Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 1969833 times)

Offline Deedee123

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #810 on: September 04, 2018, 12:40:31 AM »
So my reading was specifically about the connection to the man I was with for 8 years, to clear any other opinions about it being somebody else. The dynamics of the relationship, our dog, all other validations came up to make me believe it truly is about the person I wanted to be picked out in my general reading.

I KNOW her timing is off, I've read this entire forum. I believe that regardless of timing, if a prediction happens, that reader is accurate. Timing is hard. Outcomes, to me, are what matter.

With her predictions, she says, "I can also see you joining a class of some sort, something about study," .. I start nursing clinicals in January and I need to go to a CPR class after October, before December. She says it's not showing me nursing yet, but she sees this class I'll be in, me finalizing and organizing the practical details.

So with that, it would fit in within the next few months. She doesn't see it happening after the new year, she says she'd see something representing Christmas or the New Year, and she did not. She doesn't think the predictions she gave me reach the end of the year because of not seeing these things.

Another thing that makes me think it could be at least up until March of next year, she says POI will have financial concern around a point in the predicitions, and he's working a year contract that started last March. This contract could be less than a year though, so maybe by the end of the year, but no longer than March.

I assumed, which I know I shouldn;t have because now I'm upset lmao, that he'd be home for Labor Day because as a government contractor, you have an extended (4 day) weekend, and that would make sense for him to travel home during this time as he traveled home during Memorial Day. And this would've been near future, this summer, but it didn't happen. Sure, maybe he'll have more time off or take time off to come home for something, but it just seems unlikely to me, unless he's making up missed drills (we're both military), which he did do when he came for Memorial Day. Other than that, I don't think he'd be home until the holidays.

She did say there's 15 cards before it shows partnership, but again, we don't know how fast or slow my cards move.

She also said us reconciling and being in a partnership is me being nurturing. What the f*ck does that mean? lol Like how would I even know I'm being nurturing in whatever sense she means.

I love readings because it's like this on-the-edge-of-your-seat first-person movie or story... it's quite interesting, but anxiety definitely gets in the way.


Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #811 on: September 04, 2018, 02:43:32 AM »
I love readings because it's like this on-the-edge-of-your-seat first-person movie or story... it's quite interesting, but anxiety definitely gets in the way.


Oh my garsh! - I thought I was the only person who thought of it this way! LOL
I literally see my life as a movie and predictions are like scripts for the next episode lol
(Think about it, sometimes episodes (or part of the episode) may be scratched out, someone killed off or not returning next season lol)

Offline Deedee123

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #812 on: September 04, 2018, 02:53:03 AM »
I love readings because it's like this on-the-edge-of-your-seat first-person movie or story... it's quite interesting, but anxiety definitely gets in the way.


Oh my garsh! - I thought I was the only person who thought of it this way! LOL
I literally see my life as a movie and predictions are like scripts for the next episode lol
(Think about it, sometimes episodes (or part of the episode) may be scratched out, someone killed off or not returning next season lol)

I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks of it like that! It’s like you get the basic overview of what’s to come like a plot for a movie, then as you grow and move along in your life, it unfolds and develops in a way you’d never even imagine, although those outcomes are the outcomes! It’s lovely really!

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #813 on: September 04, 2018, 03:24:25 PM »
If a reader is not good at timing - why do they give any timing at all?

So easy to say, "I'm not good at x" and have an automatic excuse for being wrong.

Good Point! Maybe I just didn't really care about timing overall. This is why opinions of readings can be so subjective lol

One person can say the reader's prediction is right (even if it didnt happen in the timeframe given) and...
another can say its wrong because, although the prediction happened, the timing was wrong - therefore the reader was totally wrong. Whew!

Its almost like what I've seen on the board - predictions happening but with another POI or person - alot of folks would say that the prediction happened in these instances....

I wonder if people have said reader was completely wrong because it didnt happen with the person they were thinking or asked about :o, even when the way that it happened did

Its weird to say because I have seen specific detailed predictions happened with another person and not in the timeframe given - I mean, if it happens this way are we so critical to say the reader was totally wrong? I dont know..

I guess it depends on the situation and how far the timing was off. I had several readers tell me their predictions would happen eventually even if it took longer than they said. One of those predictions did eventually come true but in the overall context, it didn't matter anyway. At this point it has been years. Even if some more of those predictions finally came true, they would still be more wrong than right.

I think it depends on how specific the prediction is and how much it matters if they get the timing accurate. Say if you were asking about a job offer and you needed to make a decision right away on what job to take. And the reader says, this company will make you an offer and it willl be next week. But you never hear anything from them and you have another offer which sounds great. So you go ahead and take that other job. Now maybe two months later, the other company contacts you to see if you are still interested and finally makes an offer. But maybe you are not interested anymore, or maybe you are locked in with the other job so you can't leave even if you wanted to. So technically the prediction came true because they did give you a job offer, but the timing was so far off that by the time it happens, the entire context has changed.

Agreed! Details and specifics do make a difference

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #814 on: September 05, 2018, 09:17:09 PM »

12. A female friend who is short with dark hair will have a big setback (Tower) and I will support her some way - maybe financially but she won’t be asking for money nor is it a financial setback

This came TRUE today  :(
She was diagnosed with a disease that will not allow her body to function normally.
A GO FUND ME Page was set up - and Yes I will be donating.

The following predictions have come to pass from my July 19th reading ALREADY!!
As you can see, I have very specific predictions, however, they did not come out like I thought they would.
And some of them were slightly off in her predictions - check it out. (Sorry I switch from 1st and 2nd person in my write up LOL).

1. Passed 7/17  - Brown eyed man who was unappreciative of the nice things Ive done for him (King of Pentacles). I have no interest in him and he is a waste of space - (2 days from reading). Basically a guy I was getting to know “L” (aside from my POI) came to visit me to explore our connection to see if we would date and it end up being boring (well he was boring) and I felt he was unappreciative. 

2. Passed 7/28 (1 week later from reading) Woman with a child will talk to me about a move -  She thought this would be soon about 6 weeks out

3. Passed on 8/2 - Around the time of prediction #2, more passion will be shown from POI - it would surprise me a bit… - - Then….

4. Passed on 8/2 - He will be away for a while - this is still happening….(she says it picks up again after that - which refers to the prediction #2 listed under Pending Predictions at the bottom of this post)

5. Passed 7/24 - There is an issue related to his ex that he did not want to talk about

6. Passed 8/10 - Expenses to do with a property. Not the good money card. It is not a real negative because you’ve got the money to
do it. It is a big expense or increased expense to do with a property. (Had to put out money for my rental property)

7. Passed 8/13 (4 weeks from reading) - POI’s ex will be after him for money - (Child support case was held on this date)

Recent updates:
8. Passed 8/12 - I will hear back from the King of Pentacles. She said he will have not shame. - "L" sent me a stupid text a month after he left.
9. Passed 8/12 (4 weeks post reading): Going to have a disagreement with a guy who looks like an Ex. It is not a romantic disagreement. He is shown getting annoyed when you explain you can’t be of no use or no intention of being of use. This is not a romantic response. No chemistry, no looking or reconnect. They are going to be resentful that I am not forthcoming, I’m not going to do something that they want. (She said it is not the one with brown eyes) - not interested in him in that way. It is just saying that I knock him back whether he tries romantically and I’m going to say no. He will be resentful. You won’t feel guilty, not even slightly.
 What Happened:
    1. This is funny. The way this panned out was the opposite of what Yona thought. Yona stated that the ex that comes back that I will have a disagreement with would NOT be the King of Pentacles “L” as stated in the first prediction. The card that came up for this guy was the Knight of Swords. Actually the issue DID have to deal with him! He randomly texted me almost a month after he left and felt I should have check on him. He asked if we were still friends. I asked why did he ask that. Anyway we got into a little disagreement and he denied somethings that he actually did, yet he still wanted to be friends in the end.
    2. What is funny is that randomly I got an email from my ex from 2 years ago!! “F”. I really thought the issue would be with him because he was an A-hole. But the email was short where he was just saying hello.

10. Passed 8/8 - A Blue-eyed man will seem to flirt with me. Yona thought it was work related. I am unsure of his motives but there isn’t any chemistry coming from me. I won’t be sure how to take him. He’s quite different. You know him already. He is quite different from other people you know. I’ll go with quirky rather than weird. You are not sure that you get him initially straight away. I don’t know him well. The magician. Take him at face value rather than getting stressed out rather than trying to work out what going on beneath the surface. He is significant. Time spent with a man with blue eyes face to face. I will feel uneasy and I will try to work out what he thinks of you. IT says just takes things at face value, don’t get to worked up about his psychology. He has a very different approach or cultural background. Its a matter of getting to know him then i will find i will be at ease and can communicate better. No chemistry. He makes me uneasy because I can’t work him out. Play to your strengths and don’t analyze him. This is very soon. He is not shown in a romantic context, some approaches could be construed as flirtatious, not initially. Play to your strengths and you will be fine. Not shown alone tougher. It is a group setting. Other people are there - 5 or more moving about. Friendship forms with this guy, after a few months, it will start to turn into a friendship - surprised it will take that long. I form an alliance with him and become quite friendly. This is a useful alliance rather than a romantic alliance.
What Happened:
        1. I had to go to court for a civil small claims issue. I tried to get out of it and reschedule (because I was feeling ill), but was told I couldn’t - so I guess it was meant to happen that day. Anyway, i got dressed really nice (blazer and all) to go to court. Anyway, I knew I would be going up against a lawyer but I didn’t know what he looked like. When I got to the courthouse, there were several people there sitting and walking around. Then I saw a guy walk in with a suit (mind you this was small claims so there weren’t any lawyers in there really or anyone in a suit for that matter). So when I saw the guy - I knew it was him I would go up against. He was not the same race as me. I kept eyeing him trying to figure him out as he had a huge file and everything with him. He kept walking around as if he was nervous. Before I went up for the case - I called the firm and was able to handle the issue, however the lawyer didn’t know of course. I didn’t get stressed out as I thought I should be ok now that Ive handled the situation. By the time we went up to see the Judge - I told them I handled everything and the lawyer looked at me in disbelief. The lawyer turned to me and was wowed that it was handled and said that he would like to confirm (in a friendly voice to me).The judge asked us to take it out of the courtroom to ensure it was resolved. We hung out in the lobby and he was very friendly with me. He checked to see if it was resolved and it was.
        2. So there you have it!! - the guy I was trying to figure out, he appeared to be flirting (because we were sitting together in the lobby by ourselves) - we were not alone because there were people going by and we formed an alliance to handle the issue!!! This did not take months as Yona stated, literally minutes LOL.

11. Passed 8/8 - I will be waiting to meet a Boss like figure. He will say something to me that I thought was quite nice, yet he was sincere. I would think about it for a while.“You will have dealings with a boss figure. The Emperor. It is not spontaneous. Something I will be waiting for and it may be delayed." Im not anxious or on edge. It does have significance. I will be asserting myself. Waiting to see a Boss. I will be anticipating it. Pleasant interaction. I am not in trouble and I am not on edge. It says to read the cards carefully as it is more complicated than it looks. There would be a comment made that gives me food for thought. I might may think it is a compliment or flattery but they don’t mean it as flattery - it is something about your work path. They are saying what they are thinking, it is sincere. Im going to think no, they don’t mean that. I may take it as they are schmoozing or flattering - but they are not. This is about advancement. It is a suggested advancement. No personal agenda and it is sincere. I won’t act on it straight away. I realize he is right and know what he is talking about. I underestimate my ability and what i have to offer. I will think about it after a while after he said it and gradual I will see what he is getting at. He is friendly and chatting.
What Happened
        1. This had to do with the court case described above. Yona thought this was related to work but it wasn’t. Basically I had to meet with the Judge - who was the Emperor (old guy). It was not spontaneous and I was expecting to meet with him because it was scheduled. It was a bit delayed because there were several cases ahead me that went over time. I was not scared or anxious at all. He was actually nice to all of the people who had cases ahead of me.
        2. When I went to the stand - the first comment he asked was “Are you Legal Council?” - I was like huh? - He said “Are you Legal Council” (I was like why the hell is he asking me that, then I though OHHHH I have this blazer on and a briefcase/laptop bag!!) So his comment was sincere because he really thought I was a Lawyer - in which I kind of took as a slight compliment because I had a professional look (this was really what I thought!!) and I was surely thinking - No he doesn’t mean that !!!. So I said no, Im the defendant. Anyway he asked about the case, and I told him it was handled. This is when he asked me to work it out with the lawyer. This was about advancement as the case was dismissed!! LOL. Yona said I won’t act on it straight away and I actually did - I handled it that same day 5 minutes before the hearing.
        3. I did underestimate my ability as I didn’t realize I could handle this thing as fast as I did. I did think about what the Judge said for a while after the hearing - specifically when he asked me if I was legal council - I was so confused because I was like how did he think i was legal council when I said that I was the actual defendant????

Outstanding Predictions: I only have 2 predictions left and the reading was only a MONTH AGO!!! :o
12. A female friend who is short with dark hair will have a big setback (Tower) and I will support her some way - maybe financially but she won’t be asking for money nor is it a financial setback[/b]
13. Situation with POI will become increasingly exclusive. He will bring it up on his own. Increased emotional intimacy and commitment.

Offline Deedee123

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #815 on: September 06, 2018, 05:59:35 AM »
So I spoke too soon... Yona said there’d be a meet up. It happened today! She said it’d go well and it did!

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #816 on: September 06, 2018, 05:05:31 PM »
Had my reading with Yona this Morning. Wow, whats going on right now she picked up. Picked up a near event and how it would go. Said I had a few more months of difficulties. Saw negotiations and me standing my ground and waiting for an outcome. This is something I'm about to do.  Psychic Will, and Micheal Ryan  also described this happening as well.
Will never waste another penny calling anyone else.

Offline eilson

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #817 on: September 06, 2018, 09:52:47 PM »
I know some have said some have posted about Yona has predicted new love interest correctly  and has predicted they would get into a relationship with their new love interested and it actually happened but with 63 pages of post it is hard to find. If anyone has examples of this happening and can give me a bit of hope can you please PM me?

I have a reading scheduled with Yona in a few weeks but it feels like an eternity from now.

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #818 on: September 10, 2018, 03:44:44 PM »
If spells work...I get one on winning the lottery. Don't waste your money.

Offline Deedee123

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #819 on: September 10, 2018, 11:13:15 PM »
So my cards must be fast! Just wanted to update as the predictions occur.

Reading on 7/26/18

tower -  day prior to reading - "update/news about them, not good - piece of information not given face to face, makes your blood run cold but only for a moment "

"communication will be interrupted, it isn't free flowing"

set back -  8/10/18 -
"he feels quite detached... now that will change because he's not actually gone. you've got a set back coming up within the next few weeks, you'll be annoyed. it's okay to be annoyed. not a defining event. not an ending. not a "change everything" type of event. might change directions slightly."

what happened: we texted and FaceTimed for two days about him still loving me and and then communication stopped.

meet up - 9/5/18 - "you're going to meet face to face. meet up will go well. not a definitive event. there will be other definitive events ahead of you."

what happened: he did come home for Labor Day, didn't tell me until the second day he got home and wanted to see me. we spent 3 hours together talking and he told me to not feel guilty for leaving him in the first place. says he's grown up a lot while being on his own out of state for this job. then he mentioned that he wasn't looking forward to winter because he wasn't sure how long the contract job would last... I told him there's an amazing paying job where I'm going to nursing school at and he said he already applied there, they emailed him but he hasn't responded yet...

gap between us - happening now

I'll update as it goes!
« Last Edit: September 10, 2018, 11:27:05 PM by Deedee123 »

Offline Deedee123

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #820 on: September 12, 2018, 01:53:24 AM »
Are Yona’s predictions chronological or can they be out of order?

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #821 on: September 12, 2018, 02:36:22 AM »
Are Yona’s predictions chronological or can they be out of order?

Check out my post for reference - I listed all predictions in the order it came up in the reading with the dates when they actually happened.,1215.msg57239.html#msg57239

For the most part my predictions do happen to fall in the order they come up with some maybe coming a bit faster or slower.

Offline Deedee123

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #822 on: September 12, 2018, 02:41:48 AM »
Thanks Sparkle!

Offline journalmuse

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #823 on: September 12, 2018, 04:57:10 AM »
She told me once that her spreads show a sequence of events. So unless she interpreted something wrong they should fall in roughly the order she saw.

Offline Deedee123

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #824 on: September 12, 2018, 12:53:52 PM »
Another thing I wanna ask, Yona sees me traveling quite a long distance around November this year where she says my turning point will be after that. Right now I don’t have plans to be traveling usually far. I would assume her picking out a long distance is an out-of-routine distance. Any body know? I’m asking because I travel an hour and a half to school once a week so I don’t think this would be it. And I’m in the military but don’t see any out-of-state or far off places I’ll be visiting by the end of this year. I mean I guess that could change sometimes I’m thrown into a class somewhere but as of now I don’t see anything.

Also, are predictions based off of your actions even after the reading? I’m not sure how to explain it... like no matter what happens from now to then, do those predictions still happen? Obviously not if I were to completely block POI, do some random shit like move cross-country and yada yada... but as it’s going along, I guess.

