Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services
Yona Farrell
I've already said it wasn't meant the way she took it. I've already said....already said...already said...
i know. i said it so they could see others felt the same way and read it the same way. sometimes when people get called out or talked to rudely their friends stand up for them.
--- Quote from: Zee on November 02, 2013, 04:10:26 AM ---I am only responsible for what I say, not how it's understood.
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Then why am I not afforded the same laxity? Are you the only one deemed worthy of such latitude?
--- Quote from: Zee on November 02, 2013, 04:10:26 AM ---Hope you are feeling better once your little friend has past
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Wow. Spoken like a true feminist. You must be a totem of empowerment to the women in your life. Goodness forbid a person might have issue with someone being judgmental of them. Nope, I must just be on my period because otherwise YOU would have to be responsible for your unwarranted critique.
--- Quote from: Zee on November 02, 2013, 04:58:24 AM ---1) I never asked for an opinion, although she is free to give it. I believe she was just responding to a previous post, totally cool to do
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--- Quote from: Zee on October 24, 2013, 03:23:36 AM ---She told me she was getting a lot of information, but that the information was complicated and it would take her a minute to interpret the cards (has anyone gotten this before)? Just trying to see if it’s a repetitive comment
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You point blank asked a question/opinion here hence my response directly to you.
--- Quote from: Zee on November 02, 2013, 04:58:24 AM ---4) Diva has been a fabulous! Contributor! to this board and that is why I was responding to her, so she doesn't leave. She is tops in my book. What would TPR be without her? I'm sure if all the regulars chime in, she will come back. This is more her board than mine, so it's only fitting.
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Your off handed remarks are arrogant and patronizing. To all other members, I have never claimed anything as mine and have always tried to be community minded in regards to this forum. I am not perfect. I simply pointed out that I did not need a lesson in grammar and that I had been here long enough that I need not be “schooled” in some individual's self-proclaimed criterion for posting.
--- Quote from: Zee on November 02, 2013, 04:58:24 AM ---5) Her behavior was so fierce, it seemed a tad overboard, so I was just hoping she would calm down and not take it to heart. I certainly didn't mean any disrespect towards her, nor anyone of the tremendous posters I've encountered here.
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Fierce? Hardly. But I also won't be bullied by someone just because I will not conform to their requests. Whether disrespect was meant or not, a simple PM to me asking me to re-write my posts in a simpler form for you to understand would have sufficed.
--- Quote from: Zee on November 02, 2013, 04:36:53 PM ---Diva's blowup has nothing to do with me. She is having issues outside of this board, that perhaps neither of us are aware of. I did not take her comments personally nor should she take mine the same way.
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Are you the psychic now? Should we all have been calling you this whole time? What's your rate? I mean, you know so much about me that I feel like we're really connecting. REALITY: not having issues outside of this board. Everything is hunky dory as can be and I am A-Ok! Not on my period or anything! My “blowup”, as you'd like to call it, had everything to do with you and you alone. I took it personally because it was a critique of ME by YOU.
--- Quote from: Zee on November 02, 2013, 04:36:53 PM ---How much of the public do you think read these posts (besides, it has been made private now). Forgot that one too huh?
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It is you that is mistaken. This forum is public.
--- Quote from: Zee on November 02, 2013, 04:36:53 PM ---...Let the sunshine in....
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Your veiled attempts to seem altruistic are pathetic at best. Every reply you have written has oozed contempt and even your “kindnesses” are cheeky and disdainful. IF you were truly more concerned with my state-of-mind or my hormonal cycle, and honestly meant no harm, then a polite apology would have been appropriate instead of cloaking your appraisal of me and others with false interest. It will never cease to amaze me the audacity and outright lack of brevity the anonymity of a computer screen allows the individual.
To everyone else, sorry for defending myself but I am truly fed up with the pettiness and triviality some bring to the table. We are all powerful intelligent women and do not deserve to have our differences or opposing opinions written off as being “hormonal or having issues”. To think this way is a detriment to yourself. Cheers!
For the love of god, are you done and have you told me off to the best of your abilities?
...Just to be clear. I asked a question, not an opinion (there is a difference), but I won't keep fueling your fires. You're hot enough for the world, as it is.
Oh, and welcome back Diva. So glad you've gotten everything off your chest and we can all be strong and powerful women, at least enough to move on.
Thank you kindly!
You held me down, but I got up
Already brushing off the dust
You hear my voice, you hear that sound
Like thunder gonna shake the ground
I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire
Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me roar!!
how can any of you guys hold a relationship if you keep fighting like this?
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