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Yona Farrell

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--- Quote from: nursemarie9551 on February 03, 2025, 10:03:04 PM ---Yall this may have already been discussed but do Yona's predictions occur sooner than predicted? She predicted a man stepping back & being difficult in March but it's happening now.

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Was this your first prediction?

No not my first prediction


--- Quote from: T422 on February 04, 2025, 03:14:06 PM ---
--- Quote from: Beans9224 on February 04, 2025, 02:21:09 AM ---
--- Quote from: allisgood on February 03, 2025, 10:40:13 PM ---
--- Quote from: Beans9224 on February 03, 2025, 07:46:27 PM ---Even though I am feeling very discouraged with this forum and the amount of trolls and negativity, I know there are some who still want to see updates.

Yona’s first prediction that I thought would never happen just occurred over the weekend. Two of pentacles, communication from POI that comes with an apology and explanation.

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Did she give you that in the opening cards? Or in the predictions part?
Didn't you say before that she had read your past and that this had already happened in September?
What timeframe did she give you for that prediction and how did she describe it?

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I don’t really want to get into too much detail bc of the negative reactions to detailed posts as of late, but she gave me that in the predictions.

I didn’t think her predictions would happen bc my POI did give me an apology explanation back in September along with a breakup. But he came back around again this weekend to apologize and explain his POV.
She gave me 6-8 weeks or before the end of the year (2024).

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Happy for you!

That’s not too bad for timing

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Aww thank you ☺️. Right?! Pretty dang close considering others wait years!


--- Quote from: T422 on February 04, 2025, 03:19:01 PM ---
--- Quote from: nursemarie9551 on February 03, 2025, 10:03:04 PM ---Yall this may have already been discussed but do Yona's predictions occur sooner than predicted? She predicted a man stepping back & being difficult in March but it's happening now.

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Was this your first prediction?

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Yonas timing is really bad so I imagine it’s totally possible it happened sooner that she’s stating
I think she guesses timing as best she can based on the cards but that doesn’t necessarily work well


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