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Yona Farrell
Hi divine!
That's interesting... While I did wait 6 months between my first and second reading, I decided to call once her timeframes came and went between the second and third. That was only 3 months... maybe I should've waited longer.
I'll keep you posted on if anything pans out this time around! I'm just not even sure if I'll really recognize it since the reading itself was so unclear... :o
--- Quote from: divinewishes on January 09, 2015, 07:12:08 PM ---Hi Syn,
My experience with Yona's second reading is similar to yours. The first reading was amazing. I loved it. I then read with her again two months after, and wasn't as wowed. She laid out quite a few huge things she expected to happen, and they didn't. Small things she mentioned, like my guy and I uneventfully running into into a girl he once dated, did happen. But if I am being quite honest, the big stuff didn't - like career shifts.
I like Yona; I think she is ethical and responsible in her readings, but I am not entirely sure I should read with her again.
I do think I was in a bad place when I called her the second time. I was riddled with anxiety. Also, I remember during my first reading with her, she said she does not like reading for people less than six month, at the least, from their last reading.
Maybe I read with her too quickly (~2 months); maybe my anxiety got in the way...I'll never know. I just know that the predictions didn't happen from the second reading.
--- End quote ---
divine wishes:
I finally got around to trying her. Although I can definitely confirm that she is for real and ethical..and she picked up spcific details about me..her reading was just alright for me. I guess my problem was that, although she told me specific things about my life, they were about things I already know about. And she didnt make as many predictions into the future as I would have liked. I simply asked her to take a look into the new year and say what she saw for me.
Also, she totally skipped over a guy I'm seeing now and was reading into a man many other psychics predicted that would come into my life. So, I don't feel as if she was reading in a step by step manner.
I mean, I see her appeal and all and she was very very accurate..just about stuff I already knew and she didnt particularly give me any new predictions. Many people on another forum say she stumbles when you ask her questions, so I just resolved to let her talk. My reading was only 30 minutes, but maybe that was a part of the problem..don't know.
Hi Ladies! Happy New Year!!
I had a reading with Yona on Monday! She is very ethical and real I would say. One thing that she does is rambles on and isn't very clear in her delivery. I was confused as well. She did make a couple of predictions that I can see happening but it was all over the place. The Man I was inquiring about came up in my reading so I know we connected. I guess I'll just wait and see what happens and report back. If nothing happens in 6 months or so (which she gave a timeframe of spring), I'm not sure if I will call back again. Nice lady though and she did go over my 30 mins.
Hello everyone! Thanks for posting your honest reviews. Seems like we have all had similar experiences.
My first reading with Yona was mind blowingly good. She was spot on with details about me and my life and everything she predicted manifested.
Fast forward to a year later to my second reading and everything was completely wrong. Everything. She said my then boyfriend now ex was a great guy and to be patient, we were gonna move forward as planned, that his ex was making things hard on him, etc. Nothing could have been further from reality. The day after my reading began 2 weeks of him going MIA, he was lying about anything and everything on top of CHEATING ON ME, and his ex treats him overly fairly IMHO. She does a lot of favors for him and is very cordial about the split. Nice lady, actually. Anyway, the picture painted was not the reality to say the least.
All that being said, I am still interested in giving another reading with her a go and take it from there. Third times a charm, right? She's really the only reader I have any real interest in reading with tbh and I'd like to see what happened with that last read, if out of curiosity if nothing else. I definitely agree that she is ethical and talented.
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