is screwing everything up for everyone, ugh.

You and I are alike regarding attraction 😊 If anything, I always tell people do not hold onto predictions. I know it’s hard though!!

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5090 on: July 25, 2020, 11:49:01 PM »
Sorry, Summer 😕 COVID is screwing everything up for everyone, ugh.

You and I are alike regarding attraction 😊 If anything, I always tell people do not hold onto predictions. I know it’s hard though!!

Feel free to PM me. I am just really bummed out right now. I mean great that predictions are moving but it's just another example of how Yona's events pass but not with whom you think
She saw me pair up with the Wands who returns to town.
This guy said he'd be leaving in October. I don't think he'd have any plans to return. I mean maybe I change so so much over the years that I say hey, be with the one who treats you well.but that means I'm stuck here and alone and having to wait for s/o Im not even attracted to, to return.

I hope Yona is wrong.

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5091 on: July 25, 2020, 11:50:28 PM »
I hope this really isn't the prediction, Summer.  And maybe she mixed up energies, while she got the first scenario correctly maybe she could have kind of assumed the second half?

I hope so.. When this was shown on its own in the first layout, she just said I can't say this is a defining moment or THE Knight of Wands b/c it doesn't feel romantic, but friendly.. so that's an exact match.

BUT the 2nd and third layout gave that he'd return and I'd have passion with him. BUT she also said ' I think it's the same Knight of Wands because of the positioning' so not sure what that means..

Timing wise, it took 4 weeks for her first prediction of the financial Tower to the institution to happen and then 5 weeks after that for the second major prediction-this one about the Wands leaving town and updating me, to happen.

She did have some filler between 1 and 2 of me working with a colleague at a distance or in another country and collabing-yes this is a Canadian colleague so Canada has been shown with World before even though it's contiguous territory. cards somehow understand interstate borders.

So this is nearing the end of the first layout and the final prediction is simply a random app dude-not even a meetup.

it's a weird feeling because I had thought I'd hear of the old love interest-for whom I still had feelings if it's not obvious already-leaving and be sad but then happy that the cards identify him as THE Knight of Wands and I am having the reverse reaction.:
I am relieved he's not the one leaving but also just bummed that he is no longer shown as a Knight of Wands in my cards, and that instead it's showing I pair off with so who is into me but not vice versa-and that is after this guy leaves, and returns.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2020, 12:02:24 AM by summertimesnow »

Offline maggs30

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5092 on: July 26, 2020, 12:09:54 AM »
I wouldn't worry. Yona has been so good for me but... I am in a committed relationship. Talk of moving in together. Talk of plans when we retire. 4 months in. Yona does not see him in my cards. Not sure why. She keeps saying I will have partnership but still calls me single as of July 8th. I mean the guy and I have each others financial information. We know how much life insurance the other has. We have BIG important talks. But Yona says I'm single with no one around.

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5093 on: July 26, 2020, 12:17:44 AM »
I wouldn't worry. Yona has been so good for me but... I am in a committed relationship. Talk of moving in together. Talk of plans when we retire. 4 months in. Yona does not see him in my cards. Not sure why. She keeps saying I will have partnership but still calls me single as of July 8th. I mean the guy and I have each others financial information. We know how much life insurance the other has. We have BIG important talks. But Yona says I'm single with no one around.

Thank you Maggs. I mean I'll just say that at least a prediction is identified but if I can't feel a thing for him I am not going to try to feel something b/c Yona thought I would.
that said, I'll try to get together before he leaves just to see-if he still wants to meet up. to be precise he was not in my town but the one over-we live in small towns that are adjacent .

this leaves open the Knight of Pentacles card which she read as a separate prediction. there is some shot he may indeed be my love interest from 2015-I mean he'd be hte love of my life, trumping anyone else. if it's him. that was slated to happen after the Wands-not immediately but some time after. that i'd know he was once married -true (and this guy wasn't), that he'd be a bit older than me (true), and that he is proximate (true he lives in the same town). let's see.

Offline samantha87

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5094 on: July 26, 2020, 12:29:33 AM »
It seems like she might have just assumed it was one person, when all actuality it could be two people.  I'll have my fingers crossed!

Offline Angel22

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5095 on: July 26, 2020, 02:34:00 AM »
This is so true. Whenever there is some post on question regarding Yona’s predictions passing, immediately after that there are a series of posts saying how are predictions passed. That’s what a cult is I guess

If Yona said your ex will not be your long term partner, usually in your experience is it correct?

She said I won't be back with my ex as in couple. But I feel she described him very vague, so I don't know I find Yona very vague for me in describing people. So I am not sure if this is the ex that she mentioned. And she kept changing things when I feed her informations. My bad though. She said my ex is not ambitious, well he is definitely the most ambitious person I know. It's very something because I thought Yona can't be wrong but she was very wrong

Btw she also described I will meet with a good looking guy and bla bla.. that's true I said this is the one who wants to be with me but he is married man. She didn't pick up third party at all, I told Yona, no I don't like him. She said Oh why? Why did you turn him down.. You have your choice but you don't like him.

She definitely didn't pick up that he is married and THAT is the reason I don't want him. I don't know how good Yona is, but from here I judged 1 hour reading with her seemed nothing truly accurate.

Then you really need to trust your instincts. I have noticed here, if anyone would post realistic comments about her readings. No one will reply or respond but a few min later someone will start bringing “new yona hits”. Hehehe. I have read with her twice. First time she was good ( or wonderful guesser) this time no new predictions. I mean if you can’t read me refund me may be. She saw me getting pregnant again. ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE. I am tiredddddd and by the time if I do feel I may have another I will be too old to have kids. Anyways I DONT want anymore kids. Her last reading was extremely generic for me. She literally wanted to drag time.
I get shocked when I read people say Yona saw their ex coming back from 1.5 to 2 years.... omgggg are you going to put hold for this long for a crappy ex? When a realistic reader like Leanne HB points this out they ridicule her.
Anyways, yona is good but absolutely not worth 3rd reading BUTTTT if I do get pregnant again and have a child I will definitely say out here.... loud...
« Last Edit: July 26, 2020, 02:55:14 AM by Angel22 »

Offline massine

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5096 on: July 26, 2020, 02:37:59 AM »
It seems like she might have just assumed it was one person, when all actuality it could be two people.  I'll have my fingers crossed!

Maybe she is wrong, maybe she mixed people up, maybe she is right! I know her love predictions aren't the best, and those are the ones I won't hold my breath over!

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5097 on: July 26, 2020, 03:28:31 AM »
Dear Samantha, thank you so much! Much much appreciated!

I texted with the Wands guy and agreed to meet up. I will just have to see if I can feel anything.

I mean both this and the Cups guy are attractive but i'm just feeling nothing-nada.

You may be right. However, and I will come clean right now. In one half reading, that gave some predictions but where she lost the connection in the crystal it came up that I have my Knight of Wands mixed up. like how the old Wands is a Wands but may not be THE. so added with this, I am worried.
I mean, it'd be a case of where the guy is super super into you and you feel nothing. but I wouldn't have to worry about other women, or being  cheated on b/c I don't really care.

But I worry also that this means that I won't have much happening till this guy leaves and returns.
I either spark or I don't spark. and I had already gone out once with this fella and not felt anything. I agreed to drinks and I've fallen into this trap before, many times over, staring in my 20s of using drinks as a crutch to feel a spark, only to wake up the next day hungover with a feeling I made a big mistake.

and thank you Massine ; much appreciated as well.
Anyhow, I'll update but this means  that  now my bureaucratic procedure is next-and it's good I booked a top up for end of August since the first layout is near over.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2020, 03:32:41 AM by summertimesnow »

Offline Cranberry88

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5098 on: July 26, 2020, 11:25:26 AM »
Dear Samantha, thank you so much! Much much appreciated!

I texted with the Wands guy and agreed to meet up. I will just have to see if I can feel anything.

I mean both this and the Cups guy are attractive but i'm just feeling nothing-nada.

You may be right. However, and I will come clean right now. In one half reading, that gave some predictions but where she lost the connection in the crystal it came up that I have my Knight of Wands mixed up. like how the old Wands is a Wands but may not be THE. so added with this, I am worried.
I mean, it'd be a case of where the guy is super super into you and you feel nothing. but I wouldn't have to worry about other women, or being  cheated on b/c I don't really care.

But I worry also that this means that I won't have much happening till this guy leaves and returns.
I either spark or I don't spark. and I had already gone out once with this fella and not felt anything. I agreed to drinks and I've fallen into this trap before, many times over, staring in my 20s of using drinks as a crutch to feel a spark, only to wake up the next day hungover with a feeling I made a big mistake.

and thank you Massine ; much appreciated as well.
Anyhow, I'll update but this means  that  now my bureaucratic procedure is next-and it's good I booked a top up for end of August since the first layout is near over.

you never know dear summer, the real wands or the love interest prediction might still didnt happen. it could be something with similar events but the real POI.
this happened could of times with me. I get disappointed when i try fitting in incidents  just becuase 60% of the prediction looks similar. but then the real prediction happens soon after where it matches exactly.

so hang on there.

Offline LillyPad99

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5099 on: July 26, 2020, 11:48:29 AM »
Dear Samantha, thank you so much! Much much appreciated!

I texted with the Wands guy and agreed to meet up. I will just have to see if I can feel anything.

I mean both this and the Cups guy are attractive but i'm just feeling nothing-nada.

You may be right. However, and I will come clean right now. In one half reading, that gave some predictions but where she lost the connection in the crystal it came up that I have my Knight of Wands mixed up. like how the old Wands is a Wands but may not be THE. so added with this, I am worried.
I mean, it'd be a case of where the guy is super super into you and you feel nothing. but I wouldn't have to worry about other women, or being  cheated on b/c I don't really care.

But I worry also that this means that I won't have much happening till this guy leaves and returns.
I either spark or I don't spark. and I had already gone out once with this fella and not felt anything. I agreed to drinks and I've fallen into this trap before, many times over, staring in my 20s of using drinks as a crutch to feel a spark, only to wake up the next day hungover with a feeling I made a big mistake.

and thank you Massine ; much appreciated as well.
Anyhow, I'll update but this means  that  now my bureaucratic procedure is next-and it's good I booked a top up for end of August since the first layout is near over.

Yeah, definitely don’t try to force a connection just for prediction-sake. As you’ve said, either it’s there or it isn’t and you’ve already gone out with this guy and felt nothing. May I ask how long ago that was? If it was sometime recent, I say, I can guarantee you won’t feel anything with him. That’s one thing I said I’d never do: settle. I’m not saying you’re settling (because you’re very upfront with how attraction doesn’t grow and you either feel a spark or not), but I’ve witnessed too many women in my life do such a thing and they’re either miserable, divorced X number is times, etc.

If this guy leaves, returns, and then a spark arises that time around (which could, potentially happen), I think it’s possible to say the prediction was accurate, but only at that point. Don’t stress too much over it 😊 It’s difficult, but putting predictions (from ANY psychic, not just Yona) and living your life as you normally would is the best advice to take.

