Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services

Yona Farrell

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I feel your post to diva is uncalled for, and it reads as though you are the one who is frustrated and making petty remarks.  Diva has been a wonderful contributor to this board, and honestly you asked for opinions and she gave you one.  It is unnecessary to critique her post and to come out swinging.

My suggestion is this:  If you don't want to read a full paragraph regarding a topic you asked for advice on then skip it and leave the BS out of here.

Your last post is rude at the very least, and I hope ADMIN removes it.

--- Quote from: Zee on November 02, 2013, 04:10:26 AM ---hmmm, it appears as if someone took my post the wrong way. I am only responsible for what I say, not how it's understood.

No one was criticizing nor reprimanding Decibel. It was just a friendly reminder to make it easier to read, because believe it or not, some of us do like to read some of the posts.  And it appears as if you heard me, and have chosen to do as you please, since that is your right.  You go girl!

Yes, I am aware everyone is grown, and can do whatever they want. Thank you for taking the time to reiterate those sentiments. There are times I've skipped over post just because everything was rammed together and although, they might have been interesting, smart or what have you, reading it from a large screen was tedious at best.

I meant no harm dear. Hope you are feeling better once your little friend has past; ;) and it will all be better and swept under the rug, once this week is over.

Good night...pleasant dreams.  :-*

--- End quote ---

You misunderstand as well.

1) I never asked for an opinion, although she is free to give it.
    I believe she was just responding to a previous post, totally cool to do.

2) Just flag it and I'm sure ADMIN will remove it for you.
    He works in mysterious ways and will not stand by while someone is hurt.

3) I am not frustrated, just overly medicated, as was previously stated.

4) Diva has been a fabulous! Contributor! to this board and that is why I was responding to her, so she doesn't leave. She is tops in my book. What would TPR be without her?  I'm sure if all the regulars chime in, she will come back. This is more her board than mine, so it's only fitting.

5) Her behavior was so fierce, it seemed a tad overboard, so I was just hoping she would calm down and not take it to heart. I certainly didn't mean any disrespect towards her, nor anyone of the tremendous posters I've encountered here.

6) It's only proper that we all get along and be gracious to one this I agree wholeheartedly.

Peace to everyone and everyone is peace!

It is perception and honestly your point number 5 is yet again confrontational.  If you are overly medicated and can not put a filter on your condescedings remarks, then do not post.

NEGATIVITY BREEDS NEGATVITY, and I think this board has enough of that.

This board was created to HELP others seek out readers that a full of BS, and readers that have talent.  There is NO prerequisite for writing skills, HOWEVER there are guidelines for common courtesy and simple kindness.  YOU posted under Yona's thread, and Diva was simply sharing her experience with you and from there it turned into negative comments on your part.

Members DO NOT post there experience for fear of being publicly humiliated, just as YOU did to Diva.  It is an absolute shame that the reasons this board was created (to share experience), has become a read only without much interaction.

As for Admin working in mysterious ways to protect another member from hurt feelings, it is responsible!!!  There is no reason at all for someone to deliberately hurt someone elses feelings just because you cant keep your fingers off the keyboard while medicated!

Enough! Move on....

--- Quote from: Zee on November 02, 2013, 04:58:24 AM ---You misunderstand as well.

1) I never asked for an opinion, although she is free to give it.
    I believe she was just responding to a previous post, totally cool to do.

2) Just flag it and I'm sure ADMIN will remove it for you.
    He works in mysterious ways and will not stand by while someone is hurt.

3) I am not frustrated, just overly medicated, as was previously stated.

4) Diva has been a fabulous! Contributor! to this board and that is why I was responding to her, so she doesn't leave. She is tops in my book. What would TPR be without her?  I'm sure if all the regulars chime in, she will come back. This is more her board than mine, so it's only fitting.

5) Her behavior was so fierce, it seemed a tad overboard, so I was just hoping she would calm down and not take it to heart. I certainly didn't mean any disrespect towards her, nor anyone of the tremendous posters I've encountered here.

6) It's only proper that we all get along and be gracious to one this I agree wholeheartedly.

Peace to everyone and everyone is peace!

--- End quote ---

kickingthehabit, How you do like to twist it.  Prehaps you should move on as well.

Diva's blowup has nothing to do with me. She is having issues outside of this board, that perhaps neither of us are aware of. I did not take her comments personally nor should she take mine the same way.

You may need to go back through the thread if your memory is short. I did not condescend her in any way.  She just took it the wrong way.
Public humilation? This isn't a witch trial hon. How much of the public do you think read these posts (besides, it has been made private now). Forgot that one too huh?

I know why the board was created, the regulars repeat that statement ad nauseam.

I can read and I know where I posted. And I was simply sharing my experience as well. I've also seen other threads where someone was writing sentences on top of sentences and someone suggested that she put spaces in between her posts, to make it easier to read, and you know what she did?  She decided to throw a hissy fit and blow up the thread! (no, just kidding)

She laughed it off and said oh, yeah, looking back I should have done that. 

I've heard what you had to say and vice versa and hope we all can get back on topic, luv.   

...Let the sunshine in....

--- Quote ---It is perception and honestly your point number 5 is yet again confrontational.  If you are overly medicated and can not put a filter on your condescedings remarks, then do not post.

NEGATIVITY BREEDS NEGATVITY, and I think this board has enough of that.

This board was created to HELP others seek out readers that a full of BS, and readers that have talent.  There is NO prerequisite for writing skills, HOWEVER there are guidelines for common courtesy and simple kindness.  YOU posted under Yona's thread, and Diva was simply sharing her experience with you and from there it turned into negative comments on your part.

Members DO NOT post there experience for fear of being publicly humiliated, just as YOU did to Diva.  It is an absolute shame that the reasons this board was created (to share experience), has become a read only without much interaction.

As for Admin working in mysterious ways to protect another member from hurt feelings, it is responsible!!!  There is no reason at all for someone to deliberately hurt someone elses feelings just because you cant keep your fingers off the keyboard while medicated!

Enough! Move on....
--- End quote ---

i agree with the others. the comment "but as an fyi, place spaces between your sentences, to make it easier to read (this is why it's done)" comes across incredibly condescending, sassy and just plain rude. you said you didn't ask for anyone's opinion. but diva wasn't asking for you to criticize the way she wrote it either.

aren't we here to help each other by sharing our stories and writing reviews? not cocking attitudes with each other because the way something is typed up. we all have enough stress in our daily lives to come here and worry about people getting snippy with us.


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