Yona is excellent for yearly readings. Many of her SPECIFIC predictions came to pass. Specifically looking at a property with my sister for work and home. Its a very specific type. It came to pass two years later.
Last time I read with her I was in shock. She described in detail what had JUST happened. There was not much else to it. Everything she said was true, and had just occurred. She made no other predictions at that time. There are many that havent come to pass yet but Im sure they will, because she has no sense of time frames.
One time she told me I'd meet a narcisist with interest in me, and I did, and he literally told me he had been diagnosed as a narcissist. It was so interesting. She emphasized during the reading she had seen many men with narcissist traits but this man was a true blue narcissist.
Thats my review of years. She is awesome. Her timing is flex, her predictions come true, sometime she reads what just happened.