Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 1986078 times)

Offline Jeninmd2

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4770 on: July 03, 2020, 11:39:35 PM »
Sorry, I am sure this has been asked before.  I am struggling to find the answer in the 335 pages :)

I had my first reading with Yona today and wow, seems very on point for me.  One thing though - does she ever mix up energies?  I know anything is possible, but without getting into too much detail, I have 2 POI’s and she basically said there is a third one coming that I’d probably choose.  The thing is she told me he has the same profession as my POI #2, which is not something super common (although not totally uncommon).

I know all the POI’s sound bad, there is more to the story :P

Anyway, I really enjoyed the reading.  She got a lot of stuff right.

Hi Kayrid - I have been reading with Yona for several years and yes, she has mixed up people/energies for me before.  I have had at least one instance of predictions she thought would happen with one person actually happening with another person (both people were showing up in the reading and the events happened, just not with the person she thought).

Offline maggs30

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4771 on: July 03, 2020, 11:54:24 PM »
My reading in May she thought it was my ex Alex but no she saw my ex husband and predictions passed with him. Mind you none were good for me. Him trying to come back and still being a pathological liar.

Offline bonba

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4772 on: July 06, 2020, 02:40:47 AM »
just had a top up reading with Yona . she was very generous with timing but I dint like that she goes round and round and not very straight forward or can not relate the events she see . it was a little allm over the place . it got more specific and she progressed with reading but some things that she said did not quiet make sense . specially thing with my location abd moving in future snd POI as well . she picked up on something she did not last time and so she told me something opposite . but this time it appeared in my card sth wasnt there .

Offline jz507

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4773 on: July 06, 2020, 12:02:50 PM »
Looking forward to my third reading with Yona in August. All three readings will be 6 months apart and that seems to be a a good strategy since my cards are slow moving. I will no longer read with any other psychic. The other big hitters have been very wrong for me. Because they seem to work so well for others, I kept reading with them over and over hoping they would be just as spot on for me. But they have been wrong. Everytime I get a reading, the good things are always a few months away or next year. Its never now, and the timelines kept passing. And i kept trying to fit small things into what I think they meant, to feel like I had a connection like other users. Regarding poi, I kept hearing they will reach out either in 7 days or a few months. All wrong. Yona was the only one who said I have an 18 month to 2 year wait, it wont be  anytime soon! Well she was right. August will make it one year in her 18 month to 2 yr timeframe.

I learned something the other day from a user on here. She said you should test your connection with a psychic with short term predictions. Yona is the only one that has been right. In my first reading she said expect a negative financial hit. It happened a few weeks later. In my second reading, she said I will be intervieing with an obnoxious arrogant man who wont give me a chance. It happened a few days after the reading. I had a reading with another top reader months before the event who said i would be interviewed by a woman and it would be favorable. Turns out she was dead wrong and it was a man who interviewed me and it wasnt favorable. Last time i read with her i felt as if she was tired of me asking abt my poi. So i wont bother her again.

So yea. I guess it all comes down to connection. All the rave reviews dont mean a damn!!!! I tried the popular ones and was left wondering if something was wrong with me caz i just couldnt get the results others got. And what never made sense to me is how some users can say a particular psychic is always spot on with them and nailing this and that, yet they are on every other thread reading with other psychics. Well, for me, only Yona has worked for me so Im now tired of even bothering to try any others. Only she has passed the short term predictions test. So I wont read with any one else. Tired of hearing the good is coming next month, then the next then the next. Its never now! I personally have never got a reading where I heard, this week or next week expect a breakthrough. Its never now. The one psychic who recently predicted my poi would reach out no later than  a couple of weeks after the reading was just as tragically wrong as the others!

It is a blessing to have reached this stage on the journey. The temptation to get excited by rave reviews and to try other psychics is pretty much dead. So I dont have to worry abt wasting money any longer! Dont give a damn who wants to say im a Yona cultist. The fact is, only she has truly worked for me! For all the others, only minor, extremely insignificant things have passed. The meaningful career and love predictions have been tragically wrong!!

So for now, for me, Yona it is!

OMG I actually feel the same way but still have hope on other readers like you said due to the reviews...Should've only stick to Yona

Offline serenejoy

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4774 on: July 06, 2020, 01:43:55 PM »
I said no readings in July but Yona is definitely my first stop once August rolls around. I had a great reading with PD who seemed to pick up well on my situation- so i'll see how July goes and try Yona next  ;D

Offline serenejoy

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4775 on: July 06, 2020, 01:54:10 PM »
Has anyone ever tried the spellwork from Yona? can you share your experience if so?  :)

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4776 on: July 06, 2020, 05:20:51 PM »
I have indeed tried her spellwork since I have such a good connection with her. It was a general petition both times,, one worded more strongly toward finding love, and another more about romance and flirtation. I activated both myself springs of '18 and '19 respectively.
Unfortunately, nothing changed and nothing happened that wouldn't have happened. Sure, I had fun and flirtation in '18 but that was already in operation and '19 was a complete flop and disappointment, as is '20 (in case one were to argue the '19 petition is still active). Keep in mind, this wasn't for a specific person .
To be fair to Yona, she did agree to cast but told me that the cards told her that my romantic life could not be sped up. She said the petition could make things smoother, and that I'd have an easier time recognizing potential. But there was no potential and no one to recognize.
I have tried other general casters , one whom people raved about (Yaya) and in all cases, have had general castings, with no one in mind-every time casters promised success, auspicious signs, and no change, no result beyond the forever loop of the apps.

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4777 on: July 06, 2020, 05:26:48 PM »
Oh and @Professor,

Same here, every time I get a reading, the good stuff is always far far ahead .In Yona, it doesn't begin till at least the end of the first layout (at best, ) but the pathbreaking stuff is always at the end of the final layout.
The first set of predictions she has always happen-always . The only time she'd had an exciting prediction for me was a prediction about my then love interest coming to my home or me going to his. I had gone to his, 3 weeks after the reading.

I have booked a top up for end of August and I am keeping fingers crossed the first prediction is an exciting one-and I mean really exciting and not just an app guy type of stuff-.. And please no more Towers-though I think I've exhausted my own Towers by now!
But yea I do the same, I read every 5/6 months. She hasn't said my cards are slow moving, and the non-love ones do move, but as I said the pathbreaking stuff is always forever ahead and we can't get there.

Offline Tzwilson84

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4778 on: July 06, 2020, 05:40:35 PM »
I had a reading with Yona at the end of April. She told me that I would be relocating in late spring early summer 2021.

In the end of my reading....she said that I was one of the few who didn't ask for time frames. She also said that my cards were not slow moving cards. She gave me a 3 to 6 month window. Im confused 😕. My first prediction isn't until next year, but that would not fall into a three to 6 month window. Has anyone had her say this to them? Or similar?

And how long should I wait in average before I read ot book another reading with her.

Kisha also gave me the same time frame for the relocation.

Offline Piggynose

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4779 on: July 06, 2020, 07:20:45 PM »
I had a reading with Yona at the end of April. She told me that I would be relocating in late spring early summer 2021.

In the end of my reading....she said that I was one of the few who didn't ask for time frames. She also said that my cards were not slow moving cards. She gave me a 3 to 6 month window. Im confused 😕. My first prediction isn't until next year, but that would not fall into a three to 6 month window. Has anyone had her say this to them? Or similar?

And how long should I wait in average before I read ot book another reading with her.

Kisha also gave me the same time frame for the relocation.

Yona told me that my cards were not slow moving but yet here we are almost two years later and I’m still waiting lol

Offline jqc103

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4780 on: July 06, 2020, 07:39:52 PM »
yona in fact did tell me my cards were slow moving even though she mentioned right after "but I think this is moving forward quite quickly". lol almost 3 years now  ;D :(

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4781 on: July 06, 2020, 08:34:33 PM »
When Yona says a couple of weeks, it's often at least months later, if not a year later that the cards begin. Even the financial demise ,,and budget concerns,, she picked out in May 2019 as 'a few weeks later', turned out to be a good one year later. That said, other events in that reading did move-some good ones in there as well , for example that I'd get an invite by a friend and give a talk in a city, that a love interest would visit my home (another one of those) -all those happened but the budget situation didn't arise until after covid.

truth be told, I often book top ups to see what is coming up in the first layer. Most all else, I kind of discount as not happening any time soon-by which I mean at least a year, but beyond the first layout, it's most likely several years.
Case in point, I have predictions from my 2017 cards that never happened-am I waiting on them now? I don't know. maybe so.

I truly wish you could pick and choose between her reading several years ahead with a lot of dramatic good stuff vs reading just the next year say, but without much happening. And not for lack of trying-she has tried multiple times via lenormand to keep it focused on 6 months, to impose a sequence. and it fails every time.
19 months later in one particular Lenormand when she saw some bad news from a lady friend followed immediately by a romantic approach from a Cups fella, still no such news, and no Cups.

Offline samantha87

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4782 on: July 06, 2020, 08:40:06 PM »
Yona mentioned that my cards were "buzzy" despite the pandemic.  But any timing with her is tricky since I've had timing work out at least twice with her.

Offline tellmewhy

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4783 on: July 06, 2020, 09:35:56 PM »
Possibility! First prediction regarding a lady I have met or yet to meet happening in a week or two, handle her with care so you can progress in career, Feb 2017 happening now, Transition happened February 2020. If anyone is waiting because Yona said weeks, months forget it and live your life, prediction is likely to happen but could take years.I love Yona and still my number 1, after 7 years with her I have good understanding on how she operates. My experience is just mine, she told a friend last year she was moving last summer, the friend is moving this summer, your story and how you move will be different from others so don't compare. After years of trying to decode her, I decided not to do that anymore because one size doesn't fit all.
 Ps: Even if she says the cards goes up to 6 months, don't trust her because she specifically told me the cards don't tell her the days nothing is happening and she takes guess, also if you are doing same old same old, the cards jump to the next significant event that something is happening so how do anyone expect to trust her timing?
So are guys telling me that because she said my cards were slow moving and it has been one year, means I have 7 more years to go??? 😙😙 lol
« Last Edit: July 06, 2020, 09:42:04 PM by tellmewhy »

Offline massine

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4784 on: July 06, 2020, 10:36:59 PM »
Had my reading with Yona and I'm beyond impressed! I really liked her!
Got a blast from the past coming back which could only be one of my exes as I'm friends with the other two, and they're so different to my last ex which Yona described perfectly. He's the only one I don't speak to and she picked up that he'll come back and speak to me, and she picked up his very peculiar traits which are linked with his OCD! She was so incredibly kind and funny and absolutely got my current situations nailed, and they're not common situations to be in!
She was really concerned about my finances but didn't go into detail so I explained to her I'm a student and my finances won't be good for a good number of years lol!
I enjoyed her reading a lot! She was so on point!

