Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 1984695 times)

Offline Rayban212

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4950 on: July 17, 2020, 10:45:23 PM »
I have a question for you summer lol
What do you believe yona is saying when she describes someone as a “romantic development”

Has anyone else gotten that ?

someone or an event? She sees a 10 of cups but not in the outcome which can be anything from a date to spending time together to hearing from them. i will say that I was never wowed by any of her 10 of cups predictions. Back when I had a love interest ,it would be like spending time as friends. and getting to see them.
in the past 18 months it's just been app meetups which do not exactly make my heart throb. A meetup of awkwardness galore and boredom with a rando dude.
That appears as the 10 of cups.

Cards are misleading with s/o you know. reason is that they have no concept of time so from Spirit's vantage point ,their energy may appear connected to yours b/c you are fated to meet.

Lol on the 10 years. but in my case once I have passion with a KoW I will update Yona and I don't think she'll be working in 10 years. I hope but I don't think so. I think 5 years is the max we can get with her , assuming she's at least 65. she may even be 70 ish at this point.

Just PM you! :)

Offline wtg4soulmate

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4951 on: July 17, 2020, 11:43:08 PM »
I've been following this thread for a bit and I'm curious about something.  I get the impression that Yona says a lot that is difficult to understand.  Does she not explain herself very well?  I've been tempted to get a reading from her but I hesitate because if I'm not going to be able to follow what she's talking about, I'll be annoyed and feel like I've wasted my money.  It also seems that some of you are talking about predictions she makes that is a long way out.
In the end, is she worth the appointment?  If I get a reading, I'm more looking for the next few months, not years. 

Offline maggs30

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4952 on: July 18, 2020, 12:54:48 AM »
My question is on Yona and marriage. How many has she predicted that did or didn't happen and how many didn't she predict that happened? I can't go d it but I swear someone said they got married and Yona never saw it.

Offline massine

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4953 on: July 18, 2020, 01:51:33 AM »
I've been following this thread for a bit and I'm curious about something.  I get the impression that Yona says a lot that is difficult to understand.  Does she not explain herself very well?  I've been tempted to get a reading from her but I hesitate because if I'm not going to be able to follow what she's talking about, I'll be annoyed and feel like I've wasted my money.  It also seems that some of you are talking about predictions she makes that is a long way out.
In the end, is she worth the appointment?  If I get a reading, I'm more looking for the next few months, not years.

I'm not saying this to be a pain, but you need to read the whole thread! She has Yona-isms which people here have kindly deciphered!
I had my first reading with her at the start of July and two predictions have come to pass and the others have started and I'll find out in a few months what the outcome is. Others haven't had major predictions come true. Like every other psychic, she may or may not work for you but in my experience, I highly recommend a read with her!

Offline samantha87

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4954 on: July 18, 2020, 03:16:57 AM »
I've been following this thread for a bit and I'm curious about something.  I get the impression that Yona says a lot that is difficult to understand.  Does she not explain herself very well?  I've been tempted to get a reading from her but I hesitate because if I'm not going to be able to follow what she's talking about, I'll be annoyed and feel like I've wasted my money.  It also seems that some of you are talking about predictions she makes that is a long way out.
In the end, is she worth the appointment?  If I get a reading, I'm more looking for the next few months, not years.

I won't deny that sometimes Yona is hard to follow.  I feel like my first reading with her was kind of confusing, but subsequent readings with her have been more understandable and predictions happened quicker.

I personally would recommend her because she has gotten a lot correct for me including a love prediction and within the time frame that she told me.  But everyone is different and sometimes things take years to come to fruition.

My first reading with her was in March 2019, and some things from that are starting to unfold currently.  Whereas my top-off from May spat out...3-4 predictions after almost two months.

Offline Tzwilson84

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4955 on: July 18, 2020, 03:41:49 AM »
My question is on Yona and marriage. How many has she predicted that did or didn't happen and how many didn't she predict that happened? I can't go d it but I swear someone said they got married and Yona never saw it.

She told me I would have proper partnership and a living together situation? Is that marriage? She also said commitment.

Offline jaks111

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4956 on: July 18, 2020, 11:30:15 AM »
I have read only once with Yona 30 mins lovely lady November 2017 all the reading was about my ex she picked him up excellent as though she new him I asked for a general reading Yona began with this is all about your love life. 
I only had 2 predictions the one happened in a couple of weeks from the reading date the other she said would happen by June nope I’m still waiting that makes it 3 years this November.

Offline Piggynose

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4957 on: July 18, 2020, 03:35:57 PM »
I’m wondering why Yona is successful in predicting someone new coming in and even in the correct timeframe but other times she doesn’t mention when or how they will meet POI and she just picks them up and mentions them in her predictions. For example, in my very first reading with her she mentioned POI and his characteristics but she never predicted when and how I would meet him. When I first read with her, I did not know him.

Does it all boil down to the connection she has with you? I know readers connect differently with each of us but I read here on another post how one person said she predicted when she would meet her new POI and that they would be in a relationship.

I just wish I had someone connect with me when it came to love predictions. I want to know when and how!! Is that too much to ask!! lol I’m tired! Where is he!! 😩🐽

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4958 on: July 18, 2020, 07:13:33 PM »
Piggynose, this I wonder about too. I have two polar opposite experiences with Yona on this one.

The first time I read with her, January 2016, she predicted a Knight of Wands coming in, that I meet him in the spring and she gave two specific markers, random events, one concerning a lady friend who'd return to town, and another, about me visiting a new gym, immediately after which I'd meet the Wands. She said i'd meet him not through apps but through social entertainment, and that I'd see him one time and not see him for several weeks, then bump into him again, in the same venue, and a friendship would develop in the summer. That she could see he gets my number but 2 of swords, there's no communication  in between face to face meetups.
It was March of the following year, 2017, when a colleague/friend returned to town and invited me to her home for a meal. A week after I went and visited a new gym that had opened up... That same night, on a whim I went to a local music venue and met the Knight of Wands. He approached me after back and forth eye contact, and got my number at the end of the night. But then he didn't text. May of the same year, I went to the venue again and bumped into  him again, as well as meeting his two best friends, a couple, with whom I discovered I had just become neighbors (they'd just moved into my building). She'd seen that there'd be a door opening that summer for friendship. So that is how we became friends.

But nothing romantic happened with this guy-the couple tried to and hoped to get us to date and things were headed in that direction but stalled.

Then she also has been predicting a Knight or King of cups. Initially, when he was first shown in my November 2016 reading, she was adamant it was s/o face to face. Since then she's oscillated between saying she's unsure, to 2 of pentacles, def online. Moreover, some readings show him as Knight of Cups and others King of Cups and she's not certain if it's the same guy. Also, some readings say that there's a spark, I am impatient to see him, and other readings say I am put off, not attracted and he's the one pursuing me.
Furthermore, my April reading said I'd already met A Knight of Cups and it was a one off app date-and that is true. so now it's unclear whether all the above fuss was over same random app dude-and I've had 55 app meetups in the past 4 years.

So the Cups has disappeared from my cards but it's uncertain if he was this app dude or not.

As a secondary interest she has now a Knight of Pentacles . Sadly I've identified this one-this is a guy I met at a bar last summer. He's majorly into me, and a super sweet guy. I wish I could be into him. I truly do. but there's nothing on my end.

So there you go. three vastly different experiences.

Oh and there was a time of fun with both Wands and Cups-that never happened. and that I'd be impatient over a date with a Cups, there'd be a Tower as in a cancellation on his end, but we'd still meet up after. and this never happened. Not once in 5 years have I been impatient to meet up with any of the app randoms.

Offline Piggynose

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4959 on: July 18, 2020, 08:27:44 PM »
Wow Summer, so much detail in the prediction of the first guy but am I understanding correct that he did not become a significant love interest or even a relationship? If not, then why even bring them up and with so much detail? So you are waiting to meet the KOC?

Thank you for your feedback!

I must add that I was spoiled by a local psychic that I read with up until she passed away. She blew everyone out of the water....even Yona. She gave details and was straight with her answers. You didn’t have to decipher her readings and she was always correct for me. She was not 💯 because no one is but this lady was extraordinary to say the least! So, my goal was to find a replacement for her but I have had no such luck.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 08:36:34 PM by Piggynose »

Offline samantha87

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4960 on: July 18, 2020, 08:39:04 PM »
I know so many people are asking you plenty of questions, Summer, but I was curious if Yona has ever mentioned pulling the "home card" and saying that that meant you were in your POI's home or he was in yours aka moving in with one another?

She mentioned my moving since my first reading, but this was the first time she mentioned a cohabitation with my now missing POI.  And it came up fairly quickly within the reading (even before predicting his disappearance act).

Offline maggs30

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4961 on: July 18, 2020, 08:41:23 PM »
My first ever reading with Yona in Feb 2019 she predicted a move and I would be happy and my whole life was going well. I told her I am not moving I just bought this house 9 months ago. She insisted it was 6 to 9 months away. Fast forward now I have 4 or 5 readers telling me I'm moving. I guess it got close enough for others to see now.

Offline maggs30

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4962 on: July 18, 2020, 08:45:04 PM »
As far as love predictions she always picks up my ex husband and often describes him different suits depending on how much of an ass he is being. Every time he pops up I know he is going to try to get me back again. On the flip side I have been dating my current guy for almost 4 months. Yona doesn't see him at all. My ex husband has been dominating my readings and I can't get Yona to stop seeing him lol

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4963 on: July 18, 2020, 08:51:43 PM »
I know so many people are asking you plenty of questions, Summer, but I was curious if Yona has ever mentioned pulling the "home card" and saying that that meant you were in your POI's home or he was in yours aka moving in with one another?

She mentioned my moving since my first reading, but this was the first time she mentioned a cohabitation with my now missing POI.  And it came up fairly quickly within the reading (even before predicting his disappearance act).

<3 <3

Funny you asked that as I was just responding to s/o on my PMs on this very note.

Yes!! It is my favorite prediction ever b/c it never errs. 8 times she'd predicted Wands in the home card. First time she saw it, Nov 2016, I hadn't met the guy but I met him in March of '17 and he came to my home for the first time in Sept '17.

She saw this 7 more times and all 7 passed, him in mine 4 times and me in his 3 times (2 separate apartments since he had moved within town during this time).
One time, the reading started off with this as the first prediction-it happened 3 weeks after.

Other than this, she has seen my mom in the home and that always happened. she's stopped seeing anyone in the home of late.

She's also able to discern if it's s/o in your home vs you using a godforsaken accursed app to speak to s/o. Recently this is what is appearing.

It's my fave prediction ever b/c I don't let a guy into my home under normal (pre covid ) times unless I know them really well and am certain they won't make a move on me. and obviamente, an app guy is a no go so it is a definite no on it being an app guy if she sees s/o in the home.

She's never seen cohabitation for me-so that may be paired with 6 of swords. or else she's able to sense it.

Offline samantha87

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4964 on: July 18, 2020, 08:54:14 PM »
As far as love predictions she always picks up my ex husband and often describes him different suits depending on how much of an ass he is being. Every time he pops up I know he is going to try to get me back again. On the flip side I have been dating my current guy for almost 4 months. Yona doesn't see him at all. My ex husband has been dominating my readings and I can't get Yona to stop seeing him lol

The only way I know Yona is mentioning my POI is that she mentioned we live in different states and a certain lifestyle he was living for years.  I would sooner jump off a bridge than be with someone else with the same lifestyle choice.  ;D

But I can imagine the annoyance when she keeps bringing up your ex.  I wonder why she isn't picking up on your current partner, that is very odd!

