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Yona Farrell

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--- Quote from: tellmewhy on November 03, 2013, 02:18:12 AM ---how can any of you guys hold a relationship if you keep fighting like this?

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That really wasn't necessary.  I'm not sure what inspired this post, but I think it might be best for everyone to just leave it be and not fuel the fire any further, please. 

I'm honestly sensing a lot of misplaced aggression...nothing to be ashamed off though. If everyone told their exes off as shown in this thread, maybe our lives would be a little more balanced. Calling out BS when it is first sensed really works wonders.


--- Quote from: bstalling on November 03, 2013, 09:47:23 PM ---I'm honestly sensing a lot of misplaced aggression...nothing to be ashamed off though. If everyone told their exes off as shown in this thread, maybe our lives would be a little more balanced. Calling out BS when it is first sensed really works wonders.

--- End quote ---

I'll sometimes tell my boyfriend off...when I'm alone in my car and he can't hear me.  Does that count?

(Or does that just make me crazy?   :-[ )


--- Quote from: Somnus on November 03, 2013, 10:14:50 PM ---
--- Quote from: bstalling on November 03, 2013, 09:47:23 PM ---I'm honestly sensing a lot of misplaced aggression...nothing to be ashamed off though. If everyone told their exes off as shown in this thread, maybe our lives would be a little more balanced. Calling out BS when it is first sensed really works wonders.

--- End quote ---

I'll sometimes tell my boyfriend off...when I'm alone in my car and he can't hear me.  Does that count?

(Or does that just make me crazy?   :-[ )

--- End quote ---

LOL..maybe just a tad crazy. You are half way there though. It seems like most of us can't give very good verbal tongue lashings spontaneously. Actually, I think I should spend my money getting lessons on that than getting any more readings. LOL

Stalling, tongue lashings are my specialty. i can offer you lessons, at a cost  8)


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