Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 1997416 times)

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3075 on: November 19, 2019, 01:59:51 AM »
Hey I have a random question as I had my top up with yona but it was a half read as a lot of my last read hadn’t played out

When I chose a pile , the top card was “ end of year “.

Does that mean the stuff she told me would play out by then ? She said she felt it was 6-8 weeks but then I guess I just listened to it back and saw my top card was that and I’m not sure what that top card usually represents .

Thanks - I just logged in to ask this lol

Offline maggs30

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3076 on: November 19, 2019, 02:15:16 AM »
Was it the first non predictive or the first predictive? From my understand the non predictive are just your mental and emotional state at that time. Maybe like you aren't looking much past the end of the year.
Mine was the moon the heart of my reading. I am thinking deeply crossed by the page of cups. Deep thoughts are emotional thoughts ideas and plans. And the wheel of fortune my changes aren't done yet and it includes work and home. I'm still looking at the long term. She then told me I have a good foundation and no emotional lessons.

Offline diamondcanadian

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3077 on: November 19, 2019, 02:36:24 AM »
It was my first ones she said . She said the tower was my shadow card so that was coming up over the whole time of my read , so that was predictive at least ?

Jsut don’t get what she means by top card . I’m hoping it means this short read will play out by end of year hahaha

Offline maggs30

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3078 on: November 19, 2019, 02:59:20 AM »
It was my first ones she said . She said the tower was my shadow card so that was coming up over the whole time of my read , so that was predictive at least ?

Jsut don’t get what she means by top card . I’m hoping it means this short read will play out by end of year hahaha

Sorry but those are non predictive then including the tower lol but if the tower is your shadow card yikes! The good news is a top up should move pretty fast. Shadow is the theme really of what's going on from my understanding so its kind of saying you are going to have a rough patch. So probably a rough patch until Jan. Others may know more but that's what I understand it to be. What card was it that she called end of the year?

Offline tshine17

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3079 on: November 19, 2019, 03:59:34 AM »
Random but just wanted to thank y’all! If I hadn’t found this site and your posts I would be clueless regarding who to check out. I doubt I would’ve found Yona or Kisha on my own. Thanks for posting about your experiences and providing feedback! We newbs appreciate it!

Offline kdspirited

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3080 on: November 19, 2019, 06:03:05 AM »
Danget man!

2 things....Just to keep perspective...

1. Just because there wasn’t a tower in your reading doesn’t mean that something sudden, unexpected wouldn’t still happen. So even if you didn’t get a tower, there are events that could still happen that she didn’t pick up that would be considered a’s happened many many times because she can’t see everything

2. No one has control of towers...if we are speaking explicitly. They are sudden uncontrollable events. So honestly who the heck knows what she meant by that...and if you didn’t have a tower in your’s really confusing. This one you may have to let play out and then see the “ah hah” moment when it happens. You would be going in circles trying to figure this out, and then realize that what ever was thought up didn’t happen the way you thought anyway lol

And thirdly...yep one more point

The shit probably isn’t even significant lol. Sorry...that’s how her predictions roll sometime. I know you are a fan of Kisha I believe....I would literally make sure you read with Kisha when you read with Yona because they tend to say the same stuff and with Kisha you can get a better picture of what Yona is getting at. That’s been my experience😉

Ok, Yona fans...can someone explain this to me:

Yona said regarding my KOW (POI) that he is returning with an apology and an explanation and that she is relieved to see him because he is getting rid of your tower.

1) There was no tower in my actual reading, so is that a future tower or a past tower? Like, what if he decides "nope, not going back there"? I get a tower?? Wtf...
2) How can someone else's actions (or inactions) determine MY tower. Shouldn't I be in control of my own freakin' towers? I mean, there's no tower in my reading. If he doesn't come back, then a tower suddenly appears? It's really confusing.

Have at it kids. What would you make of this? I had to relisten a few times and these are her exact words. Seems that he has some power here and I'm not liking it. Thanks!

I love Kisha, but unfortunately nothing regarding love ever happened the way she said for me. Career and family yes, love nope.

Leanne and Kate Marquez said the same as as Yona regarding the reconnect, but without the tower. Maybe I will just pretend I didn't hear that part. Lol

Fingers in your ears Fidget. If you can't hear it then it didn't happen. 😂

I don't know what I'm worried about. It's not like I ever had an actual love prediction come to pass. Of course, if one WERE to happen, it would be my luck to get the one with the tower. Lol

Fidget I think that him coming back will help you avoid something else that could potentially be worse. For your sake I hope its something minor. But like you said no one has ever gotten love predictions right on this forum. I am with you on this rocky boat as well girl.


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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3081 on: November 19, 2019, 06:32:16 PM »
Sorry to interrupt but something just occurred to me. I have said before on here that my life and situation has not gone anything like Yona said. Before even describing to me how things will go she said there is nothing bad at all and asked if this surprised me... well I am probably the lowest I have ever been.

I recalled just now her saying that there  is someone (a woman) he will try to cut ties with but they will not take it well/ won’t be as straightforward as he realises, but generally she’s not a concern. This confused me for a long time as there was nobody around at the time at all. It had been 3 months before me since he dated anyone and it wasn’t serious.

Well, to be honest, in reflection, that woman sounds like me and all that she predicted for me and him seems to apply to him and his new person. I don’t think they will part ways when he leaves like she said for us. And QoC18 says there will be a split and then they’ll  rekindle which is exactly what someone I trusted who is not Keen said. This sounds like the lead up to the break through she said she saw for us.  Both recent readers also said they won’t break up this year but he will still move by the end of the year. Is it possible this is what Yona has been seeing and actually her readings were about them and I am the insignificant obstacle?

I highly doubt it.  Yona connected to your energy.  For her to read you as being someone else when it comes to the majority of your reading is just way too convoluted and indirect.  I could be wrong, but that’s my humble opinion. 

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3082 on: November 19, 2019, 07:35:50 PM »
Sorry to interrupt but something just occurred to me. I have said before on here that my life and situation has not gone anything like Yona said. Before even describing to me how things will go she said there is nothing bad at all and asked if this surprised me... well I am probably the lowest I have ever been.

I recalled just now her saying that there  is someone (a woman) he will try to cut ties with but they will not take it well/ won’t be as straightforward as he realises, but generally she’s not a concern. This confused me for a long time as there was nobody around at the time at all. It had been 3 months before me since he dated anyone and it wasn’t serious.

Well, to be honest, in reflection, that woman sounds like me and all that she predicted for me and him seems to apply to him and his new person. I don’t think they will part ways when he leaves like she said for us. And QoC18 says there will be a split and then they’ll  rekindle which is exactly what someone I trusted who is not Keen said. This sounds like the lead up to the break through she said she saw for us.  Both recent readers also said they won’t break up this year but he will still move by the end of the year. Is it possible this is what Yona has been seeing and actually her readings were about them and I am the insignificant obstacle?

I highly doubt it.  Yona connected to your energy.  For her to read you as being someone else when it comes to the majority of your reading is just way too convoluted and indirect.  I could be wrong, but that’s my humble opinion.

Thank you. I’m inclined to agree. I think I’m just so shocked that she is so accurate for most people and has been totally wrong for me. I know some are of the view that maybe it’s not the right time she was seeing or it playing out differently to expected and I mean no disrespect at all to these opinions. However, as the person living it and what she related to me... the facts do not fit at all. It *does* feel like she was talking about someone else entirely.

Don't feel bad. She most definitely can be wrong. I've had the same thing happen with Cookie. I kept going back thinking maybe it will be better this time. Truth be told, nothing she said resonated. In fact, she seemed like she couldn't connect to me at all. I never got any real predictions except timeframes for movement, but she never told me what that movement really was.  So, bottom line, even those considered better readers can get it wrong or not connect.


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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3083 on: November 20, 2019, 04:14:37 PM »
alright so there has been a big movement in my situation and Yona made this prediction she expressed that POI will flirt with me and if I was receptive he will flirt more. This has happened and POi will be coming this weekend to my house. POI currently works in the IT field and he is good with computers , and he said he can show me somethings. I expressed to him that , that was a great idea and how I can use these skills to snoop on people. He then asked who I want to snoop on and I told him someone I have a crush on but is a secret. He then asked me to describe this person and how he was curious. So I described him of course lol to him but I tried not to make it obvious. He then expressed that he would like to meet this person and I expressed to him that he can't because I have not told the person that I like them yet. He then ask how he can help facilitate this to the person and I told him how I rather that person tell me how they feel about me instead of me telling them and I get rejected in the end. POI then stated  that they believe it will be hard for that person to reject me and that I was beautiful, smart and a successful woman and that he believes the guy would be stupid if he did and he expressed that sometimes things fall into place how they are supposed to be and I should just be upfront with them and take it from there and that odds are this person feels the same about me. Lastly, he said it was best for me to tell this person face to face. Now a big part of me feel that POI does not know I am talking about him but when I told my bff what happened she said he definetly does. I honestly was not expecting our situation to have move all of a sudden. Though Yona expressed that he will flirt with me and if  I was receptive it will happen more it sounded like other things were going to happen after that as well and it could take months. Also, according to Yona POI likes me but yet he is slow at processing his feelings. She also expressed that he is not going to leave his gf if he is not sure how I feel about him, he needs a push. She also expressed that I would cut him off due to what a friend tells me and that he will be resentful (but this event can be prevented) she also said that POI will eventually express his feelings to me but through text. But if he really knows that I am talking about him it seems like it will be face to face but idk maybe I'm just over thinking things. I will update on Sunday what happens

Offline ES1281

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3084 on: November 21, 2019, 12:23:10 AM »
alright so there has been a big movement in my situation and Yona made this prediction she expressed that POI will flirt with me and if I was receptive he will flirt more. This has happened and POi will be coming this weekend to my house. POI currently works in the IT field and he is good with computers , and he said he can show me somethings. I expressed to him that , that was a great idea and how I can use these skills to snoop on people. He then asked who I want to snoop on and I told him someone I have a crush on but is a secret. He then asked me to describe this person and how he was curious. So I described him of course lol to him but I tried not to make it obvious. He then expressed that he would like to meet this person and I expressed to him that he can't because I have not told the person that I like them yet. He then ask how he can help facilitate this to the person and I told him how I rather that person tell me how they feel about me instead of me telling them and I get rejected in the end. POI then stated  that they believe it will be hard for that person to reject me and that I was beautiful, smart and a successful woman and that he believes the guy would be stupid if he did and he expressed that sometimes things fall into place how they are supposed to be and I should just be upfront with them and take it from there and that odds are this person feels the same about me. Lastly, he said it was best for me to tell this person face to face. Now a big part of me feel that POI does not know I am talking about him but when I told my bff what happened she said he definetly does. I honestly was not expecting our situation to have move all of a sudden. Though Yona expressed that he will flirt with me and if  I was receptive it will happen more it sounded like other things were going to happen after that as well and it could take months. Also, according to Yona POI likes me but yet he is slow at processing his feelings. She also expressed that he is not going to leave his gf if he is not sure how I feel about him, he needs a push. She also expressed that I would cut him off due to what a friend tells me and that he will be resentful (but this event can be prevented) she also said that POI will eventually express his feelings to me but through text. But if he really knows that I am talking about him it seems like it will be face to face but idk maybe I'm just over thinking things. I will update on Sunday what happens

So excited lovefash! :)

Offline maggs30

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3085 on: November 21, 2019, 12:24:24 AM »
Can't wait for an update. So exciting.

Offline user5942

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3086 on: November 21, 2019, 01:30:23 AM »
This is an awesome update :)

thank you so much for sharing!

For those of you who haven’t had success with her, have you though about getting a top up of her readings have been more than 6 months ago?

People have reported back that things did happen when they lost hope...10 years after the reading...

Offline lavendermoonchild

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3087 on: November 21, 2019, 01:37:29 AM »
Does Yona do email readings?

Offline ES1281

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3088 on: November 21, 2019, 02:56:38 AM »
Does Yona do email readings?

Hi I don‘t think so:)

Offline sexyp

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #3089 on: November 21, 2019, 06:31:47 PM »
does anyone now what Yona means when she says you won't reach that crossroad until... what does that actually mean in a romantic context?

