Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 1991162 times)

Offline aquagirl

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #2850 on: October 28, 2019, 01:59:05 AM »
I read with Yona last week, and admittedly I thought she was reading things that already ensued.  At the time, I had gotten back from seeing my ex and things had gone swimmingly, but Yona predicted I would be out of contact with him.  She also predicted a "small" tower as in something of an argument would happen where I would be struck by hurtful little arrows.

Well, my ex and I are not in communication again because I felt like he had blown me off.  He has since reverted to ignoring me and I just feel really fed up and done.  He already pulled this silent treatment beforehand, and I mean months of it.

While Yona also predicted my frustration, she picked up a trip I'll be taking (which would be the one with my ex in less than three weeks, highly doubt it'll happen now), she also told me to consider myself single, but that around a celebration, either Christmas or New Year's, that'll change.

As of right now, I think that would take a miracle.

What was his reasoning for going silent the first time? This doesn't make sense to me. I just don't understand why men do that. Do women ignore or blow off men, like men do?

Quite honestly they do.  I have done so. For the most part it's because i'm not interested, but when i have done so with someone i'm interested in, it was more of a reaction and going into a self protective mode, if that makes sesne.

Offline samantha87

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #2851 on: October 28, 2019, 01:41:46 PM »
I read with Yona last week, and admittedly I thought she was reading things that already ensued.  At the time, I had gotten back from seeing my ex and things had gone swimmingly, but Yona predicted I would be out of contact with him.  She also predicted a "small" tower as in something of an argument would happen where I would be struck by hurtful little arrows.

Well, my ex and I are not in communication again because I felt like he had blown me off.  He has since reverted to ignoring me and I just feel really fed up and done.  He already pulled this silent treatment beforehand, and I mean months of it.

While Yona also predicted my frustration, she picked up a trip I'll be taking (which would be the one with my ex in less than three weeks, highly doubt it'll happen now), she also told me to consider myself single, but that around a celebration, either Christmas or New Year's, that'll change.

As of right now, I think that would take a miracle.

What was his reasoning for going silent the first time? This doesn't make sense to me. I just don't understand why men do that. Do women ignore or blow off men, like men do?

It was a really complicated situation; someone screwed with us both mentally (meaning they tried to push me to suicide and tried to destroy his military career) and he ended up breaking up with me because of it.  He then disappeared for months, and then resurfaced before he was deployed.

This time around he disappeared because he was supposedly going through a hard time and needed some space, but why he didn't say any of this is beyond me.

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #2852 on: October 29, 2019, 12:33:19 AM »
OK. So first of all I think everyone's experience with Yona is different. Only a handful of my predictions have happened from my 3 readings, BUT THEY ARE EXTREMELY SPECIFIC PREDICTIONS.

I can say that the predictions that have happened HAVE BEEN SIGNIFICANT, ESPECIALLY THE ONES AROUND MAJOR CHANGES IN MY LIFE. So if they're not significant for you, then maybe they're NOT THE SPECIFIC EVENTS THAT YONA IS TELLING YOU AND YOUR PREDICTIONS JUST DID NOT HAPPEN YET. Nothing Yona said so far has seemed silly or mundane for me.

I don't want to sound like a broken record, but I have read with her on 3 different occasions. I think she's fascinating and her predictions can be like puzzles. Also, HER PREDICTIONS HAVE NOT BEEN HAPPENING IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER FOR ME. So, beware of that being a possibility.

1st reading - August 2018
2nd reading - February 2019
3rd reading - July 2019

I will state the predictions that have happened for me below from each reading. The one that has the least amount of predictions that happened is the 1ST READING FROM LAST AUGUST.

1st reading - August 2018
-Opening cards (what is currently going on around me, Yona says these are not predictive. ). I will point out that this reading was a year and 2 months ago, though it resonates with what is currently happening in my life now after the aftermath of situations that Yona predicted in July. DO NOT COUNT ON HER TIMING EVER, SHE THOUGHT ALL THESE EVENTS FROM THE FIRST READ WOULD HAPPEN OVER 4 MONTHS. I WOULD NOT BE SURPRISED IF THEY TAKE 4+ YEARS
            1. Nine of Swords - fear is worse than reality
            2. Queen of Swords - love life is really the only issue
            3. Tower - setback, things not working out.
            4. 5 of Pentacles - financial issues.

CURRENTLY HAPPENING NOW *** How this is accurate*** - I have recently been diagnosed with horrible anxiety. I have been having panic attacks and I also have a lot of anger built up with my POI, we will call him Fred. I have this horrible feeling I will die alone and never find anyone. I seem to not be able to escape Fred, and now his construction company is doing work in my parking lot at my job. It's really just fantastic. Everything in my life I am comfortable with, such as family and friends. I love my job, I got a degree. Finding love has really been the only thing I have been struggling with. I had my Tower back in July. Yona predicted this Tower and it happened a week after my reading with her. It was devastating, Fred and I were working on getting back together since we have been off and on for 2 years. Well, I was scrolling through Facebook and he updated his status as being in another relationship. I had no idea there was someone else, I can't explain the pain I felt along with the embarrassment. I thought he was genuine this time. This was a major *setback* as Yona stated, because I thought we were on the right track. I have been having money issues lately and have travelling quite a bit so my bank account is down drastically. I have been overspending on things and putting things on my account for my friends for travel plans. I just booked a 1400 dollar cruise and will also need to shell out money for 2 grad classes in the coming weeks. It's going to hit my bank by $5,000.

1st Prediction (in actual reading that Yona gave)- Hermit
       1. Putting a difficult situation behind me and staying single for a bit
       2. Spending time with friends

CURRENTLY HAPPENING NOW!****How this is accurate**** -[/b] The "difficult situation" is obviously my Tower. I am putting that behind me. The guy and everyone he associates with is blocked on everything, I need a total cleanse of him and do not want to see anything about him. Since August, I have made many plans with friends and am even expanding my social group. In August alone, I had 2 bachelorette parties. In September, I had a wedding, traveled to NYC twice, and had a bridal shower. I did not have any free weekends. Now in October, I went to 2 Penn State football games (college football is huge here in USA), traveled to Boston, and am going to NYC again next weekend. I have a bachelorette in November again and am going on a wine tour. I booked a cruise for February with my friends and another group of friends I have are currently planning on renting a mountain house for New Year's Eve.

****This is what I know happened so far from the first reading****

2nd reading - February 2019
-Opening cards (what is currently going on around me.) For right now I will say that this has been the most confusing reading, and predictions are happening very much out of place. It is confusing in the order of things, but not in the specifics that Yona stated.

                   1. King of Swords - Waiting on a personal connection with a brown-eyed individual. He is a challenge. You are
                    becoming inpatient. This man is known to you already and there is a lack of flexibility. Challenge that is working itself out.

                   2. Seven of Cups - Will what I want be worth it?

****How this is accurate*** - At the time of this reading, I was waiting for Fred to come back to me after I broke things off in June of 2018. A few days before this reading, he sent me a text out of the blue. I was waiting for him to follow up and it is an emotional connection, I love the guy. I did eventually lose my patience and I felt I gave way more than he did. I wanted him to be better than he was to me in the past, especially since he just initiated contact with me that came as a total surprise. I always feared that he would do the same thing to me and reel me in and then leave or stop contact. I was afraid of getting hurt, and that's where "Will it be worth it" comes into play.

1st Prediction (in actual order of reading that Yona gave)
              1. Ace of Pentacles - Hard work and effort. Persuaded by a dynamic individual. This person is not deceptive, I could
              lose money. part of my challenge. Not of caution. Part of me feels that this is risky. I'm not being won over by romantic talk.
              This will be a bit stressful and within weeks (lol) I will look at where I am living and having genuine concern. If I point it out it
              will be helpful and practical. There is a link to work.

              2. 2 of Swords - At least I would've pointed it out. Continuing to question.

HAPPENED IN SEPTEMBER AND SITUATION IS STILL OCCURRING ****How this is accurate**** - Recently, my best friend (we will call him Chad) who has blue eyes (also relevant) and I have been talking about going on a vacation with a group of friends to Florida in April. Now, my friends want to do this crazy trip that will end up costing us more money. Chad and I have talked about this, and pointed out the differences in costs of things to them multiple times. Chad and I have also been talking about getting an apartment together. Chad ended up not being able to go since his work changed companies and he no longer has the days to take. In order to go on this trip, we'd have to take 6 personal days of time off. My friends are still planning this trip, and there are still questions arising.

2nd Prediction to happen (this was not in the order that Yona gave)
                     1. Wheel of Fortune and 3 of Swords - things changing rapidly, life is picking up speed (the other prediction that is
                     looped with this one did not happen yet). Another man with brown eyes who knows this other guy (she is talking about
                     Chad) is being manipulative. He is not necessarily known to you already. He is being very nice to you, but he is deceptive.
                     His excuses are not genuine and I do not have to be rude or nasty.

HAPPENED. THIS SITUATION STARTED IN FEBRUARY AND ENDED IN SEPTEMBER. SEPTEMBER WAS WHEN THE MANIPULATION AND CRAZINESS WAS FINALLY REALIZED****How this is accurate**** Chad is gay. About 2 weeks after this reading, Chad started casually dating a brown eyed man named Tim. Tim was our waiter at a restaurant that Chad and I went to very close around this reading with Yona. Neither one of us knew Tim, but after the restaurant in a few days to come - Tim messaged Chad on a dating site. Chad and Tim then began dating. Tim would come around quite a bit and I got very close to him. I thought Tim was a great guy but he turned out to be MANIPULATIVE AND SLY. My friend Chad would not make their relationship official, and Tim would call me trying to get information out of me like how Chad felt about him. It put me in an awkward spot. I obviously had loyalty to Chad. To make a long story short, Tim went totally batshit crazy and threatened Chad. He tried to manipulate me into feeling bad for him and lied about things Chad would say or over exaggerate them. He made a big deal of it at his birthday dinner and then made Chad out to be a monster on social media. Tim deleted Chad and all his friends off social media. Tim sent me a message saying that "I was a wonderful friend to him during the time he knew me and is thankful for being able to get the opportunity to know me" but he "could not be my friend anymore because it would hurt too much and he would be reminded of Chad". This is complete bullshit, I know Tim just doesn't have use for me anymore and only wanted to get close to me to convince Chad that he was in with his best friends. This is where 3 of swords comes in - Tim was genuinely one of my friends during the time he was hanging out with Chad. I really did lose a friendship, and it hurt because I would confide in him things about my life. Tim would travel with us and I even invited him to the bachelorette I was hosting for a friend. Afterwards, come to find out Tim told one of my friends something that I said that was taken out of context and was said only to hurt our friendship. Tim is a snake, and now I see the truth. I am disappointed in the way it ended.

Shadow Card -
                             1. Justice -
Me getting a fair deal. I need to be more ruthless and ensure that I'm being treated fairly.
                             Sometimes I have to ask questions, I need to challenge this and assert myself. Setting healthy boundaries.[/color]

JUST HAPPENED LAST NIGHT ****How THIS IS ACCURATE**** So there is a guy named Luke and we have been talking since last month. We agreed our deal would be strictly sex. I had sex with on September 19th. We get along well, he's good in bed, cute, and I did worry if I kept having sex with him I would catch feelings. I am very physically attracted to him. Well, we haven't seen each other since then, but he texts me all the time. The week after, we planned for me to come over again and then he got sick. I asked him if that was all it was and that he could be honest with me if he just didn't want to see me again. He told me that that was not the case, and that he would be honest if he didn't want to see me. Now, he asked to see me and canceled 6 times because of "work". He is a CEO of an advertisement company, but I find it weird that something comes up with "work" a half hour before we're supposed to have sex. Last night, I told him how I felt. I've been avoiding it because I didn't want to be mean and want him around to have sex lol He texted me and said that he wouldn't be able to meet until after 10 and that he was frustrated and was sure I was too. I told him I was frustrated and that really if I was in a line up with other girls and if he really just did not want to see me it's ok, I could handle the truth and would completely understand. He told me that was not the case and that this is why relationships and hook ups don't work out for him. I explained that I put time aside to meet him, shower, redo my makeup, etc. and that it is annoying for him to cancel on me so last minute. He explained that he would be honest and that he doesn't even have the time to go through a rotation with women but if that does happen, he will tell me. We did not fight, but just spoke our sides. It was not a heated conversation, and he kept defending his job and that it was nothing he was doing to hurt me or be a dick about. He then said he would text me today if he was free and I just answered him "ok". But really, if he texts me tonight I won't answer.

3rd Reading - July 2, 2019
-Opening Cards (what is currently happening now). "Differences in opinions or disagreements".
                             1. 9 of Swords "Don't overthink and don't worry so much". "Nothing I can't deal with".
                             2. 4 of Cups - "Finding out who your friends are - talking about people you know already"
                                  *Ongoing situation with a female - further developments in that situation*

****HOW THIS IS ACCURATE**** In June, I had ended a friendship with one of my very good girlfriends. We will call her Kylie. Kylie and I had been friends for 3 years and traveled together and spent a lot of time together. Well, one of mine and Kylie's mutual friends got engaged. Kylie got very jealous over this because her boyfriend did not propose to her yet. Kylie was very mean to this mutual friend, and more and more we got to see how narcissistic Kylie was and that she was not a very nice person. She even made fun of this girl's ring not being a "big sized stone". After Kylie acting like an asshole again and again and only caring about herself. I eventually ended my friendship with her. The ongoing situation with a female was this engaged friend's mother, we will call the mother Vicky. I was asked to be in my friend's wedding and the wedding was September 7th. Vicky was absolutely horrible, a total monster to her daughter and her bridal party. I even saw Vicky hit my friend once. I could not do anything right and Vicky would be down my throat about every aspect of my friend's wedding. Vicky even made a huge problem with me since my friend wanted her guy friends invited to her bachelorette party. She continued to give me a hard time until the wedding was over, and she contributed to my recent diagnosis of anxiety. This was a year and 2 months I had to deal with this woman.

1st Prediction - The Tower (happened first and Yona saw it happen first). It could have happened already or it is about to happen. It is disruptive, it is a setback, but it is not the worst case Tower. This is stronger than disappointment and a betrayl of trust and stress. It is almost immediate and you are stressssssssssed by this and there is a feeling of a betrayl of trust. It involved people and the 3 of Swords is next to it. Moving on purposefully and this does not take you off path. I think this connects back to you finding out who your friends are. I'm not wishing this on you, but I think it is happening very shorty. It is how people handled it and how they betrayed your trust that you are most upset about. This does not overshadow your future, you gain a lot of information from it and the ripples do not go out too far. It is challenging. I can only work with what's around the Tower and you move on from it and explore.

HAPPENED - JULY 14th (week and a half after reading)
This connects to my POI, Fred. I thought this Tower was referring to the situation with Kylie that already happened. I was wrong. So Fred and I were working on our relationship and he was flirting with me constantly and saying how we would spend all this time together. We have been connected to one another since April 2017, and we had broken things off twice at this time. We reconnected back in February after he texted me out of the blue after I blocked him on everything. Well, on July 14th, I had a panic attack (this is where the stress part comes in - and Yona stressed I would be STRESSED by this). I never had a panic attack before, so I went to the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack. Later on that night,  I saw on social media that Fred had started a whole new relationship with another girl. I had no idea she existed, and he was messaging me 3 DAYS BEFORE HE MADE THIS FACEBOOK OFFICIAL. It was the heartbreaking and devastating Tower Yona saw, connected with the 3 of Swords. It absolutely was a total betrayl of my trust and I wish he had just been honest with me. I can't even explain the pain I felt in that moment and how much I hated myself for thinking he was different. After this incident, I can say I am healing. I blocked him on everything so I cannot see what he is up to or how crazy he is about this new girl. I wanted a clean slate and I am just in the aftermath of all this hurting. I have seen some guys and had some hookups since then, but I think I need to be single right now and really let myself separate from him entirely.

2nd Prediction - Knight of Cups (happened in second order that Yona predicted). I would not get too excited about this guy. He lacks depth, has light eyes and light hair. I don't get a strong emotional sense from you, anyway. He likes chatting the ladies up and you're defending your own interests. You're getting the approach and charm so I would take the brownie points, but you're not daft. You know that there is not a lot of depth.

HAPPENED - Just this week lol
There was a guy and we will call him Jack. Jack has blue eyes and blonde hair - VERY cute. He has mutual friends with me and my friend gave him my number. I thought he was a super cute guy and that we would hit it off well. Not what happened lol I met him out for a drink and I was late since my appointment I had went over time. I sincerely apologized about this and he kept reminding me about being late the entire time we were out. I even paid for his beer, he did not even offer to pay lol. He is also very insecure and had a rough upbringing and has a chip on his soldier about everything. I got that he was very bitter, and he also told me right up front he doesn't believe in buying engagement rings lol. I looked past this because he was nice and I know he has issues, but I think his issues are is own worst enemy. He's s wrapped up in his own problems and insecurities that he never even complimented me yet. Which not that big of a deal, but still a girl would like to know that a guy who's been texting her and asked her out thinks she's cute. He has texted me everyday for the past 2 weeks up since Saturday. We were at a party together and I sat down by him and said hello and he acted like a total douche. He barely talked to me and when he did talk to me, he talked DOWN to me and made everything out to be stupid with what I was saying. He didn't even give me a hug goodbye and barely looked at him when I left. Not 1 full minute I was in the car after leaving and he sent me a text saying that he was sorry and didn't want it to seem like he was ignoring me, but that he was drunk before I got there. He then proceeded to invite himself over to sleep with me lol so yeah, not a lot of substance here with this one and I think he's a trainwreck and I deserve someone who is capable of handling himself and acting like a gentleman

4th Prediction (out of order from what Yona mentioned)
                                            *She did not give a card for this prediction* You will be working out if someone is telling you the
                                             truth or not. Quite a challenging guy and if someone is all sweetness and light you wouldn't be
                                             questioning them. This is personal, and you're trying to find out more facts. A difficult man becomes
                                             more defensive and you do not want to push him away. You want information and they're backing off
                                             because they haven't got the answers. You're asking the questions but they're resistant. It keeps
                                             picking out two people of interest. (Yona got very confused here). I don't know the color of their eyes,
                                             and this one is being very difficult. This is not saying there is a battle between the two of you.

THIS HAPPENED LAST NIGHT AND MIRRORS THE PREDICTION IN THE 2nd READING ****HOW THIS IS ACCURATE**** SEE HOW SPECIFIC SHE WAS WITH THIS PREDICTION IN THIS TIME- So there is a guy named Luke and we have been talking since last month. We agreed our deal would be strictly sex. I had sex with on September 19th. We get along well, he's good in bed, cute, and I did worry if I kept having sex with him I would catch feelings. I am very physically attracted to him. Well, we haven't seen each other since then, but he texts me all the time. The week after, we planned for me to come over again and then he got sick. I asked him if that was all it was and that he could be honest with me if he just didn't want to see me again. He told me that that was not the case, and that he would be honest if he didn't want to see me. Now, he asked to see me and canceled 6 times because of "work". He is a CEO of an advertisement company, but I find it weird that something comes up with "work" a half hour before we're supposed to have sex. Last night, I told him how I felt. I've been avoiding it because I didn't want to be mean and want him around to have sex lol He texted me and said that he wouldn't be able to meet until after 10 and that he was frustrated and was sure I was too. I told him I was frustrated and that really if I was in a line up with other girls and if he really just did not want to see me it's ok, I could handle the truth and would completely understand. He told me that was not the case and that this is why relationships and hook ups don't work out for him. I explained that I put time aside to meet him, shower, redo my makeup, etc. and that it is annoying for him to cancel on me so last minute. He explained that he would be honest and that he doesn't even have the time to go through a rotation with women but if that does happen, he will tell me. We did not fight, but just spoke our sides. It was not a heated conversation, and he kept defending his job and that it was nothing he was doing to hurt me or be a dick about. He then said he would text me today if he was free and I just answered him "ok". But really, if he texts me tonight I won't answer.

****************I will update more*****************************************************************************

« Last Edit: October 31, 2019, 09:39:47 PM by user5942 »

Offline tellmewhy

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #2853 on: October 29, 2019, 08:29:51 PM »
« Last Edit: December 27, 2020, 12:37:10 AM by tellmewhy »

Offline ES1281

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #2854 on: October 30, 2019, 01:52:21 PM »
I'm listening back to my firs reading on May, she was telling me in next six months what will happen for me.
It's going to be November but I don't see it happening at all.

I know her timeframe is not very reliable, but I just want to ask...have you had experiences that,
Yona said it will happen 'this year ', in 'six months' but it wasn't this year?

She told me very clear that it will happen within six months.

Probably I avoided it because I was warned by Yona so I changed my attitudes toward particular people...
« Last Edit: October 30, 2019, 02:02:21 PM by ES1281 »

Offline samantha87

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #2855 on: October 30, 2019, 01:54:53 PM »
I got a Yona hit; I got my tower last night.  She described it as an argument and little arrows would hit me, things I wouldn't want to hear, but it felt more like a couple of hurtful bombs being tossed at me.  I'm still pretty disoriented and out of sorts.

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #2856 on: October 30, 2019, 02:05:02 PM »
Sorry to hear that your Tower happened :/

She didn’t make mine out to be necessarily as devastating as it actually was

She said it wasn’t the “worst case tower” but for me personally, it was the thing I feared most


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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #2857 on: October 30, 2019, 02:06:03 PM »
I'm listening back to my firs reading on May, she was telling me in next six months what will happen for me.
It's going to be November but I don't see it happening at all.

Have you had experiences Yona said it will happen this year but it wasn't this year?
I was very clearly told within six month.

Probably I avoided it because I was warned by Yona so I changed my attitudes toward particular people.

Yona will usually tell you how you can handle a situation to lessen the negative impact.  You’d know that the situation she described is happening when it happens, etc.  If none of the situations she described happened and she didn’t tell you how you could avoid them, then they are probably yet to come.  Yona’s timing is not accurate most of the time.

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #2858 on: October 30, 2019, 02:08:15 PM »
In summation, please don’t think about the weeks/months/years she puts with things

Never rely on her timing, she told me “within 4 months” on something in a reading from last August. That wasn’t the year that the cards were showing her, these things are happening now a year later and could continue to take years to fully play out

I'm listening back to my firs reading on May, she was telling me in next six months what will happen for me.
It's going to be November but I don't see it happening at all.

I know her timeframe is not very reliable, but I just want to ask...have you had experiences that,
Yona said it will happen 'this year ', in 'six months' but it wasn't this year?

She told me very clear that it will happen within six months.

Probably I avoided it because I was warned by Yona so I changed my attitudes toward particular people...

Offline ES1281

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #2859 on: October 30, 2019, 02:46:12 PM »
Thanks Yaz, Users,

Yona didn't tell me how I can avoid it.
She just told me be prepared it is coming, and how I will respond, what is the outcome.

Seems probably it will not happen this year, then I will just live my life let her prdictions play out:)


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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #2860 on: October 30, 2019, 03:39:15 PM »
Thanks Yaz, Users,

Yona didn't tell me how I can avoid it.
She just told me be prepared it is coming, and how I will respond, what is the outcome.

Seems probably it will not happen this year, then I will just live my life let her prdictions play out:)

That’s the best way to go about it.  Then when it’s happening, you can be like, so this is what Yona was talking about!  By knowing the outcome, at least you’ll have greater perspective and insight.

Offline user5942

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #2861 on: October 31, 2019, 09:40:25 PM »
Another very specific Yona hit. Updates in purple.

OK. So first of all I think everyone's experience with Yona is different. Only a handful of my predictions have happened from my 3 readings, BUT THEY ARE EXTREMELY SPECIFIC PREDICTIONS.

I can say that the predictions that have happened HAVE BEEN SIGNIFICANT, ESPECIALLY THE ONES AROUND MAJOR CHANGES IN MY LIFE. So if they're not significant for you, then maybe they're NOT THE SPECIFIC EVENTS THAT YONA IS TELLING YOU AND YOUR PREDICTIONS JUST DID NOT HAPPEN YET. Nothing Yona said so far has seemed silly or mundane for me.

I don't want to sound like a broken record, but I have read with her on 3 different occasions. I think she's fascinating and her predictions can be like puzzles. Also, HER PREDICTIONS HAVE NOT BEEN HAPPENING IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER FOR ME. So, beware of that being a possibility.

1st reading - August 2018
2nd reading - February 2019
3rd reading - July 2019

I will state the predictions that have happened for me below from each reading. The one that has the least amount of predictions that happened is the 1ST READING FROM LAST AUGUST.

1st reading - August 2018
-Opening cards (what is currently going on around me, Yona says these are not predictive. ). I will point out that this reading was a year and 2 months ago, though it resonates with what is currently happening in my life now after the aftermath of situations that Yona predicted in July. DO NOT COUNT ON HER TIMING EVER, SHE THOUGHT ALL THESE EVENTS FROM THE FIRST READ WOULD HAPPEN OVER 4 MONTHS. I WOULD NOT BE SURPRISED IF THEY TAKE 4+ YEARS
            1. Nine of Swords - fear is worse than reality
            2. Queen of Swords - love life is really the only issue
            3. Tower - setback, things not working out.
            4. 5 of Pentacles - financial issues.

CURRENTLY HAPPENING NOW *** How this is accurate*** - I have recently been diagnosed with horrible anxiety. I have been having panic attacks and I also have a lot of anger built up with my POI, we will call him Fred. I have this horrible feeling I will die alone and never find anyone. I seem to not be able to escape Fred, and now his construction company is doing work in my parking lot at my job. It's really just fantastic. Everything in my life I am comfortable with, such as family and friends. I love my job, I got a degree. Finding love has really been the only thing I have been struggling with. I had my Tower back in July. Yona predicted this Tower and it happened a week after my reading with her. It was devastating, Fred and I were working on getting back together since we have been off and on for 2 years. Well, I was scrolling through Facebook and he updated his status as being in another relationship. I had no idea there was someone else, I can't explain the pain I felt along with the embarrassment. I thought he was genuine this time. This was a major *setback* as Yona stated, because I thought we were on the right track. I have been having money issues lately and have travelling quite a bit so my bank account is down drastically. I have been overspending on things and putting things on my account for my friends for travel plans. I just booked a 1400 dollar cruise and will also need to shell out money for 2 grad classes in the coming weeks. It's going to hit my bank by $5,000.

1st Prediction (in actual reading that Yona gave)- Hermit
       1. Putting a difficult situation behind me and staying single for a bit
       2. Spending time with friends

CURRENTLY HAPPENING NOW!****How this is accurate**** -[/b] The "difficult situation" is obviously my Tower. I am putting that behind me. The guy and everyone he associates with is blocked on everything, I need a total cleanse of him and do not want to see anything about him. Since August, I have made many plans with friends and am even expanding my social group. In August alone, I had 2 bachelorette parties. In September, I had a wedding, traveled to NYC twice, and had a bridal shower. I did not have any free weekends. Now in October, I went to 2 Penn State football games (college football is huge here in USA), traveled to Boston, and am going to NYC again next weekend. I have a bachelorette in November again and am going on a wine tour. I booked a cruise for February with my friends and another group of friends I have are currently planning on renting a mountain house for New Year's Eve.

****This is what I know happened so far from the first reading****

2nd reading - February 2019
-Opening cards (what is currently going on around me.) For right now I will say that this has been the most confusing reading, and predictions are happening very much out of place. It is confusing in the order of things, but not in the specifics that Yona stated.

                   1. King of Swords - Waiting on a personal connection with a brown-eyed individual. He is a challenge. You are
                    becoming inpatient. This man is known to you already and there is a lack of flexibility. Challenge that is working itself out.

                   2. Seven of Cups - Will what I want be worth it?

****How this is accurate*** - At the time of this reading, I was waiting for Fred to come back to me after I broke things off in June of 2018. A few days before this reading, he sent me a text out of the blue. I was waiting for him to follow up and it is an emotional connection, I love the guy. I did eventually lose my patience and I felt I gave way more than he did. I wanted him to be better than he was to me in the past, especially since he just initiated contact with me that came as a total surprise. I always feared that he would do the same thing to me and reel me in and then leave or stop contact. I was afraid of getting hurt, and that's where "Will it be worth it" comes into play.

1st Prediction (in actual order of reading that Yona gave)
              1. Ace of Pentacles - Hard work and effort. Persuaded by a dynamic individual. This person is not deceptive, I could
              lose money. part of my challenge. Not of caution. Part of me feels that this is risky. I'm not being won over by romantic talk.
              This will be a bit stressful and within weeks (lol) I will look at where I am living and having genuine concern. If I point it out it
              will be helpful and practical. There is a link to work.

              2. 2 of Swords - At least I would've pointed it out. Continuing to question.

HAPPENED IN SEPTEMBER AND SITUATION IS STILL OCCURRING ****How this is accurate**** - Recently, my best friend (we will call him Chad) who has blue eyes (also relevant) and I have been talking about going on a vacation with a group of friends to Florida in April. Now, my friends want to do this crazy trip that will end up costing us more money. Chad and I have talked about this, and pointed out the differences in costs of things to them multiple times. Chad and I have also been talking about getting an apartment together. Chad ended up not being able to go since his work changed companies and he no longer has the days to take. In order to go on this trip, we'd have to take 6 personal days of time off. My friends are still planning this trip, and there are still questions arising.

2nd Prediction to happen (this was not in the order that Yona gave)
                     1. Wheel of Fortune and 3 of Swords - things changing rapidly, life is picking up speed (the other prediction that is
                     looped with this one did not happen yet). Another man with brown eyes who knows this other guy (she is talking about
                     Chad) is being manipulative. He is not necessarily known to you already. He is being very nice to you, but he is deceptive.
                     His excuses are not genuine and I do not have to be rude or nasty.

HAPPENED. THIS SITUATION STARTED IN FEBRUARY AND ENDED IN SEPTEMBER. SEPTEMBER WAS WHEN THE MANIPULATION AND CRAZINESS WAS FINALLY REALIZED****How this is accurate**** Chad is gay. About 2 weeks after this reading, Chad started casually dating a brown eyed man named Tim. Tim was our waiter at a restaurant that Chad and I went to very close around this reading with Yona. Neither one of us knew Tim, but after the restaurant in a few days to come - Tim messaged Chad on a dating site. Chad and Tim then began dating. Tim would come around quite a bit and I got very close to him. I thought Tim was a great guy but he turned out to be MANIPULATIVE AND SLY. My friend Chad would not make their relationship official, and Tim would call me trying to get information out of me like how Chad felt about him. It put me in an awkward spot. I obviously had loyalty to Chad. To make a long story short, Tim went totally batshit crazy and threatened Chad. He tried to manipulate me into feeling bad for him and lied about things Chad would say or over exaggerate them. He made a big deal of it at his birthday dinner and then made Chad out to be a monster on social media. Tim deleted Chad and all his friends off social media. Tim sent me a message saying that "I was a wonderful friend to him during the time he knew me and is thankful for being able to get the opportunity to know me" but he "could not be my friend anymore because it would hurt too much and he would be reminded of Chad". This is complete bullshit, I know Tim just doesn't have use for me anymore and only wanted to get close to me to convince Chad that he was in with his best friends. This is where 3 of swords comes in - Tim was genuinely one of my friends during the time he was hanging out with Chad. I really did lose a friendship, and it hurt because I would confide in him things about my life. Tim would travel with us and I even invited him to the bachelorette I was hosting for a friend. Afterwards, come to find out Tim told one of my friends something that I said that was taken out of context and was said only to hurt our friendship. Tim is a snake, and now I see the truth. I am disappointed in the way it ended.

Shadow Card -
                             1. Justice -
Me getting a fair deal. I need to be more ruthless and ensure that I'm being treated fairly.
                             Sometimes I have to ask questions, I need to challenge this and assert myself. Setting healthy boundaries.[/color]

JUST HAPPENED LAST NIGHT ****How THIS IS ACCURATE**** So there is a guy named Luke and we have been talking since last month. We agreed our deal would be strictly sex. I had sex with on September 19th. We get along well, he's good in bed, cute, and I did worry if I kept having sex with him I would catch feelings. I am very physically attracted to him. Well, we haven't seen each other since then, but he texts me all the time. The week after, we planned for me to come over again and then he got sick. I asked him if that was all it was and that he could be honest with me if he just didn't want to see me again. He told me that that was not the case, and that he would be honest if he didn't want to see me. Now, he asked to see me and canceled 6 times because of "work". He is a CEO of an advertisement company, but I find it weird that something comes up with "work" a half hour before we're supposed to have sex. Last night, I told him how I felt. I've been avoiding it because I didn't want to be mean and want him around to have sex lol He texted me and said that he wouldn't be able to meet until after 10 and that he was frustrated and was sure I was too. I told him I was frustrated and that really if I was in a line up with other girls and if he really just did not want to see me it's ok, I could handle the truth and would completely understand. He told me that was not the case and that this is why relationships and hook ups don't work out for him. I explained that I put time aside to meet him, shower, redo my makeup, etc. and that it is annoying for him to cancel on me so last minute. He explained that he would be honest and that he doesn't even have the time to go through a rotation with women but if that does happen, he will tell me. We did not fight, but just spoke our sides. It was not a heated conversation, and he kept defending his job and that it was nothing he was doing to hurt me or be a dick about. He then said he would text me today if he was free and I just answered him "ok". But really, if he texts me tonight I won't answer.

3rd Reading - July 2, 2019
-Opening Cards (what is currently happening now). "Differences in opinions or disagreements".
                             1. 9 of Swords "Don't overthink and don't worry so much". "Nothing I can't deal with".
                             2. 4 of Cups - "Finding out who your friends are - talking about people you know already"
                                  *Ongoing situation with a female - further developments in that situation*

****HOW THIS IS ACCURATE**** In June, I had ended a friendship with one of my very good girlfriends. We will call her Kylie. Kylie and I had been friends for 3 years and traveled together and spent a lot of time together. Well, one of mine and Kylie's mutual friends got engaged. Kylie got very jealous over this because her boyfriend did not propose to her yet. Kylie was very mean to this mutual friend, and more and more we got to see how narcissistic Kylie was and that she was not a very nice person. She even made fun of this girl's ring not being a "big sized stone". After Kylie acting like an asshole again and again and only caring about herself. I eventually ended my friendship with her. The ongoing situation with a female was this engaged friend's mother, we will call the mother Vicky. I was asked to be in my friend's wedding and the wedding was September 7th. Vicky was absolutely horrible, a total monster to her daughter and her bridal party. I even saw Vicky hit my friend once. I could not do anything right and Vicky would be down my throat about every aspect of my friend's wedding. Vicky even made a huge problem with me since my friend wanted her guy friends invited to her bachelorette party. She continued to give me a hard time until the wedding was over, and she contributed to my recent diagnosis of anxiety. This was a year and 2 months I had to deal with this woman.

1st Prediction - The Tower (happened first and Yona saw it happen first). It could have happened already or it is about to happen. It is disruptive, it is a setback, but it is not the worst case Tower. This is stronger than disappointment and a betrayl of trust and stress. It is almost immediate and you are stressssssssssed by this and there is a feeling of a betrayl of trust. It involved people and the 3 of Swords is next to it. Moving on purposefully and this does not take you off path. I think this connects back to you finding out who your friends are. I'm not wishing this on you, but I think it is happening very shorty. It is how people handled it and how they betrayed your trust that you are most upset about. This does not overshadow your future, you gain a lot of information from it and the ripples do not go out too far. It is challenging. I can only work with what's around the Tower and you move on from it and explore.

HAPPENED - JULY 14th (week and a half after reading)
This connects to my POI, Fred. I thought this Tower was referring to the situation with Kylie that already happened. I was wrong. So Fred and I were working on our relationship and he was flirting with me constantly and saying how we would spend all this time together. We have been connected to one another since April 2017, and we had broken things off twice at this time. We reconnected back in February after he texted me out of the blue after I blocked him on everything. Well, on July 14th, I had a panic attack (this is where the stress part comes in - and Yona stressed I would be STRESSED by this). I never had a panic attack before, so I went to the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack. Later on that night,  I saw on social media that Fred had started a whole new relationship with another girl. I had no idea she existed, and he was messaging me 3 DAYS BEFORE HE MADE THIS FACEBOOK OFFICIAL. It was the heartbreaking and devastating Tower Yona saw, connected with the 3 of Swords. It absolutely was a total betrayl of my trust and I wish he had just been honest with me. I can't even explain the pain I felt in that moment and how much I hated myself for thinking he was different. After this incident, I can say I am healing. I blocked him on everything so I cannot see what he is up to or how crazy he is about this new girl. I wanted a clean slate and I am just in the aftermath of all this hurting. I have seen some guys and had some hookups since then, but I think I need to be single right now and really let myself separate from him entirely.

2nd Prediction - Knight of Cups (happened in second order that Yona predicted). I would not get too excited about this guy. He lacks depth, has light eyes and light hair. I don't get a strong emotional sense from you, anyway. He likes chatting the ladies up and you're defending your own interests. You're getting the approach and charm so I would take the brownie points, but you're not daft. You know that there is not a lot of depth.

HAPPENED - Just this week lol
There was a guy and we will call him Jack. Jack has blue eyes and blonde hair - VERY cute. He has mutual friends with me and my friend gave him my number. I thought he was a super cute guy and that we would hit it off well. Not what happened lol I met him out for a drink and I was late since my appointment I had went over time. I sincerely apologized about this and he kept reminding me about being late the entire time we were out. I even paid for his beer, he did not even offer to pay lol. He is also very insecure and had a rough upbringing and has a chip on his soldier about everything. I got that he was very bitter, and he also told me right up front he doesn't believe in buying engagement rings lol. I looked past this because he was nice and I know he has issues, but I think his issues are is own worst enemy. He's s wrapped up in his own problems and insecurities that he never even complimented me yet. Which not that big of a deal, but still a girl would like to know that a guy who's been texting her and asked her out thinks she's cute. He has texted me everyday for the past 2 weeks up since Saturday. We were at a party together and I sat down by him and said hello and he acted like a total douche. He barely talked to me and when he did talk to me, he talked DOWN to me and made everything out to be stupid with what I was saying. He didn't even give me a hug goodbye and barely looked at him when I left. Not 1 full minute I was in the car after leaving and he sent me a text saying that he was sorry and didn't want it to seem like he was ignoring me, but that he was drunk before I got there. He then proceeded to invite himself over to sleep with me lol so yeah, not a lot of substance here with this one and I think he's a trainwreck and I deserve someone who is capable of handling himself and acting like a gentleman

4th Prediction (out of order from what Yona mentioned)
                                            *She did not give a card for this prediction* You will be working out if someone is telling you the
                                             truth or not. Quite a challenging guy and if someone is all sweetness and light you wouldn't be
                                             questioning them. This is personal, and you're trying to find out more facts. A difficult man becomes
                                             more defensive and you do not want to push him away. You want information and they're backing off
                                             because they haven't got the answers. You're asking the questions but they're resistant. It keeps
                                             picking out two people of interest. (Yona got very confused here). I don't know the color of their eyes,
                                             and this one is being very difficult. This is not saying there is a battle between the two of you.

THIS HAPPENED LAST NIGHT AND MIRRORS THE PREDICTION IN THE 2nd READING ****HOW THIS IS ACCURATE**** SEE HOW SPECIFIC SHE WAS WITH THIS PREDICTION IN THIS TIME- So there is a guy named Luke and we have been talking since last month. We agreed our deal would be strictly sex. I had sex with on September 19th. We get along well, he's good in bed, cute, and I did worry if I kept having sex with him I would catch feelings. I am very physically attracted to him. Well, we haven't seen each other since then, but he texts me all the time. The week after, we planned for me to come over again and then he got sick. I asked him if that was all it was and that he could be honest with me if he just didn't want to see me again. He told me that that was not the case, and that he would be honest if he didn't want to see me. Now, he asked to see me and canceled 6 times because of "work". He is a CEO of an advertisement company, but I find it weird that something comes up with "work" a half hour before we're supposed to have sex. Last night, I told him how I felt. I've been avoiding it because I didn't want to be mean and want him around to have sex lol He texted me and said that he wouldn't be able to meet until after 10 and that he was frustrated and was sure I was too. I told him I was frustrated and that really if I was in a line up with other girls and if he really just did not want to see me it's ok, I could handle the truth and would completely understand. He told me that was not the case and that this is why relationships and hook ups don't work out for him. I explained that I put time aside to meet him, shower, redo my makeup, etc. and that it is annoying for him to cancel on me so last minute. He explained that he would be honest and that he doesn't even have the time to go through a rotation with women but if that does happen, he will tell me. We did not fight, but just spoke our sides. It was not a heated conversation, and he kept defending his job and that it was nothing he was doing to hurt me or be a dick about. He then said he would text me today if he was free and I just answered him "ok". But really, if he texts me tonight I won't answer.

****************I will update more*****************************************************************************

Offline ES1281

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #2862 on: October 31, 2019, 11:41:39 PM »
Thanks Yaz, Users,

Yona didn't tell me how I can avoid it.
She just told me be prepared it is coming, and how I will respond, what is the outcome.

Seems probably it will not happen this year, then I will just live my life let her prdictions play out:)

That’s the best way to go about it.  Then when it’s happening, you can be like, so this is what Yona was talking about!  By knowing the outcome, at least you’ll have greater perspective and insight.
Thanks Yaz!:)


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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #2863 on: October 31, 2019, 11:45:19 PM »
Thanks Yaz, Users,

Yona didn't tell me how I can avoid it.
She just told me be prepared it is coming, and how I will respond, what is the outcome.

Seems probably it will not happen this year, then I will just live my life let her prdictions play out:)

That’s the best way to go about it.  Then when it’s happening, you can be like, so this is what Yona was talking about!  By knowing the outcome, at least you’ll have greater perspective and insight.
Thanks Yaz!:)

Happy to help! :-)

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #2864 on: November 01, 2019, 12:06:45 AM »
Has Yona ever confused genders? I think a prediction happened, but it was with a difficult woman, not a difficult man...