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Yona Farrell

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Hi all!  I haven't checked in in awhile but, I just want to say that every single thing she told me has happened. Two contact predictions from two different people, yep. Saw me teaching a class at work, yep. Saw a man with black hair and blue eyes coming into my life, yep. Kept seeing a man in a blue shirt, he just wouldn't go away. Well, while on vacation, I had a drink with one of the contact guys, whom i haven't seen in two years and guess what? Yep, he had on a blue shirt!

I have paid for another reading but haven't been able to schedule it yet.  Anxious to see what she says this time.

So, so impressed with her.


Just curious, did all of the things happen within the time frame that Yona gave you?  Also, I saw from Yona's site that she's on vacation this week, so you might have to wait a few days to schedule a reading.

I had the same experience with yona. Everything happened as she said it would. I did not ask her anything. I asked her for a general reading, and she picked up on my primary concern immediately. I would not ask her anything specific and allow her to tell you what she gets on her own. I have a reading with her scheduled for Friday. It will only be my second reading with her because my first reading in April provided me with enough details to carry me through all these months. I'll provide an update after my follow up with her.


--- Quote from: Synergy on September 21, 2014, 03:48:29 AM ---I had the same experience with yona. Everything happened as she said it would. I did not ask her anything. I asked her for a general reading, and she picked up on my primary concern immediately. I would not ask her anything specific and allow her to tell you what she gets on her own. I have a reading with her scheduled for Friday. It will only be my second reading with her because my first reading in April provided me with enough details to carry me through all these months. I'll provide an update after my follow up with her.

--- End quote ---

She sounds like a quality reader long-term. I'm going to schedule a read with her ASAP. Any tips for asking questions? Keep it vague or specific?



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