Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 1982206 times)

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5340 on: August 23, 2020, 09:40:56 PM »
Hi all, long long long ago (November 2016) Yona had seen that I would experience a medical Tower, a short visit to a clinic or medical establishment/doctor, and that I'd then recover at home.
This prediction hadn't happened.
And then it repeated again in my April reading,, Judgment/Tower-medical Tower. She did see me go out with a guy soon after so she said it's most likely not you who is experiencing the Tower.
It was myself b/c the above two are the same prediction. The November 2016  reading had given the King of Cups soon after so this now potentially identifies the Pisces guy with a Japanese link as the king of Cups.

I told you about my migraine attack. This is the first time I had a migraine attack with vision loss. I saw psychedelic images for 10-15 minutes and freaked out. I couldn't read what was on the screen. The next day -today-I woke up with fatigue and still blurry vision. I went to a walk in clinic to see a doctor about this today. She diagnosed it as classic migraine with aura. Some call it an ocular migraine but I think that's a bit different.
and I feel wiped out and at home. The doctor told me I am experiencing a migraine hangover and this can last for a few days when I'll have residual effects.

To be honest, I am quite concerned and still worried it's something neurological.. Yona said that I'd be quite 'disturbed' and 'shaken' by this.

there you go-this was another unidentified Tower in my cards. I'd discounted it b/c it was so long ago.
this is the 2nd to last prediction of a Celtic cross from Nov 2016.. the last prediction was a King of Cups pursuing me but I see him as a friend.

Offline Piggynose

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5341 on: August 24, 2020, 01:54:09 AM »
Hi all, long long long ago (November 2016) Yona had seen that I would experience a medical Tower, a short visit to a clinic or medical establishment/doctor, and that I'd then recover at home.
This prediction hadn't happened.
And then it repeated again in my April reading,, Judgment/Tower-medical Tower. She did see me go out with a guy soon after so she said it's most likely not you who is experiencing the Tower.
It was myself b/c the above two are the same prediction. The November 2016  reading had given the King of Cups soon after so this now potentially identifies the Pisces guy with a Japanese link as the king of Cups.

I told you about my migraine attack. This is the first time I had a migraine attack with vision loss. I saw psychedelic images for 10-15 minutes and freaked out. I couldn't read what was on the screen. The next day -today-I woke up with fatigue and still blurry vision. I went to a walk in clinic to see a doctor about this today. She diagnosed it as classic migraine with aura. Some call it an ocular migraine but I think that's a bit different.
and I feel wiped out and at home. The doctor told me I am experiencing a migraine hangover and this can last for a few days when I'll have residual effects.

To be honest, I am quite concerned and still worried it's something neurological.. Yona said that I'd be quite 'disturbed' and 'shaken' by this.

there you go-this was another unidentified Tower in my cards. I'd discounted it b/c it was so long ago.
this is the 2nd to last prediction of a Celtic cross from Nov 2016.. the last prediction was a King of Cups pursuing me but I see him as a friend.

Summer I’m sorry you are experiencing this. I hope you get better and these migraines don’t happen too often if at all. 🙏🏼 For you!

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5342 on: August 24, 2020, 03:26:20 AM »
Professor and Piggynose, thank you thank you thank you! <3

Professor, wow I had no idea. I get headaches every month during my period (sorry guys on this forum for tmi) and I knew I was migraine prone and possibly some of those headaches were migraines.
But I'd never gotten this aura before. This is what freaked me out. Surprisingly the pain wasn't as bad as some headaches. I read that sometimes the aura migraines can be less painful so perhaps the debilitating headaches I'd get were migraines, just not with auras. Maybe I'd have gotten an aura then too but the triggers were not in place. Or b/c I'd lie in the dark.
I don't have prescription medication but just take OTC. Doctor recommended I take either tylenol for migraine or excedrin for migraine.

I suspect what the trigger was. I'd just done like a 2 hour cardio session partially in 95 F weather, and was also a bit dehydrated and then had coffee and a Monster drink. so I feel that dehydration /heat was the trigger. 

But today I've just felt very fatigued, almost identical to how one feels after going overboard with the drinks. Doctor said in fact it is called a migraine hangover, technical term for which is a postdrome.
But the orbs/zig zags are exactly as you describe. It was like a tapestry of light or rainbow passing. I read one source that likens it to taking 'shrooms. lolz. My old Wands would know all about that! lolz [Temperance card for you].

But yep this was with certainty Judgment/Tower.

Meanwhile the job vacancy I identified is indeed the vacancy in my cards. b/c today another senior colleague emailed me and said that he would like to talk to me about some departmental change that is coming up .. I feel like he will seek my vote OR that he wants me to put myself up for the position. I heard from our chair that there are those who want me to be the Chair.
this is why it showed up in my cards.
she said it's also a time frame marker for dating a Knight of Wands. to be precise, this change takes place next year, or at the end of this academic year, which has now begun. So who knows. I  mean with like a 4 year old Tower ensuing today (everything else in that reading had happened long long ago btw, just this segment hadn't)..who knows!
« Last Edit: August 24, 2020, 03:29:18 AM by summertimesnow »

Offline massine

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5343 on: August 24, 2020, 12:22:18 PM »
So, Yona was right and wrong about romance.
She said I'd end up blocking a guy who was into me more than I was, which I did.

However she was wrong as she told me I wouldn't have a great love or passion this year, and that I'd have a blast from the past come forward with a list of reasons why we could get back together, but we'd make it work. I am now officially dating my future housemate/friend! I didn't think I'd want to pursue an actual relationship but just date people, but this guy has absolutely caught my eye. There's definitely passion and romance this year and I'm really lucky to have him as a boyfriend!

Offline Nina710

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5344 on: August 24, 2020, 08:45:21 PM »
I thought Yona sees things that are defining moments. I am distraught. Now my POI ( my boyfriend is now my POI) said that now he isn’t ready to fully committ. When in the beginning he was so in. I thought he was the one. She had so many good predictions pertaining to him and I. How could she not have seen this huge smack in the face. After that brief 5 of cups she had so many good predictions more communication more passion. I just don’t get it

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5345 on: August 24, 2020, 11:25:10 PM »
Massine, how intriguing! And how exciting. I am happy for you.. May we all be so lucky to have her be  wrong in this fashion!

I can't agree more with what Professor has said. Think about it. My 2016 Tower just came in.

granted I know that it's the Tower that was shown in the April reading b/c it showed a guy pestering to meet up with me immediately after and me going out with them at short notice but I see them as a friend,  he has no card shown. the other guy -not the one whom I went out with last week-hit me up today to ask me out. I said OK to drinks. I was supposed to get together with my colleagues but unfortunately the host has been exposed to covid over the weekend and is now under quarantine. He found out in the nick of time and canceled. otherwise, we would all have been exposed had he not gotten the news today.
Reminded me of LeeLoo's prediction about wanting to be with colleagues and the Mice-vermin-preventing get togethers. ah alas.

But yep so he's ruled out as  Knight of Wands. even if he's leaving. b/c she got this right-she said you are almost pestered to meet up and you have been a bit shaken by your medical ordeal or news about s/o's medical ordeal so you go out, almost like you would with a friend for coffee or tea.

and I can verify it's skipped the Knight of Wands prediction since this appeared in the 2nd layout as did the medical  Tower. so it's like the bigger stuff can be shown earlier but not appear  earlier in one's life. this is a point that LeeLoo emphasized as well.

meanwhile I got a major hit at a journal today-quite unexpected positive surprise, aligning with my ex stepmom's predictions for August. Perhaps she'll be proved right for December as the turning point in love!!

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5346 on: August 25, 2020, 09:21:42 AM »
I had my first reading with Yona this week.

I want to say she is a very sweet lady. I think she picked up  my current situation very well. She described my POI and our problems so accurately. She also predicted I will be taking a big course and it happens next day. I got selected for months long training. She also saw me going to hospital which I did last week. She doesn’t see love for me this year. But she does see romance and partnership for me next year with another person. She mentioned like commitment and partnership which I believe is marriage?
All in all I want to say it was worth it. I tried various psychics and no one has ever spotted on like she did. At least she was right about what I was/am going through. I only have one prediction to look forward to. I will come back to review again if it gets ever pass.

According to your experience, will her next year be another 2-3 years because I read Yona timing can be years down the road.  Also did she ever mention like how you will meet your soulmate? I was stunned with the level of details. It is hard not to have hopes 😄

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5347 on: August 25, 2020, 06:14:43 PM »
I had my first reading with Yona this week.

I want to say she is a very sweet lady. I think she picked up  my current situation very well. She described my POI and our problems so accurately. She also predicted I will be taking a big course and it happens next day. I got selected for months long training. She also saw me going to hospital which I did last week. She doesn’t see love for me this year. But she does see romance and partnership for me next year with another person. She mentioned like commitment and partnership which I believe is marriage?
All in all I want to say it was worth it. I tried various psychics and no one has ever spotted on like she did. At least she was right about what I was/am going through. I only have one prediction to look forward to. I will come back to review again if it gets ever pass.

According to your experience, will her next year be another 2-3 years because I read Yona timing can be years down the road.  Also did she ever mention like how you will meet your soulmate? I was stunned with the level of details. It is hard not to have hopes 😄

it totally depends on how fast your cards are moving. She acknowledged that my love related cards are slow moving, but not b/c anything in the cards tell her that but b/c I update her on those. For me, a reading takes about 2 years to manifest but the major love predictions do not manifest. 
That said, this was the unexpected health scare from my a reading with her from Nov 2016. Yes, so almost 4 years ago. but  ostensibly back then she had a different guide who just gave longer term predictions (people say this on various forums, I am not sure about it). She's had the same guide since early 2017 and I can vouch for the fact that her first '17 reading was extremely short term and just covered half  a year for me-everything in it manifested but passion with KoW unless one were to say passion stood for chemistry. My mom commented that he and I could never have been friends the way I think of friendship due to the palpable chemistry-so maybe this is why he always got the passion card.(old KoW).

Another example: April reading from this year, ends around the time of me dating a KoW and passion around the point of a work restructure with a vacancy. I now know that Spirit gave this knowing that I'd hear about this vacancy in a couple of months and know it to be the marker. without question I know it to be the marker. The department has had the same Chair for a decade . he was the one who recruited me and several colleagues so it's a major deal. But the question is, if the 'around the time' prediction about dating a KoW and passion will hold! but that is a year from now, or starting in May since that is when the Chair steps down. basically it's identifying next summer. but that's a short time frame by Yona standards-it means that the April cards are ending about a year later.

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5348 on: August 25, 2020, 09:37:35 PM »
How accurate are Yona's timeframe markers? Ones like the one above where she gives a prediction and then says "it says it's around this time that x will happen". Because I think x is happening already, but she told me it would happen following this other prediction which I know won't happen for a very long time, if ever, because it requires me to make a huge time and financial commitment and I'm not even considering it atm. It's not even on my radar. Do things ever happen before she says they will if she's given a separate prediction and says that's when it will happen? Thanks, Yona experts!

The answer, as always, is it depends.
So, for cases where she says 'immediately before/after'-those are literally immediate. One case I had it happen 45 minutes (!) after the marker and it was a love related one-at the time.
Otherwise, the immediate has typically been that day (even the first time meeting the old Wands) or the day after.

Shortly afters are pretty good too-usually within the week or 2 weeks tops.

The catch is that I have many predictions where neither event happened. So it pertained to a Knight of Cups and b/c I never met him neither the immediate event before him nor the one right after him have happened.

With around the time ofs, it's hit or miss. so one reading had given me visiting public premises-and she guessed a gym--as around the time of flirtation/Knight of WAnds. and I visited a new gym the week I met the old Wands.

But my December reading gave 'around the time of World' as when I'd hear from a Knight of Wands AND see him in person. She said he's the FIRST prediction after World so it's soon after or right before I travel. My international trip was in early March. 6 months ago. and nada. zilch, zero.
However, she also said this World, this trip, marks the time when everything around me changes, reset, Fool. And when I traveled is when the global pandemic broke out and became labeled a pandemic. 1 day after I got there is when the WHO declared it a pandemic. 2-3 days after I got back is when the local lockdowns were imposed.

Because it gave the Knight of WAnds after this, she and I assumed 'everything changes' was like my love life taking off. lolz.
how deceptive!

so I am heartened it shows travel for work around the time of this work change over.
But the Knight of Wands? for one, I checked the notes and it says he is explaining things about the past. so it's not saying around that time is when I meet a KoW. No it's saying that at that point I have a KoW with a shared past.
so note that this guy's last day as Chair will be May 2021. But the new Chair will come in next fall. So I am saying a year from now, the start of fall semester 21 is the latest this deadline can be.
I know for a lot of you that is so far away. But as a long time Yona client with zero movement in love life, and as a middle aged woman who has given up on even dating, let alone love, or passion, and who really wouldn't care for "passion" with random app bros, this is too soon and too far fetched.

So then will be the question of oh maybe it's the wrong marker. No,it's the correct one as it's impacting my life right now. the person replacing this chair will be a nightmare-she's like this disciplinarian woman whereas this King was a laidback character.
so it's the correct marker.
BUT the KoW will not have surfaced.

Tysm. I think this is a case where the event being a timeframe marker must be incorrect then. I appreciate you giving examples. For me she just said it's around this time, after the marker but it is happening now and the marker is most likely years out. Thanks!

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5349 on: August 25, 2020, 11:04:36 PM »
I just had an hour-long Zoom call for my colleague about this change. He gave me the specific dates of stuff. He is volunteering and I'd support him. I'm going to vote for him over the other two candidates but the Dean decides ultimately. Anyhow, he said that the new Chair comes in July 1, 2021, the fiscal year, as I guessed. academic fiscal year that is (in the US).

To be precise guys, I am skeptical but it's almost a full year-11 months-for this prediction to be proved right or wrong. that is, the prediction itself is legit but for a KoW to surface with a shared past? and for me to date him. she said specifically 'dating. does anyone know what the card is for 'dating'?

Oh and btw, good news for us all,, for the world that is: it says clearly by that point cards are showing travel so lockdown must have ended. So one more year sounds about right.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2020, 11:12:11 PM by summertimesnow »

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5350 on: August 25, 2020, 11:11:58 PM »
I think it is important to realise that Yona is not a here and now reader for an instant replay of what will happen.   I have yet to hear of anyone that has had predictions that played out instantly, for love or meeting or how a POI will behave.

Please let me know if I am wrong.

I found that readings have been taking place around 4 years after predictions made.  Some 2 years and her markers as in this is happening around this is not always accurate and her play on how things and when things play out get mixed up.

I have been a firm Yona groupie for a number of years, holding onto her predictions and to be honest I thought she was great.

My last reading took place 2 years ago and a few things happened but not all, I would say 40% if that and I had another reading just because I was feeling stuck.   But I was disappointed in her reading and how it played out, no direction given, it was all over the place and I found myself looking at the clock wanting to know when this would be over because it instilled no joy and actually felt as if there was nothing in it to look forward too.

I feel slightly robbed because I needed something but I did not know what.

Shame really because I fear I am unlikely to read with her again after doing so since 2012

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5351 on: August 26, 2020, 12:41:55 AM »
I have a reading with Yona in the morning. Should I tell her about my recent break up that she never predict in my last reading? She usually asks how things are going and I don’t want to sway her in a different direction. I’m sad and devastated right now. Not that I want to test her but I just don’t want to sway her in giving her opnion other than using her gift...

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5352 on: August 26, 2020, 01:01:19 AM »
I have a reading with Yona in the morning. Should I tell her about my recent break up that she never predict in my last reading? She usually asks how things are going and I don’t want to sway her in a different direction. I’m sad and devastated right now. Not that I want to test her but I just don’t want to sway her in giving her opnion other than using her gift...

You should yes

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5353 on: August 26, 2020, 01:16:52 AM »
I think it is important to realise that Yona is not a here and now reader for an instant replay of what will happen.   I have yet to hear of anyone that has had predictions that played out instantly, for love or meeting or how a POI will behave.

Please let me know if I am wrong.

I found that readings have been taking place around 4 years after predictions made.  Some 2 years and her markers as in this is happening around this is not always accurate and her play on how things and when things play out get mixed up.

I have been a firm Yona groupie for a number of years, holding onto her predictions and to be honest I thought she was great.

My last reading took place 2 years ago and a few things happened but not all, I would say 40% if that and I had another reading just because I was feeling stuck.   But I was disappointed in her reading and how it played out, no direction given, it was all over the place and I found myself looking at the clock wanting to know when this would be over because it instilled no joy and actually felt as if there was nothing in it to look forward too.

I feel slightly robbed because I needed something but I did not know what.

Shame really because I fear I am unlikely to read with her again after doing so since 2012

I have posted this recently in the thread, but I read with Yona for the first time on April 1st. She predicted a POI reaching out to get feelers, then there’s a pause in communication, then 3 months later we are in contact again and he is more motivated where she’s impressed with his energy. All of this happened... so that was a love prediction that happened immediately because this guy (out of the blue) texted the same night of my reading. This was lightening speed! I didn’t even know this guy was the POI until after 3 months when he came on strong and it clicked. I totally thought she was referring to someone else so didn’t even think twice about this guy... Another prediction is playing out currently with him and the 5 of cups. She said I have 2 years of changes to go through and that my cards were unexpectedly strong. I’m not sure if the cards being strong were the reason for this happening right away, but she did say these major cards happen only once or twice in someone’s life. All I will say is I’m blown away. I didn’t expect this level of accuracy!! She also predicted a tower, which happened in the timeframe she said it would. I have a top up reading with her on Thursday to get more details and hopefully new predictions.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2020, 01:22:18 AM by LoveAndLight555 »

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #5354 on: August 26, 2020, 02:39:19 AM »
how long is her wait these days?