Yes I think the thing with Yona is that she is a fortune teller
I don’t really think a lot of people know what that means
She can’t exactly target certain situations or people
But what she can do, is tell you things that will happen in the future. That’s the key - knowing things that she can tell you which will occur in the future.
They may be about people who are relevant now or 5 years from now.
Yona is also a fatalist, which is interesting. But just because you get a reading from her do not peg any specific people you necessarily know in the moment to her predictions. Things can take years, especially since she’s reading a fortune and think of how long our futures are unless anyone on this board is 80 years old
And, I don’t think that goes for just Yona. A lot of psychics may actually get specific things right way down the line that we just don’t know about yet. Heck, I’ve been close to people within the last six months that if you told me I’d have a whole new friend group a year ago, I probably wouldn’t have believed you
The best thing to do is just let. Things. Go. Live your life, and not dwell so much on these predictions
I’ve let my ex go who ruined my life for the past 2.5 years and I wasted all this time and money
Please don’t make the same mistake, and just take your present life for what it’s worth. Improve as much as you can - I think you have the ability to make your own happiness. Cut the crap out and take the trash out. Yona and kisha were right, but I should’ve taken into account the red flags that were happening all along