Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 1984916 times)

Offline AwakenRN

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4890 on: July 14, 2020, 03:39:04 PM »
I scheduled last week for August 7th.

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4891 on: July 14, 2020, 07:01:40 PM »
So each reading you have with Yona provides more insight that she may have told you before and then she tells you new preditions... so my question is, how does every deal with having multiple readings with her? The previous reading still stand until they come to pass correct? Do you trust the most recent read to me the most accurate on feelings etc?

this is a wonderful question. I often ponder this myself but can also speak to it. I'd trust the most recent one because presumably one is closer to pending predictions and the closer you are, the more detail and precision Yona can pick up. Big predictions tend to repeat, sometimes verbatim, sometimes given from different angles. For example, I have one upcoming concerning an entertainment/venue I get invited to (of course covid19 has put this off or made it a big ?) that said in December, a female friend invites me and said in my April reading that I go out on short notice but didn't mention it'd be a female friend inviting me, only that it's a last minute friendly hangout for socializing. But yes any outstanding predictions stand. Case in point, the financial cut to the institution I work for (we all got salary cuts ) was shown back in March 2018 and June 2018. I got readings in '19 and one in '20 and only the latter '20 referred back to it-by this point I'd identified it but '20 started off with the financial Tower-which had been given as a financial Tower to the institution back in '18.

professor, hugs. I will respond to your set of questions:)

Offline summertimesnow

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4892 on: July 14, 2020, 07:27:33 PM »
@summertimesnow: I enjoy picking your brain on Yona issues. I choose not to dm you because I think your answers are invaluable not only to me but for other members here. So, I will keep picking your brain until you have had enough. So my next two questions (one of which I asked already but I want to ask again since I felt you did an intellectual dance around the answer, lol) are:

1. In your experience or the experience of your friend that has also been reading with Yona for a while, has she ever been wrong or maybe not quite wrong but confused energies, or had the sequence of events jumbled?

2. Without any intellectual gymnastics this time around, lol, on a scale of 1-10 how confident are you that her long term predictions from your first reading with her will play out as she described? I need a literal number please. I insist, lol.

3. Just for fun lemme throw in a third question, has she ever flip flopped on any predictions? I am under the impression she does keep some notes.

4. To add more spice to the party, lemme add another question for you. Has Yona been the most accurate psychic you have read with? Any success with others? Local psychics maybe?

5. And as an appetizer lemme add a final question that has just come to me. Has Yona ever mentioned to you whether she reads for herself or whether she has someone else read for her? Im curious because Kisha once mentioned that the person who usually read for her has since passed away and she is extremely careful abt who she reads with.

Ok here we go,

1. Yes, in Tarot, the sequence of events can be jumbled. She hasn't been wrong for me, other than stuff not happening, that is nothing has happened contrary to what she saw but there are many love predictions that never happened . For my friend, she was ostensibly wrong b/c she said my friend would have a job in hand before entering a relationship and that the guy would be at a distance. Instead, my friend is still seeking work, but randomly met someone at a festival before the lockdown and is in a relationship and the guy isn't at a distance. but who knows, maybe the lockdown period imposed a distance and perhaps this isn't her long term guy.
sequence of events: I had all the nice Knight of Wand stuff happen from my 2018 readings but the budget cut which she saw as occurring before the Wands actually happened this year. so for a change, the Wands stuff had moved earlier-it wasn't anything major just that he'd come to my home, that we'd be spending time together, and that another woman, a QoC would hit on him and all that happened in 2018 and 2019 but the financial cut took till 2020.
The one thing I can say she got totally wrong is that she said my finances would improve followed by improvement in communications with a love interest. finances did improve (in spite of the financial cut) but communication never improved with the then love interest-in fact we totally lost contact, which wasn't that great to begin with and recent readings have picked this up but who knows to whom this prediction applied.

2. ok no intellectual gymnastics. I'd say for non-romantic stuff, it's a 9 out of 10. for romantic stuff, it's a 4 out of 10 but it won't be with who you think it is with.

3. No she doesn't flip flop. B/c I read with her several times a year, predictions repeat sometimes verbatim, other times with diff wording. But it may seem like she flip flops-for example she'd said I'd get a raise,, but then another reading gave the financial cut. BOTH happened. we got raises last year-which is a RARE occurrence at my institution, a notorious nickel and diming petty institution with the bureaucratic overlords having razed its finances to the ground-and then we got a salary cut which canceled out the raise. but both were correct.

4. yes, one or two friends in my life have been good at giving tea leaf type readings. my mom can read a bit but it's cold predictions. I have also had success with a few random predictions from random readers. one person saw the name of an editor that I worked with , another saw the initials of my love interest (Dusty Mario) and one (Lisa on etsy, she no longer reads tho) picked out the exact specifics of my Wands. but it's here and there and some of these people no longer read-Dusty is still active and is a great guy. I'm a seer myself,as validated by Yona (I hesitated in saying this, I don't read online), and picked out the state I'd end up at in the US -cold prediction, when I lived in the UK. I have predicted a marriage for a 30. y.o friend when she had never dated, and I predicted a pregnancy and daughter for a 35. y. o who was struggling with fertility. I will get dreams and get told stuff that tends to be accurate but I can't force the sight. I also see auras, on and off. for real. I had a Skype tarot read for free a friend arranged for me with an Italian village reader. she was super duper accurate with career and also saw that 'I can see what others do not see but shouldn't rely on my sight to decide on love matters'. Comes up as HIgh Priestess crossing in Yona.

5. Yona did mention she does mini lenormands for herself b/c they are devoid of emotion but cannot read the tarot for herself.

On the jcq sequence question. Yes, Yona says the Lenormand follows a sequence but I can't verify it. I have one that said it's the summer and I'm a bit downbeat, and then gave my mom giving advice, and then financial cut to the institution I work for, then the Rider, the main love interest. it was shown in '18 and is for this summer. but there's no Rider.
after Rider it shows Key/Heart/Stars-a job offer it feels like that I think is my destiny and that I am happy about.

Offline jolimano

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4893 on: July 14, 2020, 07:55:12 PM »
@summertimesnow: I enjoy picking your brain on Yona issues. I choose not to dm you because I think your answers are invaluable not only to me but for other members here. So, I will keep picking your brain until you have had enough. So my next two questions (one of which I asked already but I want to ask again since I felt you did an intellectual dance around the answer, lol) are:

1. In your experience or the experience of your friend that has also been reading with Yona for a while, has she ever been wrong or maybe not quite wrong but confused energies, or had the sequence of events jumbled?

2. Without any intellectual gymnastics this time around, lol, on a scale of 1-10 how confident are you that her long term predictions from your first reading with her will play out as she described? I need a literal number please. I insist, lol.

3. Just for fun lemme throw in a third question, has she ever flip flopped on any predictions? I am under the impression she does keep some notes.

4. To add more spice to the party, lemme add another question for you. Has Yona been the most accurate psychic you have read with? Any success with others? Local psychics maybe?

5. And as an appetizer lemme add a final question that has just come to me. Has Yona ever mentioned to you whether she reads for herself or whether she has someone else read for her? Im curious because Kisha once mentioned that the person who usually read for her has since passed away and she is extremely careful abt who she reads with.

Ok here we go,

1. Yes, in Tarot, the sequence of events can be jumbled. She hasn't been wrong for me, other than stuff not happening, that is nothing has happened contrary to what she saw but there are many love predictions that never happened . For my friend, she was ostensibly wrong b/c she said my friend would have a job in hand before entering a relationship and that the guy would be at a distance. Instead, my friend is still seeking work, but randomly met someone at a festival before the lockdown and is in a relationship and the guy isn't at a distance. but who knows, maybe the lockdown period imposed a distance and perhaps this isn't her long term guy.
sequence of events: I had all the nice Knight of Wand stuff happen from my 2018 readings but the budget cut which she saw as occurring before the Wands actually happened this year. so for a change, the Wands stuff had moved earlier-it wasn't anything major just that he'd come to my home, that we'd be spending time together, and that another woman, a QoC would hit on him and all that happened in 2018 and 2019 but the financial cut took till 2020.
The one thing I can say she got totally wrong is that she said my finances would improve followed by improvement in communications with a love interest. finances did improve (in spite of the financial cut) but communication never improved with the then love interest-in fact we totally lost contact, which wasn't that great to begin with and recent readings have picked this up but who knows to whom this prediction applied.

2. ok no intellectual gymnastics. I'd say for non-romantic stuff, it's a 9 out of 10. for romantic stuff, it's a 4 out of 10 but it won't be with who you think it is with.

3. No she doesn't flip flop. B/c I read with her several times a year, predictions repeat sometimes verbatim, other times with diff wording. But it may seem like she flip flops-for example she'd said I'd get a raise,, but then another reading gave the financial cut. BOTH happened. we got raises last year-which is a RARE occurrence at my institution, a notorious nickel and diming petty institution with the bureaucratic overlords having razed its finances to the ground-and then we got a salary cut which canceled out the raise. but both were correct.

4. yes, one or two friends in my life have been good at giving tea leaf type readings. my mom can read a bit but it's cold predictions. I have also had success with a few random predictions from random readers. one person saw the name of an editor that I worked with , another saw the initials of my love interest (Dusty Mario) and one (Lisa on etsy, she no longer reads tho) picked out the exact specifics of my Wands. but it's here and there and some of these people no longer read-Dusty is still active and is a great guy. I'm a seer myself,as validated by Yona (I hesitated in saying this, I don't read online), and picked out the state I'd end up at in the US -cold prediction, when I lived in the UK. I have predicted a marriage for a 30. y.o friend when she had never dated, and I predicted a pregnancy and daughter for a 35. y. o who was struggling with fertility. I will get dreams and get told stuff that tends to be accurate but I can't force the sight. I also see auras, on and off. for real. I had a Skype tarot read for free a friend arranged for me with an Italian village reader. she was super duper accurate with career and also saw that 'I can see what others do not see but shouldn't rely on my sight to decide on love matters'. Comes up as HIgh Priestess crossing in Yona.

5. Yona did mention she does mini lenormands for herself b/c they are devoid of emotion but cannot read the tarot for herself.

On the jcq sequence question. Yes, Yona says the Lenormand follows a sequence but I can't verify it. I have one that said it's the summer and I'm a bit downbeat, and then gave my mom giving advice, and then financial cut to the institution I work for, then the Rider, the main love interest. it was shown in '18 and is for this summer. but there's no Rider.
after Rider it shows Key/Heart/Stars-a job offer it feels like that I think is my destiny and that I am happy about.

Hi summertimesnow!

In regard to your answer for number 2, are you saying that it is ALWAYS a different person than the one you ask about?

So for me, she described my POI and told me that things will progress between us over the course of the next twelve months. The way she described the situation, it does not pertain to anyone else in my life, nor am I romantically interested in any of them. Just the POI. So does that mean, I'll meet someone new that is in the same situation as my current POI?

I hope that made sense lol.

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4894 on: July 14, 2020, 10:01:33 PM »
So I recommended Yona to a friend of mine. Long story short, my friend is in the process of a divorce and wanted to reconnect with a guy she dated 8 years ago before her marriage. She's been texting him for the last 7 months and no replies. In fact at one point he blocked her. Anyway, she speaks with Yona and she tells her that a man will contact her in 6 weeks. She (my friend) will believe that he was not listening to her, but he was. So here we are 6 weeks later and BOOM. He texts her almost to the day. He read and saved every text she sent him and they're getting together tomorrow.

So here I am wondering WTAF YONA??? Where my damn apology you've been predicting for the last year and a half??? I now also hate my friend. LOL

Offline jolimano

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4895 on: July 14, 2020, 10:10:08 PM »
So I recommended Yona to a friend of mine. Long story short, my friend is in the process of a divorce and wanted to reconnect with a guy she dated 8 years ago before her marriage. She's been texting him for the last 7 months and no replies. In fact at one point he blocked her. Anyway, she speaks with Yona and she tells her that a man will contact her in 6 weeks. She (my friend) will believe that he was not listening to her, but he was. So here we are 6 weeks later and BOOM. He texts her almost to the day. He read and saved every text she sent him and they're getting together tomorrow.

So here I am wondering WTAF YONA??? Where my damn apology you've been predicting for the last year and a half??? I now also hate my friend. LOL

That made me LOL but also, I'm sorry that you're still waiting lol.

In your friend's read, did she want to know about that guy specifically? Or did Yona just say that it was some man?

Offline Fidget1028

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4896 on: July 14, 2020, 10:58:30 PM »
So I recommended Yona to a friend of mine. Long story short, my friend is in the process of a divorce and wanted to reconnect with a guy she dated 8 years ago before her marriage. She's been texting him for the last 7 months and no replies. In fact at one point he blocked her. Anyway, she speaks with Yona and she tells her that a man will contact her in 6 weeks. She (my friend) will believe that he was not listening to her, but he was. So here we are 6 weeks later and BOOM. He texts her almost to the day. He read and saved every text she sent him and they're getting together tomorrow.

So here I am wondering WTAF YONA??? Where my damn apology you've been predicting for the last year and a half??? I now also hate my friend. LOL

That made me LOL but also, I'm sorry that you're still waiting lol.

In your friend's read, did she want to know about that guy specifically? Or did Yona just say that it was some man?

Yona described him completely. Yes, she wanted to know, but she didn't ask anything.

I'm fine with everything. In fact, I texted my POI for the first time in 18 months. He replied within 3 minutes. That was it. He's not gone. I don't really think he ever was. He just needs to work on him right now.

Offline Piggynose

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4897 on: July 14, 2020, 11:03:28 PM »
Professor  ....I’m sorry 🤗

Summer....thank you for all of that information!!! Can you read me too! lol

Fidget.....I’m with you!! Why can’t Yona or anyone for that matter work like that for me!

So much interesting info on the forum here lately. Thank you everyone!

Offline massine

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4898 on: July 14, 2020, 11:57:19 PM »
Has Yona ever told anyone that she can tell you still love someone?in relation to my blast from the past, she clearly told me I still love him without even asking how I felt about it or giving me time to react.
I do love him but if he came back I just don't know if I'd ever give him a second chance

Offline Hopeful2020

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4899 on: July 15, 2020, 12:11:08 AM »
She told me I still loved my ex, but it would be the tower all over again if I went back.

Offline ES1281

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4900 on: July 15, 2020, 02:54:15 AM »
Thanks girls I will purchase a top up with Yona and see what she sees :)

Offline ES1281

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4901 on: July 15, 2020, 02:57:18 AM »
When I scheduled beginning of June it was 6 weeks.

Thanks Maggs!

Offline ES1281

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4902 on: July 15, 2020, 02:59:08 AM »
I scheduled last week for August 7th.


Offline staircasewondering

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4903 on: July 15, 2020, 04:27:52 AM »
Has Yona ever told anyone that she can tell you still love someone?in relation to my blast from the past, she clearly told me I still love him without even asking how I felt about it or giving me time to react.
I do love him but if he came back I just don't know if I'd ever give him a second chance

My first reading with Yona she picked up on that I had “love for a man and I was missing him” and this was before she began shuffling the deck and asking me to choose a pile. I never gave her any information about my relationship status or birth date, only my name. At the time of my reading I was calling about my ex.

My opening cards indicated “love was in front of me, not behind me.” It’s the Ace of Cups card and know from my first reading when it shows up in your opening cards, expect that you’ll have a choice between two (or more) people and the person your calling or thinking at the time of your reading about is probably the man you’ll walk away from. This why “love is in front of you”, not the person from your past or behind you in your past.

Offline Lys

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #4904 on: July 15, 2020, 11:18:31 AM »
I have a question (I hope my question is not too stupid lol). But when she said Something about a new relationship and she said I will relocate.. do you think the meaning its I will move with the other person or moving with the person in another city? Thank you!

