I have a Yona hit. I had a reading in August and she went wayyyyy overtime. I read with her 3 times last year after 7 years' break.
Very often things don't happen for a while ( sometimes I can never make them fit so I forget about them and then I don't remember if she had predicted certain things that happen much much later), so I kind of put them away and forget about them. She spoke about people and things who were not even remotely in my life at the time. She talked about a person and situation that only came into my life in November. In August, I could never have imagined this. The situation she described actually scared me because I thought it was happening to someone in my family and it would be so heartbreaking for them. She said it would somehow impact me and what actions I would take. I thought it meant I would just be consoling someone, helping to pick up the pieces and such. But it turns out it was an old flame from 12 years ago, who I haven't spoken to in maybe 9/10 years. We lost touch, moved countries, etc.
Turns out the situation was related to THEIR life and I'm still trying to figure out how much impact it has for me. Does it have long term implications or is it just that I'm helping them through it?
She also described exactly how an interaction would go with a person I was involved with more recently with and am now trying to get over. She predicted his return, but her timing was off by a few months. She said it would be around a celebration before the end of last year, so we both pegged it as possibly my birthday, but it turned out to be HIS birthday this year. But the rest was just as she said.
For the first time too she told me what she saw in her crystal, and she said just ONE sentence, and this week that sentence was confirmed as accurate. I had never recorded readings before, I always wrote them in notebooks, but I move a lot and so have lost those notes. Recording and saving our chats has helped me see her accuracy even better.
At the time of the reading most of it didn't make sense, but it's playing out right now. I don't know what the eventual outcome is, because she doesn't really give such definitive statements ( not to me anyway), but I'm trying to make the decisions for myself using what she has told me during the readings.