Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 1988607 times)

Offline Nina710

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3675 on: February 11, 2020, 07:13:35 PM »
User5942- thank you for your feedback...

Offline Smiley1

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3676 on: February 12, 2020, 12:56:30 AM »
Everyone needs to try and stop comparing and analysing and trying to make things fit to them.

Yona is a great reader but her predictions take time and more often than not it isn't even in your life right now.

She told me for 3 years my predictions were about someone in my life already, we had an ongoing connection that we already had and we were known to each other.  He was in my life already.

At that time I had one POI only nobody else, there never was anyone else and I was so sure it was this one POI and the description fitted.

Move forward 3 years every single one of her predictions happened with someone I only met last year.  I did not know them 3 years ago let alone have an ongoing relationship.

Also it is worth noting that because of these readings and my assumptions I did not let go of the possibility of my first POI coming back into my life for nearly 2 years, he was the only man I had ever loved and It had to be him full stop. 

I wasted two years analysing and waiting for Yona's stuff to happen only to find out that it happened with someone else and I am glad it did happen with the other person as POI number one was a waste of time and energy.

Just let the predictions flow in and stop trying to work it all out and what it means you will be wrong anyway and what a waste of time trolling through other peoples experiences when you can be out there enjoying yourself.

Professor, never had spell work but I have read it doesnt really work in so far as it will work but the relationship doesnt last because it is pushed together rather than allowed to happen.

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3677 on: February 12, 2020, 01:03:11 AM »
i apologise in advance if this is somewhere on this thread and I have missed it before anyone tells me off  :-\ :-\ :-\. has yona ever changed decks in a reading for anyone e.g diff deck or lenormand or any other? if so, please inbox me if you can't share on the thread. thank you

Offline Piggynose

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3678 on: February 12, 2020, 01:11:57 AM »
Yes, she changed the deck of cards with me and she said it was to verify what she was getting before.

Offline lanlingyu

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3679 on: February 12, 2020, 01:22:01 AM »
my predictions have been happening but not the way I expected.  At first, I thought guy #1 was my life-long partner, based on the phrases she used.
After we broke up,  I came here and asked around.  People told me those phrases didn't mean what they usually meant.

Romantic breakthrough = breakup (my experience)
ongoing connection = you know this one already
hold hand = dating but only dating no commitment
you have a choice = yes, I had a choice but not the way I thought I would  (a choice between guy #1 who was not commitment oriented and guy #2 who I just could not marry because I knew I would end up divorcing in 3 months) 

Hmm I guess I’ll just have to see how things play out. Lucky your predictions have been happening! Mine seem to be extremely slow moving especially in the love life department  :-[

Although I guess she warned me of this in my first reading back in 2017... ten of wands, things won’t move as fast as I want to. That card has come up multiple times too in my readings lol ugh

Hi when Yona mentioned this “ongoing connection” thing to me during my reading about guy #1,  she did not mention ten of cups.   She only said “holding hands”.  That is it.  I don’t know which card is “holding hands.”   This reading took place in 05/2018.   And she did mention that this thing would be "on and off" in the reading. we dated briefly in 2018 and last contact 12/2019.

Then in 11/2018,  she saw another men showing up in my reading (guy #2).  She mentioned 10 of cups but she said it was still far away and I was only half way through.    I met guy #2 in 03/2019,  he wanted to get married but I don't feel like we were well suited so I broke it off in 10/2019.  Then in 12/2019,  she mentioned 10 of cups and said it ll  happen late spring early summer.   She said this ten of cups is not associated with the “ongoing connection” person (guy#1) nor guy #2.   Interestingly,  QOC also mentioned “a serious relationship “ in a reading in 12/2019.  I have read with QOC for about 17 years and she never mention anything even remotely close to "a serious relationship." so I think this upcoming one must be dead serious.  LOL

In my experience,  nothing significant happened.  No commitment. Just dating turned into friendship (platonic since I don’t do fwb).   Then faded away eventually.  But no hard feelings because I was not that attracted in the first place and I was the one who decided to leave.  Started 3/2018 and last in contact 12/2019. 

this kind of worries me. In my very first reading, yona mentioned someone that I would be in an exclusive relationship with. She said this was a good relationship, she saw ten of cups, hand holding, all of that but she also mentioned "ongoing connection" regarding this person. She said that this isn't a fling. This reading was 3 years ago so we'll see what happens... still no relationship lol

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3680 on: February 12, 2020, 02:06:47 AM »
Everyone needs to try and stop comparing and analysing and trying to make things fit to them.

Yona is a great reader but her predictions take time and more often than not it isn't even in your life right now.

She told me for 3 years my predictions were about someone in my life already, we had an ongoing connection that we already had and we were known to each other.  He was in my life already.

At that time I had one POI only nobody else, there never was anyone else and I was so sure it was this one POI and the description fitted.

Move forward 3 years every single one of her predictions happened with someone I only met last year.  I did not know them 3 years ago let alone have an ongoing relationship.

Also it is worth noting that because of these readings and my assumptions I did not let go of the possibility of my first POI coming back into my life for nearly 2 years, he was the only man I had ever loved and It had to be him full stop. 

I wasted two years analysing and waiting for Yona's stuff to happen only to find out that it happened with someone else and I am glad it did happen with the other person as POI number one was a waste of time and energy.

Just let the predictions flow in and stop trying to work it all out and what it means you will be wrong anyway and what a waste of time trolling through other peoples experiences when you can be out there enjoying yourself.

Professor, never had spell work but I have read it doesnt really work in so far as it will work but the relationship doesnt last because it is pushed together rather than allowed to happen.

The thing of it is, is this.  If these readers are reading years out, then eventually you’ll meet someone who will fit the description, get that new job, make a move to a different area etc....  That stuff just happens during your life for most people, especially if you’re younger and not settled yet. 

When I read with Yona years ago in 2010, I had no idea she read out so far in advance.  She nailed two minor predictions for me that happened within 6 months.  A fight with a co-worker was accurately described.  And I went to the Hospital for a minor injury and got stitches shortly after the reading. 
While that was cool that predicted those things, it didn’t really make a difference in my life.  I never worked with that colleague again, so it wasn’t at all important.  And I still would’ve stepped on that rock while snorkeling, regardless of her prediction. (She didn’t say how I’d be injured or what the injury was-just minor hospital visit). I did ask about a POI at the time, and she said our story wasn’t over, but I sort of harangued her into talking about him.  He didn’t just come up.  He did come back into my life in a bizarre way in 2013, and she didn’t have any specifics on our relationship. 

I read with her again in December and she did make some specific love predictions about a new guy, but it was pretty far out.  She didn’t seem to know whether I knew the person already or not, and jumped around a lot.  It almost sounded like two different guys, although she didn’t say that. 
I’ve read with 3 of the popular ones from the board now, and I’ll come back if anything manifests. 

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3681 on: February 12, 2020, 08:48:47 AM »
ongoing connection = you know this one already
I really don't :( what does it mean ?

Offline Piggynose

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3682 on: February 12, 2020, 12:04:00 PM »
It means something casual like a FWB situation but nothing committed or exclusive

Offline user5942

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3683 on: February 12, 2020, 01:01:27 PM »
The relationship stuff is tough

But I do have to say, when her predictions happen the details are insane

She floored me how exact she can be on future events, how I’d feel, and the situations around them that I don’t question her gift and that she is indeed a fortune teller

In my last two readings, she described that “I won’t be committing myself just yet” to someone

I’m prepared that I won’t get the “boyfriend girlfriend” deal and it will more than likely be a casual relationship

But she did straight up tell me, not commitment quite yet


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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3684 on: February 12, 2020, 05:26:06 PM »
all this talk about Yona terms now has me questioning things lmfao. Has Yona ever told someone that the cards are telling them to give POI a chance and also to be patient? Also the cards are telling them that them and POI are not ready to partner up yet?

Yona told me that before a turning point(crossroad) I am hermit consider single but after the turning point my relationship status alters but it doesnt just happen by one talk or one meet up she said that it happens after a series of events so I thought it could be POI since we have had talks and meet ups but its talking a while but then Yona has said that I will be meeting someone else and that Im not attracted to them physically but more so attracted to there mind and then in another reading Yona said that new guy is a proper contender she said he is more sorted then POI and that he will flirt with me but I wont flirt with him and that I am loyal to POI but to be honest I am not loyal to him at all. If I find someone attractive I am going to flirt or do w.e

Offline Jili1945

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3685 on: February 13, 2020, 05:44:30 AM »
The relationship stuff is tough

But I do have to say, when her predictions happen the details are insane

She floored me how exact she can be on future events, how I’d feel, and the situations around them that I don’t question her gift and that she is indeed a fortune teller

In my last two readings, she described that “I won’t be committing myself just yet” to someone

I’m prepared that I won’t get the “boyfriend girlfriend” deal and it will more than likely be a casual relationship

But she did straight up tell me, not commitment quite yet

What joy if she turns out to be right for me too. Its already been nearly 2 years with no communication. And she has made it clear in her prediction that when my poi does reach out its not all roses and peaches, there will be commitment issues. I dont mind the struggles part as long as they are in my life. What joy if she ends up being right for me too.

I am on the same boat Prof :) She does insist that he will be back, but no sign of it. And it's nearly 2 years :)

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3686 on: February 13, 2020, 02:34:48 PM »
Just had a thought about Yona readings, as I read through mine after having ignored them for a while.

There has been a lot of discussion about when she says things like 'this is someone known to you already,' or 'this has happened already' and we come back and say 'well no, I didn't know this person at the time of the reading.' So I'm wondering whether she actually means you know that person, or some event has already transpired, not at the time of the reading (actual date) but a time in the future, that she's seeing in the reading? E.g. I have a reading today and she says 'X has already happened' and I know it hasn't - maybe she's talking about March 2021, a future time when the reading will apply? I'm trying to decipher something in my last reading and thought of this possibility.

This may have been addressed on this thread but it has been ages since I went through all the pages.

Yes, I think that's exactly what she means. You don't know the person at the time of the reading, but you meet them in the future. Then when the prediction happens, "you know this person already."

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3687 on: February 13, 2020, 04:00:13 PM »
It's been my experience that readers are shown things that do happen. With whom is another matter. Unless you're given a specific name they can not tell the difference between them. Nor can they tell if it is new or a past energy. They can make mistakes in their interpretation of things. Ie, we can all read a book and see a film and come away with a different meaning.  The problem is us... Relying too much on readers and expecting answers to our whole lives.

Year ago people would have readings one in a blue moon in person with a local reader. Since the internet we have access 24-7 to a wide variety of sites offering all kinds of services.  I still think general reading are by far the best, they flow naturally and not forced answers.

I've had tons of general predictions happen from Yona. She once described a dark eyed man I would have to travel to and have a meeting about money. She said this person had his hands over his ears and was not a nice person... It turned out to be my son, I drove home from work, when I got home we had a heated discussion over finances and he was not nice about it and he wouldn't listen to me. Was she wrong? I would say not.

Just because you assume it someone doesn't mean it is and if it isn't you can't blame reader.

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3688 on: February 13, 2020, 04:04:55 PM »
I completely agree with this, actually

I have noticed that from my reading with her in last February, my "current situation" cards, before she actually starts with predictions and the ones that she believes are non-predictive, match my CURRENT life happenings NOW A YEAR LATER.

She described a King of Swords who is a man that is difficult and challenging. I am losing patience with them and there is a lack of flexibility. They are a personal connection and known to me.

What is happening: A guy I have been casually seeing since September is very difficult and challenging. While he is nice and smart, he disappears due to his work and is what I would call emotionally unavailable. I don't get to see him a lot, and he even refers to himself as selfish. I do not expect a relationship with him, but I do wish I saw him more since I like his company. It is a personal connection since we are intimate.

The predictions from that reading are also matching what is happening, along with predictions from my July reading with the same guy. I posted about it in my last post and how he updated me on an important client signing with him

Just had a thought about Yona readings, as I read through mine after having ignored them for a while.

There has been a lot of discussion about when she says things like 'this is someone known to you already,' or 'this has happened already' and we come back and say 'well no, I didn't know this person at the time of the reading.' So I'm wondering whether she actually means you know that person, or some event has already transpired, not at the time of the reading (actual date) but a time in the future, that she's seeing in the reading? E.g. I have a reading today and she says 'X has already happened' and I know it hasn't - maybe she's talking about March 2021, a future time when the reading will apply? I'm trying to decipher something in my last reading and thought of this possibility.

This may have been addressed on this thread but it has been ages since I went through all the pages.

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3689 on: February 13, 2020, 04:10:43 PM »
I think thats a stretch. If she says you know them already but at the time of the reading you dont, it means she was simply wrong. Otherwise she would say we know everybody already since all readings are for future events.

Then it’s not a stretch to say she predicts the right situations with the wrong people. It’s happened to most of the board. You may think she’s talking about your current POI, but 9 times out of 10 the energy is mixed up and is someone else.

So let’s go ahead and just say she’s 50% then. Right on events wrong on whom it will be. 🤷🏻‍♀️

