Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 2024185 times)

Offline Piggynose

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5010 on: July 21, 2020, 12:56:56 PM »
Hi all, LoveandLight, so so happy for you.

This is a prime example of where it'd be the first prediction to pop up.
This is why I am always disheartened when the first layer drones on and on about random tidbits or throws in '2 of pentacles, remote communication, you aren't that excited' or some variant of this verbiage=====app guy.

One day I may hit a lucky break where the first prediction is  something exciting.

Summer, are you saying that it makes a difference if Yona’s love predictions happen at the beginning of the reading or if it’s the last thing she talks about?

Will Yona tell you if POI is no good for you and you should move on?

On the first question, absolutely YES! I've noticed this on the forums too-that people whose love predictions appear later on end up waiting and waiting.
I've also seen firsthand that her first set of predictions always and always passes. Sometimes it gets stuck halfway through the first spread  sometimes it completes the first cross. But only once --in nearly 5 years--did I have an exciting love development as the first prediction and that was my then love interest coming to my house. and that happened 3.5 weeks later.
Invariably my reading ends with juicy love predictions -not a relationship per se but passion and dating a significant love interest.
And that time NEVER comes. Like even the markers preceding-fail to happen.

In general, one can't get to the end of a reading. I have readings from 2017 the last cross of which--all pertaining to love-never happened.

On PoI: I don't know the answer to this myself because I've never had a PoI to ask about in the time I read with her. She sees a Wands or a Cups or a Pentacles and it's up to me to guess who it may be. With only the Wands card, it had captured my then love interest but I was never able to identify the Cups and the Pentacles guys have been guys from real life into me whom I only see as a friend. I've had a total of 17 such guys, 7 of whom were predicted by Yona. [these are all from real life]. Cups guys for me are mostly app randos-which Yona's reading finally confirmed as all the Cups in your cards are app men .

But I have read that she tells people that an ex will not come back ; so she isn't a fairy tale reader though she will soften her blows.

This makes sense! My love prediction was the last thing she mentioned in my very first reading and it’s going on 2 years that I’m waiting lol. Thanks again for answering my question!

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5011 on: July 21, 2020, 03:40:59 PM »
Hi all, LoveandLight, so so happy for you.

This is a prime example of where it'd be the first prediction to pop up.
This is why I am always disheartened when the first layer drones on and on about random tidbits or throws in '2 of pentacles, remote communication, you aren't that excited' or some variant of this verbiage=====app guy.

One day I may hit a lucky break where the first prediction is  something exciting.

Summer, are you saying that it makes a difference if Yona’s love predictions happen at the beginning of the reading or if it’s the last thing she talks about?

Will Yona tell you if POI is no good for you and you should move on?

On the first question, absolutely YES! I've noticed this on the forums too-that people whose love predictions appear later on end up waiting and waiting.
I've also seen firsthand that her first set of predictions always and always passes. Sometimes it gets stuck halfway through the first spread  sometimes it completes the first cross. But only once --in nearly 5 years--did I have an exciting love development as the first prediction and that was my then love interest coming to my house. and that happened 3.5 weeks later.
Invariably my reading ends with juicy love predictions -not a relationship per se but passion and dating a significant love interest.
And that time NEVER comes. Like even the markers preceding-fail to happen.

In general, one can't get to the end of a reading. I have readings from 2017 the last cross of which--all pertaining to love-never happened.

On PoI: I don't know the answer to this myself because I've never had a PoI to ask about in the time I read with her. She sees a Wands or a Cups or a Pentacles and it's up to me to guess who it may be. With only the Wands card, it had captured my then love interest but I was never able to identify the Cups and the Pentacles guys have been guys from real life into me whom I only see as a friend. I've had a total of 17 such guys, 7 of whom were predicted by Yona. [these are all from real life]. Cups guys for me are mostly app randos-which Yona's reading finally confirmed as all the Cups in your cards are app men .

But I have read that she tells people that an ex will not come back ; so she isn't a fairy tale reader though she will soften her blows.

This makes sense! My love prediction was the last thing she mentioned in my very first reading and it’s going on 2 years that I’m waiting lol. Thanks again for answering my question!

What happens when it's the last thing in your initial reading, but the first thing in your top up? Logic would say it's getting close, but honestly, it really doesn't seem possible under the current circumstances.

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5012 on: July 21, 2020, 04:01:00 PM »
Hi all, LoveandLight, so so happy for you.

This is a prime example of where it'd be the first prediction to pop up.
This is why I am always disheartened when the first layer drones on and on about random tidbits or throws in '2 of pentacles, remote communication, you aren't that excited' or some variant of this verbiage=====app guy.

One day I may hit a lucky break where the first prediction is  something exciting.

Summer, are you saying that it makes a difference if Yona’s love predictions happen at the beginning of the reading or if it’s the last thing she talks about?

Will Yona tell you if POI is no good for you and you should move on?

On the first question, absolutely YES! I've noticed this on the forums too-that people whose love predictions appear later on end up waiting and waiting.
I've also seen firsthand that her first set of predictions always and always passes. Sometimes it gets stuck halfway through the first spread  sometimes it completes the first cross. But only once --in nearly 5 years--did I have an exciting love development as the first prediction and that was my then love interest coming to my house. and that happened 3.5 weeks later.
Invariably my reading ends with juicy love predictions -not a relationship per se but passion and dating a significant love interest.
And that time NEVER comes. Like even the markers preceding-fail to happen.

In general, one can't get to the end of a reading. I have readings from 2017 the last cross of which--all pertaining to love-never happened.

On PoI: I don't know the answer to this myself because I've never had a PoI to ask about in the time I read with her. She sees a Wands or a Cups or a Pentacles and it's up to me to guess who it may be. With only the Wands card, it had captured my then love interest but I was never able to identify the Cups and the Pentacles guys have been guys from real life into me whom I only see as a friend. I've had a total of 17 such guys, 7 of whom were predicted by Yona. [these are all from real life]. Cups guys for me are mostly app randos-which Yona's reading finally confirmed as all the Cups in your cards are app men .

But I have read that she tells people that an ex will not come back ; so she isn't a fairy tale reader though she will soften her blows.

This makes sense! My love prediction was the last thing she mentioned in my very first reading and it’s going on 2 years that I’m waiting lol. Thanks again for answering my question!

What happens when it's the last thing in your initial reading, but the first thing in your top up? Logic would say it's getting close, but honestly, it really doesn't seem possible under the current circumstances.

One would think it's moved closer and that's usually the case but sometimes the order goes by salience and not sequence. Spirit for you!
or it's not the type of prediction you have in mind. I had one that'd repeated for 2.5 years about KoW in my home, passion, my mom is around, and then I am jealous over a woman. you would think the passion in the home is sex for most people or at least a make out and romance, right?
2.5  years later, top up gives this as first thing and indeed, couple of weeks later, my mom visited. KoW came to my home for dinner.
there was no passion. and then a woman hit on him the day or two days after. it skipped passion and when I asked Yona, she said it can be in the thoughts and eye contact-but presumably if both parties feel the same.
now what had happened in terms of physical contact was a hug or two-the guy was always affectionate. that's it.

Offline Angel22

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5013 on: July 21, 2020, 05:03:09 PM »
So I have a question about Yona which is not related to predictions or interpretations and this would be a bit off topic. I know many people here say that Yona is legit and has a gift. But I was talking to my friend the other day who is new to this psychic world and perhaps does not believe in all this psychic readings, spirits, spirit guide etc. He is an engineer and more into associating life from a scientific point of view. For him, spirits or after life does not exist and that would be another topic altogether but, I do agree with some of the stuff he justified. I opened up to him about Yona’s reading and how thousands of people believe in her readings and we ended up arguing over how her readings are legit. But his entire point was there are many people who can do this and this is based on making educated guesses. I did tell him how can you make educated guesses by being so specific about the events in someone’s life. His response was that’s why so many of the predictions fail to happen and there are so many loopholes in a reading, something might end of working for someone and not working for someone. If I look back to my reading, even the major predictions have a chance of happening or not. If she is so legit why would there be so many discrepancies in the reading like only first set of predictions work, second reading is not that accurate and so many other questions discussed on this thread. According to him she is a human like us and should not be having any other supernatural powers or abilities and if she has then probably we should do some MRI of her brain, lol. So our common understanding was that how exactly do these readings occur and work? What is the process? Has anyone seen her doing the readings and when she sees things in the crystal ball? How can we be so sure that she is legit by just basing it on how many predictions have passed and what she is correct about more than understanding how the process works and if you have to explain it to someone who does not believe in all the spirit stuff can you actually make them believe in a logical way?
« Last Edit: July 21, 2020, 05:05:27 PM by Angel22 »

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5014 on: July 21, 2020, 05:51:42 PM »
There are many theories about the Tarot.

Sorry but, how can someone have predicted that there'd be a financial cut to my institution 2.5 years in advance, before the virus ever existed?

Now, I do believe that there's interference and human error. Yona would say no to the former.

so my next prediction is that I'd hear from a Wands about him leaving town due to needing $. I will say this WILL happen no matter how you look at it: 1) she's legit and right so it will happen 2) there's interference and deliberate lying on the parts of the interlocutor entities. The latter would want this to come to pass so they'd have given Yona accurate info because then they'd rejoice in me waiting for this guy's return, since the further predictions showed us hand in hand. so if this theory is legit, it will pass b/c they have thrown this bone , knowing it will happen-knowing I'll bump into him.
So the latter derives from some cultures who believe that you are opening yourself up to being preyed upon by entities (in Islam, it's djinn), who covet and detest human life. They resented the Maker when he made humans be overlords of all, and so they hate humans. When you go seeking a reader, they are talented but are vulnerable to messages from these types.
These beings are cunning but always work with the same modus operanadi-throw a bone, give some tidbits that manifest and that rope the human into a pitiable state of waiting. So if this is true, they'd want me believing this guy will return and they'd want me lonely and closing myself off to new opportunities. So they will have seen this easily-something coming up pretty soon in my life, and have thrown this in there via her cards.

the only scenario in which this will NOT happen is if 3) there's nothing supernatural to it-no entities, no Spirit, Yona is not legit in any way, and it's all bs.

One can say Yona's readings are ALL guided by these nefarious entities. So this is why they give accurate info on negatives like Towers etc b/c they want the human fearing it and despairing and believing the good stuff will happen too when the Tower passes, except it never does.

To emphasize I am not religious but I grew up in a culture where the majority believe the above-and yet they still read for each other.
I cannot in good conscience as a 21st century woman believe the BS above because if I did, I'd have to accept the other axiom this type of religion spouts: humans are overlords of all creation, and Males are overlords of Females. F*CK that shit to hell.

So let's see.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2020, 05:59:15 PM by summertimesnow »

Offline Kaliangel27

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5015 on: July 21, 2020, 06:38:01 PM »
I came to this thread to ask which type of reading is best for a first reading with yona lol the 30m or 50m but I saw the last few comments and had something to add.

I am not a fan of strictly tarot readers.... however.... sometimes it’s used as a tool to funnel clairvoyance.  Yes anyone can read tarot.  But some are better than others because of this I believe

I am a scientific analytical mind.  But it’s amazing when you can find places like the university of va med school having a division of perceptual sciences that have studies you can read yourself on this stuff .... or the cia documents on remote viewing and their findings that uri gellar was legit

Offline Jeninmd2

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5016 on: July 21, 2020, 06:41:23 PM »
I have a question for you summer lol
What do you believe yona is saying when she describes someone as a “romantic development”

Has anyone else gotten that ?

someone or an event? She sees a 10 of cups but not in the outcome which can be anything from a date to spending time together to hearing from them. i will say that I was never wowed by any of her 10 of cups predictions. Back when I had a love interest ,it would be like spending time as friends. and getting to see them.
in the past 18 months it's just been app meetups which do not exactly make my heart throb. A meetup of awkwardness galore and boredom with a rando dude.
That appears as the 10 of cups.

Cards are misleading with s/o you know. reason is that they have no concept of time so from Spirit's vantage point ,their energy may appear connected to yours b/c you are fated to meet.

Lol on the 10 years. but in my case once I have passion with a KoW I will update Yona and I don't think she'll be working in 10 years. I hope but I don't think so. I think 5 years is the max we can get with her , assuming she's at least 65. she may even be 70 ish at this point.

I'm actually relieved to hear that this has happened to someone else, because I have found the same thing, and kept second-guessing myself and my own interpretation of the predictions.  Even Ace of Cups (the big love card) has so far ended up being relatively trivial for me.  I'm assuming this is because my cards tend to move pretty fast, so cards can sometimes look more important than they really are when they are magnified due to the short time frame.  I'm trying not to get my hopes up regarding relationship developments until I hear the word "commitment" out of Yona's mouth lol. 
« Last Edit: July 21, 2020, 07:09:56 PM by Jeninmd2 »

Offline Jeninmd2

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5017 on: July 21, 2020, 07:18:20 PM »
So I have a question about Yona which is not related to predictions or interpretations and this would be a bit off topic. I know many people here say that Yona is legit and has a gift. But I was talking to my friend the other day who is new to this psychic world and perhaps does not believe in all this psychic readings, spirits, spirit guide etc. He is an engineer and more into associating life from a scientific point of view. For him, spirits or after life does not exist and that would be another topic altogether but, I do agree with some of the stuff he justified. I opened up to him about Yona’s reading and how thousands of people believe in her readings and we ended up arguing over how her readings are legit. But his entire point was there are many people who can do this and this is based on making educated guesses. I did tell him how can you make educated guesses by being so specific about the events in someone’s life. His response was that’s why so many of the predictions fail to happen and there are so many loopholes in a reading, something might end of working for someone and not working for someone. If I look back to my reading, even the major predictions have a chance of happening or not. If she is so legit why would there be so many discrepancies in the reading like only first set of predictions work, second reading is not that accurate and so many other questions discussed on this thread. According to him she is a human like us and should not be having any other supernatural powers or abilities and if she has then probably we should do some MRI of her brain, lol. So our common understanding was that how exactly do these readings occur and work? What is the process? Has anyone seen her doing the readings and when she sees things in the crystal ball? How can we be so sure that she is legit by just basing it on how many predictions have passed and what she is correct about more than understanding how the process works and if you have to explain it to someone who does not believe in all the spirit stuff can you actually make them believe in a logical way?

I remember many years ago I emailed a local psychic in the country I migrated from. He told me to leave a number for him to call. It so happened that when he called I didnt hear the phone ring at all and my mom had just come home from work so I had to chain up the dog and open the gate and let her in on the verandah. I was having a healthy convo with my dog and my mom during this chore. When my mom drove up she asked me why i never answered the phone. She heard it ring but I didnt. When I came back in the house and checked the voicemail, i heard the entire convo I was having outside with my dog and my mom and I could hear scary demonic groaning in the background. I never got to talk to the psychic because he was murdered a few days later! ( his family said on the news that he predicted that he would have soon died a violent death) Most psychics are frauds! Thats a given. But there are strange spiritual powers at play in this universe that we will never understand!

I'm totally having nightmares about this tonight, hahaha!!  :o ;)

Offline samantha87

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5018 on: July 21, 2020, 07:28:36 PM »
Is anyone getting a migraine from this thread?
Not sure if a mere reading/psychic is being discussed here or some science where one has to get a Doctorate to understand (Doctorate in Yona's readings). I think even Yona herself wouldn't be able to explain or even know the assumptions some people here who think to know it ALL are making. Assumptions that after all apply to themselves and their readings and not to everyone else.
I never thought a simple reading with a psychic could lead to such discussion, especially from certain individuals who seem to know more about Yona than Yona herself.

Is there ever a time when you're not abrasive?  Scroll past the conversation if you aren't interested.

Offline LAW1974

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5019 on: July 21, 2020, 07:29:58 PM »
Is anyone getting a migraine from this thread?
Not sure if a mere reading/psychic is being discussed here or some science where one has to get a Doctorate to understand (Doctorate in Yona's readings). I think even Yona herself wouldn't be able to explain or even know the assumptions some people here who think to know it ALL are making. Assumptions that after all apply to themselves and their readings and not to everyone else.
I never thought a simple reading with a psychic could lead to such discussion, especially from certain individuals who seem to know more about Yona than Yona herself.

Is there ever a time when you're not abrasive?  Scroll past the conversation if you aren't interested.

I was kind of wondering the same thing -- ummmm...  Fairly certain no one is actually MAKING you read a specific post so BYE!  Why are you wasting time posting negatively on stuff that people are clearly interested in engaging in?   Have you nothing else to do?

Offline Rayban212

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5020 on: July 21, 2020, 07:34:37 PM »
Is anyone getting a migraine from this thread?
Not sure if a mere reading/psychic is being discussed here or some science where one has to get a Doctorate to understand (Doctorate in Yona's readings). I think even Yona herself wouldn't be able to explain or even know the assumptions some people here who think to know it ALL are making. Assumptions that after all apply to themselves and their readings and not to everyone else.
I never thought a simple reading with a psychic could lead to such discussion, especially from certain individuals who seem to know more about Yona than Yona herself.

Is there ever a time when you're not abrasive?  Scroll past the conversation if you aren't interested.

I was kind of wondering the same thing -- ummmm...  Fairly certain no one is actually MAKING you read a specific post so BYE!  Why are you wasting time posting negatively on stuff that people are clearly interested in engaging in?   Have you nothing else to do?

I was just about to reply to this post and tell her why she doesn’t get off this site then. Problem solved

Offline Angel22

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5021 on: July 21, 2020, 07:48:06 PM »
I agree that 99.9% psychics are scammers. But my question is specifically about Yona or if anyone has actually encountered true psychics from their experiences..

So I have a question about Yona which is not related to predictions or interpretations and this would be a bit off topic. I know many people here say that Yona is legit and has a gift. But I was talking to my friend the other day who is new to this psychic world and perhaps does not believe in all this psychic readings, spirits, spirit guide etc. He is an engineer and more into associating life from a scientific point of view. For him, spirits or after life does not exist and that would be another topic altogether but, I do agree with some of the stuff he justified. I opened up to him about Yona’s reading and how thousands of people believe in her readings and we ended up arguing over how her readings are legit. But his entire point was there are many people who can do this and this is based on making educated guesses. I did tell him how can you make educated guesses by being so specific about the events in someone’s life. His response was that’s why so many of the predictions fail to happen and there are so many loopholes in a reading, something might end of working for someone and not working for someone. If I look back to my reading, even the major predictions have a chance of happening or not. If she is so legit why would there be so many discrepancies in the reading like only first set of predictions work, second reading is not that accurate and so many other questions discussed on this thread. According to him she is a human like us and should not be having any other supernatural powers or abilities and if she has then probably we should do some MRI of her brain, lol. So our common understanding was that how exactly do these readings occur and work? What is the process? Has anyone seen her doing the readings and when she sees things in the crystal ball? How can we be so sure that she is legit by just basing it on how many predictions have passed and what she is correct about more than understanding how the process works and if you have to explain it to someone who does not believe in all the spirit stuff can you actually make them believe in a logical way?

I am a firm believer that when questions are being asked to these so called psychics (aka scammers) what you get is 100% a lucky guess. "Will there be contact?" - Answer: Yes/No. 50/50 chance to get it right and then make up a time frame and if it is not right, well energy changed and free will was at a play. Then you have the style of "I don't give time frames because future is not set on stone".-  this is the modality of the scammerss who don't want to have to explain themselves when customers go back to them telling them that nothing came to pass in the time given. Stephanie Theresa is a good example of this. In addition, she tells you that she won't tell you what happens next!!! LOL. A joke to say the least!!! Of course, they will get it right sometimes (that is the 50/50 probability). This is all a game and scam.

But when you don't tell a psychic anything at all about yourself, when you don't ask a single question, tell me how they can get it right?

It is exactly like an exam. You can get a multiple choice test and surely you will get some answers right even if you don't have a clue, however if the test asks you to talk openly about a certain topic you won't be able to say anything unless you studied.

Offline Angel22

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5022 on: July 21, 2020, 07:52:03 PM »
Nothing wrong in discussing about everything related to a person the thread is meant for. That's why this it is called a forum - to discuss about everyone's experiences and not put any psychic on pedestal.
On a different note, Yona should probably put a Yona-ism dictionary on her webpage for reference..

Is anyone getting a migraine from this thread?
Not sure if a mere reading/psychic is being discussed here or some science where one has to get a Doctorate to understand (Doctorate in Yona's readings). I think even Yona herself wouldn't be able to explain or even know the assumptions some people here who think to know it ALL are making. Assumptions that after all apply to themselves and their readings and not to everyone else.
I never thought a simple reading with a psychic could lead to such discussion, especially from certain individuals who seem to know more about Yona than Yona herself.

Offline Angel22

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5023 on: July 21, 2020, 07:59:46 PM »
Interesting to know about your experience. I personally haven't had an experience with any paranormal stuff but somehow always feel there are things beyond the normal human existence. And being a scientist, I kind of have this ongoing battle between things which can be explained on a scientific basis on one hand and on the other hand which is unexplainable but does exist according to my opinion.

So I have a question about Yona which is not related to predictions or interpretations and this would be a bit off topic. I know many people here say that Yona is legit and has a gift. But I was talking to my friend the other day who is new to this psychic world and perhaps does not believe in all this psychic readings, spirits, spirit guide etc. He is an engineer and more into associating life from a scientific point of view. For him, spirits or after life does not exist and that would be another topic altogether but, I do agree with some of the stuff he justified. I opened up to him about Yona’s reading and how thousands of people believe in her readings and we ended up arguing over how her readings are legit. But his entire point was there are many people who can do this and this is based on making educated guesses. I did tell him how can you make educated guesses by being so specific about the events in someone’s life. His response was that’s why so many of the predictions fail to happen and there are so many loopholes in a reading, something might end of working for someone and not working for someone. If I look back to my reading, even the major predictions have a chance of happening or not. If she is so legit why would there be so many discrepancies in the reading like only first set of predictions work, second reading is not that accurate and so many other questions discussed on this thread. According to him she is a human like us and should not be having any other supernatural powers or abilities and if she has then probably we should do some MRI of her brain, lol. So our common understanding was that how exactly do these readings occur and work? What is the process? Has anyone seen her doing the readings and when she sees things in the crystal ball? How can we be so sure that she is legit by just basing it on how many predictions have passed and what she is correct about more than understanding how the process works and if you have to explain it to someone who does not believe in all the spirit stuff can you actually make them believe in a logical way?

I remember many years ago I emailed a local psychic in the country I migrated from. He told me to leave a number for him to call. It so happened that when he called I didnt hear the phone ring at all and my mom had just come home from work so I had to chain up the dog and open the gate and let her in on the verandah. I was having a healthy convo with my dog and my mom during this chore. When my mom drove up she asked me why i never answered the phone. She heard it ring but I didnt. When I came back in the house and checked the voicemail, i heard the entire convo I was having outside with my dog and my mom and I could hear scary demonic groaning in the background. I never got to talk to the psychic because he was murdered a few days later! ( his family said on the news that he predicted that he would have soon died a violent death) Most psychics are frauds! Thats a given. But there are strange spiritual powers at play in this universe that we will never understand!

Offline Angel22

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5024 on: July 21, 2020, 08:01:18 PM »
Great read, never knew such division even existed but I am curious what kind of experiments do they carry out to prove this kind of stuff..

I came to this thread to ask which type of reading is best for a first reading with yona lol the 30m or 50m but I saw the last few comments and had something to add.

I am not a fan of strictly tarot readers.... however.... sometimes it’s used as a tool to funnel clairvoyance.  Yes anyone can read tarot.  But some are better than others because of this I believe

I am a scientific analytical mind.  But it’s amazing when you can find places like the university of va med school having a division of perceptual sciences that have studies you can read yourself on this stuff .... or the cia documents on remote viewing and their findings that uri gellar was legit