Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services
Yona Farrell
divine wishes:
bstalling, keep it general and watch how it'll unfold.
@kittykatto27. I only asked for a general reading and quite frankly, I don't really believe people can predict the future when it has to do with other people. With that out of the way, she gave two contact predictions from two different people and yes, both contacted in the time frame. Now just to understand, she doesn't give specific times. She works in a three month period. But, she did say the first one would be within a few days and it was, she said that was going to be my validation for the reading, the second was about two weeks later.
I got an email from her this morning and have set something up for Thursday.
@Tammyp Gotcha. I had a general reading with Yona over a month ago, and she also gave me a contact prediction as a validation, but the timeframe was going to be within 2-3 months. Still waiting for that to manifest! Good to know that yours happened in the time frame :)
As most of you know, the majority of the favourite readers mentioned on this forum doesn't really work very well for me. I'm happy to report that at last! I have found one and this lady doesn't get enough credit on this board. Hopefully, i can resurect this thread. I read with her twice. I have mentioned before that the first time i read with her, it was ambigious that i didn't feel like i took anything away from the reading but lo and behold, within the last month things have manifested in the way she described it that i had to get a second reading with her to get more details and examine things further. She usually caution that you shouldn't get readings too close and warn that i would not be getting new details since i had the last one a month ago, but this second reading with her was more detailed, new info and i felt an 'ah ha!' moment after. Clarity is something we are all after right?
Here's what she got right:
-how my ex feels about where we are now and his lack of movement (laziness) on his part to act.
-his apology
-convo about how i had to push for a time to meet up as he won't initiate it.
All was true and validated when we finally talked about 'it' aka. relationship bit. I couldn't believe it played out the way she said it. I called her again a few days ago for details to see how this will all play out. I guess i will find out if her second reading would be true by the end of the year.
The way he is.. is exactly how Sapphire21 and Cookie described it though. Just that Yona was the only one that hit it all in the right note that compell me to write a proper review for her. I will read with her again next year... after the time bracket expires.
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