Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 1984698 times)

Offline wtg4soulmate

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4905 on: July 15, 2020, 12:14:46 PM »
Love the question about the akashic records.  That's something I've been intrigued about for a while.  Hoping to see a response to that one

Offline samantha87

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4906 on: July 15, 2020, 02:34:19 PM »
Because I can't help but ask, Yona had been correct for me with timing once.  But she asked me a question about how long my POI had disappeared the last time and I told her; her immediate response was that he wouldn't be gone that long. 

Has anyone had something similarly to that happen, and if so was she correct?  Again, I do know she can be off on timing but she supplied that information without me specifically asking for it.

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4907 on: July 15, 2020, 03:34:16 PM »
Has Yona ever told anyone that she can tell you still love someone?in relation to my blast from the past, she clearly told me I still love him without even asking how I felt about it or giving me time to react.
I do love him but if he came back I just don't know if I'd ever give him a second chance

My first reading with Yona she picked up on that I had “love for a man and I was missing him” and this was before she began shuffling the deck and asking me to choose a pile. I never gave her any information about my relationship status or birth date, only my name. At the time of my reading I was calling about my ex.

My opening cards indicated “love was in front of me, not behind me.” It’s the Ace of Cups card and know from my first reading when it shows up in your opening cards, expect that you’ll have a choice between two (or more) people and the person your calling or thinking at the time of your reading about is probably the man you’ll walk away from. This why “love is in front of you”, not the person from your past or behind you in your past.

She did it in the last 10 minutes of my reading. She just said there's a blast from the past, told me she knows I still love him and proceeded to describe him and his quirks down to a t, however I know on this forum it could absolutely be another man lol! She described the breakup well and the fact we were living together when he suddenly left, and let me tell you something, if I'm ever stupid enough to live with a guy before we get married, I'm gonna have strong words with myself lol!!!

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4908 on: July 15, 2020, 07:40:31 PM »
@Lys: What I dont get is why you would worry that your question is stupid. We are all here venturing this strange psychic world attempting to make sense of things we dont understand. Regarding your question, I think its possible you move together or based on the layout of the cards it may be a marker. Maybe shortly before or shortly after a relocation things progress with a poi.

@summertimesnow: The grilling now continues, lol.

1. I notice in my readings with Yona, sometimes she will say that the cards tell her she has to ‘read this exactly as it comes up.’ Other times she will say that she ‘has to read this bit carefully.’  What does this mean? Is there a guide telling her to read this as it comes up and lie/ sugarcoat abt that when that comes up?

2. How the heck do these Tarot cards work? How the heck does shuffling a deck of cards predict someone’s future and in Yona’s case sometimes 7 yrs down the line???? Are angels/demons/guides controlling the deck? Im interested in ur thoughts here.

3. You have mentioned that you have some gifts as a seer. With that in mind, Im interested in your thoughts as to whether you believe our life journeys have already been written, that all our experiences, all our triumphs and mistakes, and all the ppl we are to meet are all already known ( I believe Edgar Cayce referred to this as the akashic records). What are your thoughts here.

By the way, I find your responses very enlightening and helpful, whoever the heck u r 🤗

I just love participating on this forum; so vibrant and engaging.

First off, before I get to Professor's questions, I loved Fidget friend's story. I would bet my two horses and a chicken (if I had any) on the '6 weeks' prediction of Yona covering the first predictive layer. In those scenarios she ends up being accurate with the time frame but she is a human being and once it's beyond that layer she has no way of knowing how far out the prediction is. she guesses '18 months' '6 months' etc but it can be '4 years' , '2.5 years' etc.

Now on to the questions:

1. Ahhh I get this quite a lot. Now, Hierophant is the card she gets to alert her to the fact that she needs to read it carefully and it's a bit complex. But I am not sure if this is tantamount to her other phrasing of 'they're telling me to read it exactly as it comes up'. I think it is-it just means for her to not put her own judgment into it and read the cards literally as if translating. It may also mean do not assume you know this suit is x person yadi yada.

2. Oy! where do we begin. this is a burning question that I mean to throw Yona's way some day. She has her guides for tarot and it's like channeled messages from Spirit. whether she believes in Spirit as in part of the Holy Trinity or Spirit in spiritualism as a holistic entity or universal consciousness or your own Higher self, I don't know. or these are all elements of the same thing (no intention to offend Christians here). Yona herself is not religious I don't think-she believes in old traditions. In other cultures, such as Islam, Tarot is to be avoided as is all divination because entities that covet and hate human life trick readers into revealing elements of the truth. So I sometimes wonder if the messages that are inaccurate or have you hoping for naught are intercepted by these entities. That is, the entities would deliberately throw in minor predictions that are quickly fulfilled but know your hopes and give predictions aligned with your hopes just to toy with you. But this is originating from the belief that humans are the superior beings and these entities wanted to be human, were denied by God, and so are stuck in their own realms. Some are good, ,some are bad and it's only the bad ones that toy with humans. Secular beliefs in the tarot as taught to me by my family suggest that they merely reflect your existing energy and how they can predict the future is that there's no future=all we have is now, there's no time. I am not sure how this sits with the idea of predetermination but in a way it does, if we argue that all that is to be, already is. But Yona has said to me 'the cards are neutral, they cannot lie or mislead. But I can mess up and I do on a regular basis''. so to her the cards are never wrong, they never lie but her interpretations can be off.

3.Akashic records-another new agey term that people have seized upon. I saw a reader selling akashic readings, so to me it sounded scammy. I had read up on the records growing up. I used to have dreams of astral travel-still do but I can't parse them apart from regular dreams and once chanced upon a records hall where I tried to look at my own file and did look but waking up remembered nothing concrete.
but I'm with Yona on this one. I also used to attend a meditation group where the guru seemed to think that yes it's 90% predetermined but some elements could be altered-only the minor bits.

Oh as to who I am: just a lonely scholar stuck in a small college town, whose only love life has been chatting to an annual average of 1,000 random strangers on the app carousels and 55 (I built a mini dataset) app one-off meetups, euphemistically referred to as "online dates" .
« Last Edit: July 15, 2020, 08:14:32 PM by summertimesnow »

Offline Hopeful2020

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4909 on: July 15, 2020, 11:05:04 PM »
Question... what does "Death in the house card" mean..? Yona said I would be changing my address, and there is death in the house card.. it scares me due to the only move I plan to make in the future would be after my mom passes away (which I hope is very far from now).

Offline Nina710

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4910 on: July 15, 2020, 11:05:26 PM »
I love this forum ... it actually calms my anxiety reading everyone’s experiences.. <3

Offline CancerBumble

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4911 on: July 15, 2020, 11:12:41 PM »
I love this forum ... it actually calms my anxiety reading everyone’s experiences.. <3

I agree! And I feel a bit invested in everyone's outcome. It's like a weird blind date of friendship where you want everyone to have their happily ever after...whether with their current POI or a future, better POI.

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4912 on: July 15, 2020, 11:28:59 PM »
Quite an entertaining read. Several followup questions sprang to mind while reading, but I will give you a temporary reprieve from the grilling 😇

;):) The other question I have here is:  since the cards said financial cut to institution all the way back in early '18, did whoever guides the cards know the reason: did Spirit know it would be covid? If we believe in an omniscient being yes of course, but the cards only revealed the bits that would impact the client.
I will note my December reading said "when you travel abroad, everything changes'', the Fool card. Yona and I bought thought positive changes in life were coming in.
The day after I traveled WHO announced the global pandemic. I got back right after the EU restrictions hit (I'm exempt), and 2 days before state-wide lockdown. That was 'everything changes'. yes.

Hopeful: Death card in Tarot means the end of a phase, moving on, shutting a door. For example, she saw Death for me in the future for changing jobs-closing a door for the last time. this is something I desperately want.
So in this context it could simply be you moving house, tho that would be a 6 of swords as well. You say you are unlikely to move but you never know.
In brief, Death  in Tarot, whether in modern ways of reading or in the old Alastair Crowley methods that Yona deploys, never ever means physical /mortal death. it's always an ending, just not mortal death.

She doesn't read death so I doubt she'd predict a family member to pass away.

I will say that I read on the other forum that she has seen s/o's cards stop at a point, and the person apparently took their own life around that point.
Others have said that Temperance/Judgment is actual death. but she isn't supposed to read it-she may see it and for ethical reasons keep silent.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2020, 11:32:33 PM by summertimesnow »

Offline Hopeful2020

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4913 on: July 15, 2020, 11:34:25 PM »
Quite an entertaining read. Several followup questions sprang to mind while reading, but I will give you a temporary reprieve from the grilling 😇

;):) The other question I have here is:  since the cards said financial cut to institution all the way back in early '18, did whoever guides the cards know the reason: did Spirit know it would be covid? If we believe in an omniscient being yes of course, but the cards only revealed the bits that would impact the client.
I will note my December reading said "when you travel abroad, everything changes'', the Fool card. Yona and I bought thought positive changes in life were coming in.
The day after I traveled WHO announced the global pandemic. I got back right after the EU restrictions hit (I'm exempt), and 2 days before state-wide lockdown. That was 'everything changes'. yes.

Hopeful: Death card in Tarot means the end of a phase, moving on, shutting a door. For example, she saw Death for me in the future for changing jobs-closing a door for the last time. this is something I desperately want.
So in this context it could simply be you moving house, tho that would be a 6 of swords as well. You say you are unlikely to move but you never know.
In brief, Death  in Tarot, whether in modern ways of reading or in the old Alastair Crowley methods that Yona deploys, never ever means physical /mortal death. it's always an ending, just not mortal death.

She doesn't read death so I doubt she'd predict a family member to pass away.

I will say that I read on the other forum that she has seen s/o's cards stop at a point, and the person apparently took their own life around that point.
Others have said that Temperance/Judgment is actual death. but she isn't supposed to read it-she may see it and for ethical reasons keep silent.

Thank you

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4914 on: July 16, 2020, 12:01:19 AM »
Quite an entertaining read. Several followup questions sprang to mind while reading, but I will give you a temporary reprieve from the grilling 😇

;):) The other question I have here is:  since the cards said financial cut to institution all the way back in early '18, did whoever guides the cards know the reason: did Spirit know it would be covid? If we believe in an omniscient being yes of course, but the cards only revealed the bits that would impact the client.
I will note my December reading said "when you travel abroad, everything changes'', the Fool card. Yona and I bought thought positive changes in life were coming in.
The day after I traveled WHO announced the global pandemic. I got back right after the EU restrictions hit (I'm exempt), and 2 days before state-wide lockdown. That was 'everything changes'. yes.

Hopeful: Death card in Tarot means the end of a phase, moving on, shutting a door. For example, she saw Death for me in the future for changing jobs-closing a door for the last time. this is something I desperately want.
So in this context it could simply be you moving house, tho that would be a 6 of swords as well. You say you are unlikely to move but you never know.
In brief, Death  in Tarot, whether in modern ways of reading or in the old Alastair Crowley methods that Yona deploys, never ever means physical /mortal death. it's always an ending, just not mortal death.

She doesn't read death so I doubt she'd predict a family member to pass away.

I will say that I read on the other forum that she has seen s/o's cards stop at a point, and the person apparently took their own life around that point.
Others have said that Temperance/Judgment is actual death. but she isn't supposed to read it-she may see it and for ethical reasons keep silent.

Thank you

Good glory, she got the temperance card for my POI, but she told me it meant drugs, alcohol, or gambling. His cards didn't stop though.

Offline Angel22

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4915 on: July 16, 2020, 12:22:49 AM »
Temperance card is definitely not death. I got shadow card as temperance and while reading she said it is nothing to worry about and it was a complete read. She did not stop anywhere. Temperance is more related to balance in life like a work in progress.

Quite an entertaining read. Several followup questions sprang to mind while reading, but I will give you a temporary reprieve from the grilling 😇

;):) The other question I have here is:  since the cards said financial cut to institution all the way back in early '18, did whoever guides the cards know the reason: did Spirit know it would be covid? If we believe in an omniscient being yes of course, but the cards only revealed the bits that would impact the client.
I will note my December reading said "when you travel abroad, everything changes'', the Fool card. Yona and I bought thought positive changes in life were coming in.
The day after I traveled WHO announced the global pandemic. I got back right after the EU restrictions hit (I'm exempt), and 2 days before state-wide lockdown. That was 'everything changes'. yes.

Hopeful: Death card in Tarot means the end of a phase, moving on, shutting a door. For example, she saw Death for me in the future for changing jobs-closing a door for the last time. this is something I desperately want.
So in this context it could simply be you moving house, tho that would be a 6 of swords as well. You say you are unlikely to move but you never know.
In brief, Death  in Tarot, whether in modern ways of reading or in the old Alastair Crowley methods that Yona deploys, never ever means physical /mortal death. it's always an ending, just not mortal death.

She doesn't read death so I doubt she'd predict a family member to pass away.

I will say that I read on the other forum that she has seen s/o's cards stop at a point, and the person apparently took their own life around that point.
Others have said that Temperance/Judgment is actual death. but she isn't supposed to read it-she may see it and for ethical reasons keep silent.

Thank you

Good glory, she got the temperance card for my POI, but she told me it meant drugs, alcohol, or gambling. His cards didn't stop though.

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4916 on: July 16, 2020, 12:28:58 AM »

I am with you Fidget, I got it and it told addiction of some sort, including drugs or alcohol, I was dealing with someone that had an alcohol addiction at the time so it made sense.

Quite an entertaining read. Several followup questions sprang to mind while reading, but I will give you a temporary reprieve from the grilling 😇

;):) The other question I have here is:  since the cards said financial cut to institution all the way back in early '18, did whoever guides the cards know the reason: did Spirit know it would be covid? If we believe in an omniscient being yes of course, but the cards only revealed the bits that would impact the client.
I will note my December reading said "when you travel abroad, everything changes'', the Fool card. Yona and I bought thought positive changes in life were coming in.
The day after I traveled WHO announced the global pandemic. I got back right after the EU restrictions hit (I'm exempt), and 2 days before state-wide lockdown. That was 'everything changes'. yes.

Hopeful: Death card in Tarot means the end of a phase, moving on, shutting a door. For example, she saw Death for me in the future for changing jobs-closing a door for the last time. this is something I desperately want.
So in this context it could simply be you moving house, tho that would be a 6 of swords as well. You say you are unlikely to move but you never know.
In brief, Death  in Tarot, whether in modern ways of reading or in the old Alastair Crowley methods that Yona deploys, never ever means physical /mortal death. it's always an ending, just not mortal death.

She doesn't read death so I doubt she'd predict a family member to pass away.

I will say that I read on the other forum that she has seen s/o's cards stop at a point, and the person apparently took their own life around that point.
Others have said that Temperance/Judgment is actual death. but she isn't supposed to read it-she may see it and for ethical reasons keep silent.

Thank you

Good glory, she got the temperance card for my POI, but she told me it meant drugs, alcohol, or gambling. His cards didn't stop though.

Offline Piggynose

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4917 on: July 16, 2020, 02:19:21 AM »
Since my very first reading with Yona in 2018, she has picked up my POI even though I didn’t know him then. My last reading with her was in December 2019. The reading would only cover the next couple of weeks. She said she couldn’t read past that timeframe because whatever was suppose to happen between POI and I had to play out first. She picked up that we were at a crossroads. We were on the brink of parting ways. She did not predict if we were going to split up or not in those next two weeks.

She hinted at being able to see later down the line but she would not discuss it until we got past the two week timeframe she gave me. She said to me “you have a great love coming, I just don’t know if it’s this guy or someone else”

Has this happened to anyone else? I don’t know what to make of that reading. POI and I did not part ways and we are still in communication etc. I thought that it was strange that she couldn’t or wouldn’t discuss what she was seeing down the line

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4918 on: July 16, 2020, 04:35:59 AM »
Has Yona ever told anyone that she can tell you still love someone?in relation to my blast from the past, she clearly told me I still love him without even asking how I felt about it or giving me time to react.
I do love him but if he came back I just don't know if I'd ever give him a second chance

My first reading with Yona she picked up on that I had “love for a man and I was missing him” and this was before she began shuffling the deck and asking me to choose a pile. I never gave her any information about my relationship status or birth date, only my name. At the time of my reading I was calling about my ex.

My opening cards indicated “love was in front of me, not behind me.” It’s the Ace of Cups card and know from my first reading when it shows up in your opening cards, expect that you’ll have a choice between two (or more) people and the person your calling or thinking at the time of your reading about is probably the man you’ll walk away from. This why “love is in front of you”, not the person from your past or behind you in your past.

She did it in the last 10 minutes of my reading. She just said there's a blast from the past, told me she knows I still love him and proceeded to describe him and his quirks down to a t, however I know on this forum it could absolutely be another man lol! She described the breakup well and the fact we were living together when he suddenly left, and let me tell you something, if I'm ever stupid enough to live with a guy before we get married, I'm gonna have strong words with myself lol!!!

Yona told me I wanted my ex back and "I had a choice" throughout my reading. I did have to ask Yona in a few different ways an outcome and sequence of events, but she did reveal the final outcome about my ex in the last 5 minutes of my reading but I'm going to let itself play out.

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4919 on: July 16, 2020, 06:22:53 AM »
I'm quite curious because she's always gotten the Temperance card for my old love interest, the old Wands. and she always read it as he's artistic, he has a different worldview from you. Sometimes Temperance would come with some pentacles cards to indicate difference in finances.. *All** of this was true. He would draw and had the artistic temperament and there was a major gap in finances.

But I read that Temperance generally means addiction , substance abuse as you said.

And this Wands, loved his booze and weed (and etc, tho I only ever witnessed him smoking weed, oh and yea sadly we live in an uberly conservative deep red state where it will *never* be legal , in any manner , not even medical). I don't get why Yona never read it as this way-despite the fact that I told her about him.

oh and Temperance on its own merely means difference in outlook .
It is only when paired with Judgment that it means death  and I guess that only if it's shown in a certain position of the spread. I only know it indirectly, having read about it on a forum.

On Choice: I've never gotten this.. But a lot of clients do. I have been reading that choice doesn't necessarily mean two people pursuing you but rather that one isn't working or the person isn't quite available and it's your choice to move on to s/o else. it means that there'll be someone else coming up, basically.

Btw, I got an update today that the Wand's  venue of work will remain shut, this time indefinitely,  due to covid cases spiking.
As you know,  my next prediction is a brief interaction with a  Knight of Wands where  he tells me that he is out of work and due to lack of finances goes out of town in search of work.
It was the next prediction after the Tower to my institution which is now 4 weeks in the past. So I'm thinking that with apartment leases up in August as well, this interaction is coming up soon, if it's this old Wands.
I don't want to rush the gun and blab about an unidentified prediction tho so I'll update on this when it passes. I just have a feeling it will be him-tho I may be using logic here.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2020, 06:33:15 AM by summertimesnow »