Hi guys, I am new to this board and I have done a lot of readings in the past and I have to tell you that I have lost faith in believing in psychics. No one has been 100% accurate and all of them were wrong about the outcome between me and my POI. Now I have moved on and don't want anything to do with that person.
However, about 2 months ago, when I was still hung up on the POI. I was heartbroken, depressed and going through a lot, I thought I wanted to give Yona a shot due to her feedback and reputation and I wouldn't read with anyone else after so I booked an appointment with her and I only got to read with her like 2 weeks ago so the wait was around 2 months. Having said that, when the time, I had already had nothing to ask her because I have moved on and the POI is with someone else now so the questions I had 2 months back, I got them all answered but since I already booked my appointment with her, I might as well read with her anyway! And I have to say that she is the best reader I have encountered although her predictions have not happened yet. I feel Yona is a real deal and indeed very ethical. She was 100000% accurate in describing my POI's personality and the situation we were in.
Ok the first sentence I said after picking up her call was "I don't really have anything to ask you now because the person I was going to ask about is with someone else now and the things I wanted to know, I have all the answers but since we are here so please tell me what you see going to happen anyway" Then Yona was like "Ok let's have a look if I will see him in your future and I'll also tell you about other things in your life". Yona nailed my POI's personality. She said the guy is very lazy, lacking motivation and not where he wants to be in his life so he is not happy. I knew that was him 100%.
She predicted 4 things happening in my life and all happening this year . First of all, she saw me changing my look and she said that I will look better and feel better about myself and I think this one is already unfolding because even before our appointment, I have been researching about cosmetic surgery and my appointment is this coming Friday. This has been planned so surely, I'm not forcing the prediction to happen.
Secondly, she said that in a couple of months, the POI will post a picture with his new girlfriend on social media and I will be upset seeing that but nothing major like I will move past it very quickly. She also said that the reason he is going to do that is because of ego boost. He wants everyone to think that look I'm not working. I don't have money and I can still get a girl so we shall see.
Thirdly, Yona told me there will be many guys interested in me but she didn't mention anything about the new relationship. I think this one is unfolding as well because last week my friend's friend just asked her to introduce him to me and we went to have dinner together 3 days ago but let's see if there will be more guys lol.
Last prediction, before end of the year, the POI will crawl back and it will happen in my location. She saw him travelling to me wanting me to want him like I before did and she said "Hopefully you will say no because you and he are different levels and you can do much better". Yona said he will say stuff like that girl (the new gf) is not as special as he thought she was and he will try to make money so he can travel to be with me bla bla. I don't know we shall see but I have moved on from him and decided that I don't want to be with this type person anymore. He is too toxic to be around.