Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 1985256 times)

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4860 on: July 13, 2020, 04:07:51 AM »
hi all, on the Knight of Wands, it's Yona's favorite romantic suit. Cups are usually flirtatious womanizers. Pentacles are good guys too-usually a bit withdrawn bookish types. I've had couple of suitors shown as Pentacles-they were all good genuine guys but I wasn't interested.
on Wands: the description given above, that is a character who is dynamic and energetic, who comes in and out of  your life quickly, is the generic one. Yona doesn't go by generic interpretations. For example, World for her only means foreign travel or something linked to a foreign country as opposed to 'conquering' as the conventional meaning implies.
However, her  interpretations aren't always totally at odds-so for her as well Wands are dynamic and energetic, who live in the moment. But they aren't necessarily immature or likely to have multiple affairs.
I can verify that her Knights of Swords is used to depict an angry or difficult man-like any guy can become a Swords if they are angry or flaring up but some men may be shown as KoSes-I've never had a romantic KoS shown but s/o's difficult ex may be shown as such. I've had colleagues or like random people in non romantic situations (ie, travel,, bureaucracy) shown as KoS.

Another thing-for her a suit can evolve into a Wands. like she told me about a guy she reads for who is a Wands but not yet matured to Wands. so I am not sure what suits evolve into Wands.

The female suits are quite different. Queen of Wands for me are usually good colleagues. I myself am shown as a Queen of swords, which is typically a single woman and or/ a woman who has a professional role. Queens of Cups are only shown for third parties-if you are a heterosexual female client or at least a female client currently interested in a man, and the man is also hetero or interested in women, then qoC is another female. I am not sure how it is for male clients or non binary or not-straight.

There's also the matter of how your PoI sees you. So while I am a Queen of Swords, it came up once that the old love interest of mine, the Knight of Wands, saw me as a Queen of Wands,  which Yona said is great news, b/c it means he sees you as the opposite gender parallel energy. Also I have a friend who reads with Yona and is also a Queen of Swords but when she is in a committed relationship she switches to Queen of Wands.

Lastly, the Kings are usually reserved for older men or in my case, mostly male colleagues who are senior. But if it's a Cups, it means an older man who is a suitor or love interest. not always-one time a landlord was shown as a King of Cups due to his blue eyes but wasn't romantic.
Paiges can be pets or kids. Yona can sometimes sense if it's a pet, and what type of pet-dog or cat-or if it's a child or teen. For example, the old Knight of Wand's brother showed up as Paige of Wands once, and one time his dog had shown up as a Paige of Wands:):)
And you guessed it-the person's family takes on the same suit.

as for astrological signs, yes, the classic interpretation is Wands is fire. The KoW is Pisces, so water energy but Yona once touched his card and informed me he must have fire in his chart-so that confirms the Wands equals fire alignment.
female Swords are air-I am, so is my friend, so that lines up.

hope this is helpful.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4861 on: July 13, 2020, 04:37:42 AM »
hi all, on the Knight of Wands, it's Yona's favorite romantic suit. Cups are usually flirtatious womanizers. Pentacles are good guys too-usually a bit withdrawn bookish types. I've had couple of suitors shown as Pentacles-they were all good genuine guys but I wasn't interested.
on Wands: the description given above, that is a character who is dynamic and energetic, who comes in and out of  your life quickly, is the generic one. Yona doesn't go by generic interpretations. For example, World for her only means foreign travel or something linked to a foreign country as opposed to 'conquering' as the conventional meaning implies.
However, her  interpretations aren't always totally at odds-so for her as well Wands are dynamic and energetic, who live in the moment. But they aren't necessarily immature or likely to have multiple affairs.
I can verify that her Knights of Swords is used to depict an angry or difficult man-like any guy can become a Swords if they are angry or flaring up but some men may be shown as KoSes-I've never had a romantic KoS shown but s/o's difficult ex may be shown as such. I've had colleagues or like random people in non romantic situations (ie, travel,, bureaucracy) shown as KoS.

Another thing-for her a suit can evolve into a Wands. like she told me about a guy she reads for who is a Wands but not yet matured to Wands. so I am not sure what suits evolve into Wands.

The female suits are quite different. Queen of Wands for me are usually good colleagues. I myself am shown as a Queen of swords, which is typically a single woman and or/ a woman who has a professional role. Queens of Cups are only shown for third parties-if you are a heterosexual female client or at least a female client currently interested in a man, and the man is also hetero or interested in women, then qoC is another female. I am not sure how it is for male clients or non binary or not-straight.

There's also the matter of how your PoI sees you. So while I am a Queen of Swords, it came up once that the old love interest of mine, the Knight of Wands, saw me as a Queen of Wands,  which Yona said is great news, b/c it means he sees you as the opposite gender parallel energy. Also I have a friend who reads with Yona and is also a Queen of Swords but when she is in a committed relationship she switches to Queen of Wands.

Lastly, the Kings are usually reserved for older men or in my case, mostly male colleagues who are senior. But if it's a Cups, it means an older man who is a suitor or love interest. not always-one time a landlord was shown as a King of Cups due to his blue eyes but wasn't romantic.
Paiges can be pets or kids. Yona can sometimes sense if it's a pet, and what type of pet-dog or cat-or if it's a child or teen. For example, the old Knight of Wand's brother showed up as Paige of Wands once, and one time his dog had shown up as a Paige of Wands:):)
And you guessed it-the person's family takes on the same suit.

as for astrological signs, yes, the classic interpretation is Wands is fire. The KoW is Pisces, so water energy but Yona once touched his card and informed me he must have fire in his chart-so that confirms the Wands equals fire alignment.
female Swords are air-I am, so is my friend, so that lines up.

hope this is helpful.

Yona told me that a Queen of Cups isn't always a 3rd party, but can be a manipulative bitch if it comes up in a non love reading. In fact she told me I would take on traits of the QoC when going after my next position at work. Not a full blown bitch QoCs, but I would be a little strategic and maybe secretive about applying for the position to ensure the rug isn't pulled out from under me.

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4862 on: July 13, 2020, 05:34:20 AM »
@summertimesnow: how often do you relisten to your recorded Yona readings??

Fidget, thanks for the input. Very interesting insight about being shown as a QoC in a work setting. but yes that makes sense to me.
In love, yep they are manipulative women, or obstacles, another woman pursuing the love interest, or an ex. or in my friend's case turned out to be the guy's best female friend. and it can even be a family member like a sister who doesn't support the relationship.

Professor, great question. I've gone back and forth on it but in the past year or  so I pretty much only listen to the latest one or two once in a blue moon. it used to be a weekly thing. I typed up my last 5 readings dating back to '18 , all of which have pending predictions and will occasionally check if I want to see if I've got a prediction coming.

I think the readings are worth listening to if you highly suspect predictions are unfolding or are about to (if you hit the markers) but otherwise it ends up being frustrating.

Offline Piggynose

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4863 on: July 13, 2020, 11:58:47 AM »
Thank you all for the great information. Yona has never said what I am. Next time I read with her, I’m going to ask lol. I’m understanding my readings with her so much better now thanks to all of you that provided information. So, thanks again!
« Last Edit: July 13, 2020, 12:01:06 PM by Piggynose »

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4864 on: July 13, 2020, 05:23:23 PM »
Im under the impression she used to offer email readings. I wonder why she stopped offering them?

My first read with her was a Lenormand, January 2016. It still has not played out. I'd say about a third of it happened, but it had me settling down with a guy who is a friend and also getting another job offer-the latter I believe in. the guy, nope.

She won't offer them unless she scales back her readings. She's overwhelmed atm. She used to have a 2/3 weeks wait time and now that is up to 2 months. Neither has she cut back on her days that much. I did notice she used to read 5 days at one point and take a week day and Sat off.  and now she's reading 4 days. So Professor may be right that she's worn herself out and is cutting down, which lengthens her wait period. but things being this way, she won't do email reads.

Offline jolimano

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4865 on: July 13, 2020, 07:01:19 PM »
@summertimesnow: I enjoy picking your brain on Yona issues. I choose not to dm you because I think your answers are invaluable not only to me but for other members here. So, I will keep picking your brain until you have had enough. So my next two questions (one of which I asked already but I want to ask again since I felt you did an intellectual dance around the answer, lol) are:

1. In your experience or the experience of your friend that has also been reading with Yona for a while, has she ever been wrong or maybe not quite wrong but confused energies, or had the sequence of events jumbled?

2. Without any intellectual gymnastics this time around, lol, on a scale of 1-10 how confident are you that her long term predictions from your first reading with her will play out as she described? I need a literal number please. I insist, lol.

3. Just for fun lemme throw in a third question, has she ever flip flopped on any predictions? I am under the impression she does keep some notes.

4. To add more spice to the party, lemme add another question for you. Has Yona been the most accurate psychic you have read with? Any success with others? Local psychics maybe?

5. And as an appetizer lemme add a final question that has just come to me. Has Yona ever mentioned to you whether she reads for herself or whether she has someone else read for her? Im curious because Kisha once mentioned that the person who usually read for her has since passed away and she is extremely careful abt who she reads with.

I have nothing to add here, I just wanted to say that the way you worded your questions is hilarious lol.

Offline jolimano

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4866 on: July 13, 2020, 07:03:26 PM »
I recently had a reading with Yona and I really like her and I liked my reading. My outcome was positive though, so I'm little wary.

My question is, what card did she draw for you? For example, she saw me as the Queen of Swords, and saw a "rival" as the Queen of Cups. Is this pretty common?

Offline jqc103

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4867 on: July 13, 2020, 08:34:25 PM »
another question to pile on for summer  ;D

Yona said that the lenormand is more accurate in sequence... have you found this true? did most of the predictions happen in order?

Offline samantha87

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4868 on: July 13, 2020, 08:34:38 PM »
I recently had a reading with Yona and I really like her and I liked my reading. My outcome was positive though, so I'm little wary.

My question is, what card did she draw for you? For example, she saw me as the Queen of Swords, and saw a "rival" as the Queen of Cups. Is this pretty common?

She saw me as the Queen of Swords and she said she was the same because we held on too long.  And yeah my POI's ex is always a Queen of Cups.

Offline sexyp

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4869 on: July 13, 2020, 10:10:28 PM »
I recently had a reading with Yona and I really like her and I liked my reading. My outcome was positive though, so I'm little wary.

My question is, what card did she draw for you? For example, she saw me as the Queen of Swords, and saw a "rival" as the Queen of Cups. Is this pretty common?

She saw me as the Queen of Swords and she said she was the same because we held on too long.  And yeah my POI's ex is always a Queen of Cups.


Offline Nina710

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4870 on: July 14, 2020, 12:43:45 AM »
Here... waiting for summer’s response
! ❤️🧐 thank you all for your time on this forum.. very helpful and live reading..

Offline Angel22

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4871 on: July 14, 2020, 12:56:34 AM »
In my reading Yona said - she sees me as a hermit currently , being independent managing things on my own and said she liked it. But also mentioned that if the hermit comes at the end of the reading that means single forever, if it comes in between the reading it would be for the current period or present.
As for the wands she did not give me any title, just said that I am shown as a hermit right now and sees me changing into queen of wands (according to her queen of wands is ambitious, multitasker and organized). I am not sure if there is anything else to describe queen of wands.. I wish she explained what exactly does queen of wands mean in terms of overall nature and life path and not just related to career and professional life.

Offline Piggynose

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4872 on: July 14, 2020, 01:22:29 AM »
Should I be worried that she has never said what I am?

Offline Hopeful2020

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4873 on: July 14, 2020, 01:46:29 AM »
In my reading Yona said - she sees me as a hermit currently , being independent managing things on my own and said she liked it. But also mentioned that if the hermit comes at the end of the reading that means single forever, if it comes in between the reading it would be for the current period or present.
As for the wands she did not give me any title, just said that I am shown as a hermit right now and sees me changing into queen of wands (according to her queen of wands is ambitious, multitasker and organized). I am not sure if there is anything else to describe queen of wands.. I wish she explained what exactly does queen of wands mean in terms of overall nature and life path and not just related to career and professional life.

She said I was showing as the hermit as well. "That doesn't mean you're cutting yourself off from humanity, or that there is loneliness ahead of you, it just means that you are tough enough to do this your way."

Offline jolimano

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4874 on: July 14, 2020, 01:53:18 AM »
Should I be worried that she has never said what I am?

Lol piggynose probably not. It's better than her telling everyone the same thing, I think.