Hi everyone, first time posting here

and I’m hoping someone can help me to make sense of my two reading.
Sept reading:
-gap in communication: it started two days before the reading
-break through, cross road (romantic), big love card in Xmas/new year
-tower: he disappoints you, but it’s not like he choose someone over u
-June: interview, will have a fair outcome. Same time is when you settle down.
-He has a tower, and treating people badly. ( he’s on vacation, so what tower can he have )
-it happens around the time of work based evaluation ( I just had my performance review)
-one of us will be away, lots physical distance rather than talking( he’s in another country for a two month vacay), but he left before I had the official review with my boss
-he can’t draw line between work/ life balance ( this is not in order, this is just her description of him) which is true
-there is potential , but it’s not typical relationship, he’s hard work, will be patchy.
So the interview/work based evaluation, and tower from the first reading seems to be showing up in different places in the second reading. But she said summer in both reading for settling down.