Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services

Yona Farrell

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Well said, dawnlegacy!

Catherines, I thought you didn’t get psychic readings lol, so how would you know anything? And why are you following this thread so closely and dictating what others should or should not do with their readings? The OP (aka you) that started the never ending debate on asking Yona questions has repeatedly asked people to decipher her reading. You do realize each card has a meaning, but can be applied to your situation differently. I know you have a hard time comprehending based on your posts, so let me explain like you are a 5 year old. An example from Yona’s tarot card reading: she drew the lovers card, she said “this card typically has nothing to do with relationships, but rather big choices to make, but YOU have this card in a traditional sense and you have a choice between two individuals”. Do you see how a card may not have the same meaning for all yet?

The more I learn about tarot and listen to my reading with Yona, the card placements have an impact on her interpretation of the prediction, so I don’t think anyone else can truly decipher @allisgood reading, as the question should have been clarified right then and there bc once she moves those cards, she may not be able to answer.

Miss Philosopher:

I see you're still around, masquerading as the poster child for exemplary mental health. Your pathetic attempts at insult speak volumes regarding the condition of your life. Healthy, happy people don't go around degrading others, verbally vomiting trash opinions as though they are toddlers flailing around on the floor in a fit of rage. You're so quick to call others and/or their situations toxic, but have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and recognized the fact that you are a perfect description of toxicity? The hypocrisy is unreal. Let us all know if any of your predictions ever come to pass because that's what all of this is really about. You're angry because nothing happens for you. Nothing happens for you because you're too busy trying to make hell for others. Why would the universe gift you with anything other than what you put out there?

Wouldn’t it be so great if Yona would just come on here and make a public statement about how to read with her? 😂


--- Quote from: sugarsky on February 20, 2025, 08:48:59 PM ---Wouldn’t it be so great if Yona would just come on here and make a public statement about how to read with her? 😂

--- End quote ---

I’ve sometimes wanted to mention this thread to her but instead I’ve just emailed her the questions or asked during my readings. I really don’t think she should be on this thread stressing herself out with the craziness that some people bring here.


--- Quote from: Beans9224 on February 20, 2025, 04:48:05 PM ---Well said, dawnlegacy!

Catherines, I thought you didn’t get psychic readings lol, so how would you know anything? And why are you following this thread so closely and dictating what others should or should not do with their readings? The OP (aka you) that started the never ending debate on asking Yona questions has repeatedly asked people to decipher her reading. You do realize each card has a meaning, but can be applied to your situation differently. I know you have a hard time comprehending based on your posts, so let me explain like you are a 5 year old. An example from Yona’s tarot card reading: she drew the lovers card, she said “this card typically has nothing to do with relationships, but rather big choices to make, but YOU have this card in a traditional sense and you have a choice between two individuals”. Do you see how a card may not have the same meaning for all yet?

The more I learn about tarot and listen to my reading with Yona, the card placements have an impact on her interpretation of the prediction, so I don’t think anyone else can truly decipher @allisgood reading, as the question should have been clarified right then and there bc once she moves those cards, she may not be able to answer.

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Thank you beans, at this point it may be best for Catherines to be the one helping allisgood. I attempted to help them in their inbox and was told I didn’t know anything about Yona, so oh well. At the end of the day my readings have been accurate so far, so I can only provide information from my own experiences, it will help whoever it helps.


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