Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services

Yona Farrell

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allbite, dont torture yourself. Just stop with the readings. Everyone!  I think that is the take home lesson for me at ;east.
Yona was one of the best at getting details right without me prodding them out of her, but if she is wrong about important things or totally ignores big issues in your life..why bother?

Not trying to fuel or encourage psychic calling because I've spent more then my fair share and have gone through the emotional up and downs that it physically hurt. But I too am a Yona fan. She has been accurate everytime with me, not 100% but scarily accurate.

A lot of the predictions don't pan out as I thought they would but in other ways beyond what my mind had originally conceived. Which honestly, I think is ridiculous because I read with psychics to get a glimpse of the future. Yet I'm limiting my mind to how the universe/God/divine will play out a situation?!?

I think an important part is to continue living your life ...we all go through pain and sorrow, without it we wouldn't know what joy and love is. If one chooses to get a reading keep it in the back of your mind (for warnings, etc.) but keep moving forward.  So that whether or not that prediction pans out you can say that the time was not wasted dwelling but learning, growing, and enjoying your life.
As well, I strongly believe that by dwelling it can change our outcomes because we make choices not to move forward to learn the lessons we are meant to learn.

Virtual hugs to all of you. Tomorrow is always a new day.

Aw, thank you bstalling, for looking out for me but you'll be pleased to learn I rarely ever get readings anymore so I don't feel tortured about it like I used to. I'm sure you and me and everyone else here knows that feeling all too well, lol! I had my first reading with Yona in Sept '13 and my second in Oct '14. I had a reading with Donna in Nov '13 (nothing manifested), and a few new to me readers from Keen in there, too. That's it. Those are the only ones in nearly 18 months. I can live with that, haha! Also, best feeling ever, after I dumped that lying cheating POS, I had NO DESIRE WHATSOEVER to get a reading about it. Yay me!!

NTTB, that's great advice and I think I will do that next time for sure! :*

Confused, lovely words as usual, thank you for sharing them, hon. :)

divine wishes:

hhhmmm, I don't think I will be posting again about my experiences.  I just noticed someone stalking my profile and my post for over an hour now lol.

Seriously, this is ridiculous!  Wouldn't it be easier to ask? 


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