Hi everyone.. so Yona had told me at the end of August that I was goi g to be learning something new for work and her prediction is happening right now she also told me she sees a long term relationship coming.. waiting to see for that. My top up is in 10 days and nervous cause she also told me in August that for the next 3 months it will be rough for me... which it is... I hope I hear something good about POI
You may end up having a "non-read". Two months is a very short amount of time between readings with Yona. Was your last reading in August? Not sure if I'm reading your post correctly.
Fidget, how long do you normally wait between Yona readings? Do you wait for most of the predictions to manifest first before a top-up?
I'm not a Yona expert, but I can only go by my limited experience. My first reading was in March. Many of her predictions seemed "out there" or a little vague. After little to no progression I did a top up in July (4 months) which she said was technically a non-read because not much had passed. She did give me a few more predictions in the July nonread however. They weren't major predictions, but more like things that would happen along the way. Now that it's October, I'm finally seeing things happen from both readings occurring. I probably should have waited until now to get my top up. I have my next reading in November and I think it will be more productive. So, I would suggest that you wait until a few of the predictions pass before a top up. In my case, 4 months was a little too soon. I could have waited 6 months and saved some money. And yes, things do happen, but as we all know, having 6 months of patience is a struggle.