When I had read with her in June--
1. She was correct about my current feelings and that my POI has been disappointing.
2. I give it a lot of thought - right.
3. Pleasant interaction coming up but won't lead anywhere, more like communicating feelings and expectations (in June) - happened
4. POI chatting with someone else casually - true
5. Period of time we don't see each other - true
6. Turning point after he has been away and I will be upbeat and happy - true, although I am not sure why, but I just feel good. And this is the prediction which reminded me of my reading with her because in June I thought she has lost it, I didn't think I would ever feel happy..lol.
7. A text, message which will stress or confuse me, mixture of emotions - hasn't happened yet
8. Will put distance between us and be stand-offish and I will be at good place- he has moved last month, so distance and there and not sure about stand offish since I haven't contacted him. I am at good place though.
9. Someone will flirt maybe at work, I am not interested- Kind of happened. I have had a guy flirt wayyy to much, but not at work, outside, but she did say 'maybe' for work.
Rest of predictions haven't happened yet, not sure if they will or not but I will just list them here and maybe come back later and update them
10. Another guy, new connection, romantic - hasn't happened yet.
11. Change in work - hasn't happened yet.