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Yona Farrell

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Although, she wasn’t mind blowing, she was accurate with some issues and she was very generous with her time. She is mostly a tarot reader and she uses crystals as well. I don’t mind tarot if the reader is clairaudient or clairvoyant, mainly because your reading becomes much more interpretive with just tarot, as oppose to giving me facts about things I don’t know about.  She also said she connects by your voice so when you speak to her, she will tell you what she sees and if it’s correct; she then knows she is connected.

She asked a few questions from the start: she asked if the call was about a relationship and if I had questions or would I like for her just to tell me what she sees.

She stated she was bad with timing, even though she gave a timeframe for some things happening.  She told me she was getting a lot of information, but that the information was complicated and it would take her a minute to interpret the cards (has anyone gotten this before)?  Just trying to see if it’s a repetitive comment.  She even paused a while before she started the reading because of this complication with trying to decipher what the cards were showing; and she paused a lot between shuffling the cards.

I would say she is a few steps above general, only because her descriptions of my situation weren’t off.  Looking back, that is more what the reading felt like (her describing things) I already knew, but she did give me some advice on a few things to tweak. 

She shuffles the cards into three piles, then asks you to select one of the piles and she reads from that.  I’m not exactly sure what she does with the crystals.  She had to shuffle the cards two to three times, which is not unusual, but after one question she said she wasn’t getting anything for an answer. When you ask for specifics, she pretty much just repeats herself, but changes the wording around, so it’s not like she gives a deeper meaning or explanation (although the word switching makes it seem like she is).

Nothing about the call stands out that much. We spoke through Skype and I used an external recording device, but when I went back to listen to the call information again, it was all garbled and unintelligible. WTH??

Zee, I have also read with Yona. I thought she was wonderful and although I usually call about r/s stuff, I actually was more interested about career. I never said what I wanted to discuss one way or the other and asked for a general reading. Career stuff practically jumped out of the cards, lol! Real specific stuff, too. Like, what I do for a living requires a great amount of travel and that came up, etc. The reading was def advice driven, which was what I was seeking anyway so that was good for me, but I also felt it was detailed. We did discuss matters of the heart and so far she has been accurate with what she saw there. As far as the things she told you about information and complications interpreting, I don't recall her saying anything like that to me but at the same time it would make sense to me if that was common for her during a reading. I have been told by psychic friends that when they are getting info it sometimes floods them like a movie on fast forward. Maybe it's similar for Yona, I dunno. I liked her very much. I think she's ethical and not just in it for the money. She went way over time for me because we tapped into some things that were (are) difficult for me and she explained things quite thoroughly. She does not encourage calling all the time, and to be honest, it was one of the first readings I've had where I didn't want to immediately call 10 more psychics, lol! Perhaps her reading made me sate, or maybe because it had been six months since my last read (a sort of "cleanse" or clean slate from past reads), or a combo...but the reading felt whole and I was satisfied. Sorry about your recording, Zee, I have had that happen with a recording program on my iphone. It was a doozy of a reading, too, like an hour or more and since I thought it was recording I didn't take notes!!! Grrrrr. Friggin technology, lmao!!!

She does seem ethical, to this I agree, but because she specifically said my reading was complicated, led me to believe she was having a difficult time interpreting. Yeah I didn't take notes either and I tested the recorder beforehand, so it was working great. I just didn't have it close enough to the speakers.

my head is a little foggy today, :-X (I caught something from these maggots at work), but as an fyi, place spaces between your sentences, to make it easier to read (this is why it's done), otherwise it becomes difficult to follow.  I'm sure you want people to read it, if you took the time to write it.   8)


--- Quote from: Zee on November 01, 2013, 05:34:26 PM ---my head is a little foggy today, :-X (I caught something from these maggots at work), but as an fyi, place spaces between your sentences, to make it easier to read (this is why it's done), otherwise it becomes difficult to follow.  I'm sure you want people to read it, if you took the time to write it.   8)

--- End quote ---

Are you kidding me? This is precisely why I hate sharing ANYTHING on this forum. I'm a grown woman and I don't need a lesson in grammar. I'm also not new here and don't appreciate being "reprimanded" on how I post. Ninety nine percent of the time I'm on my phone and I have never had an issue reading one's post. At best, perhaps my last three remarks could have been made into a new paragraph but according to basic rules of writing these are considered standard times to make a new paragraph:

- When you start in on a new topic
- When you skip to a new time
- When you skip to a new place
- When a new person begins to speak
- When you want to produce a dramatic effect

Seeing that I never changed my subject, I saw no reason to start a new paragraph. Sorry to everyone else for getting upset but I am at my wit's end with the pettiness here. I shared my experience only to be criticized. Whatever. Flame away, I do not care. I will not be posting here again therefore you do not have to worry if my grammar is suitable to your taste. FYI, try capitalizing your words at the beginning of your sentences before you have the audacity to critique someone else's writing. Cheers!

hmmm, it appears as if someone took my post the wrong way. I am only responsible for what I say, not how it's understood.

No one was criticizing nor reprimanding Decibel. It was just a friendly reminder to make it easier to read, because believe it or not, some of us do like to read some of the posts.  And it appears as if you heard me, and have chosen to do as you please, since that is your right.  You go girl!

Yes, I am aware everyone is grown, and can do whatever they want. Thank you for taking the time to reiterate those sentiments. There are times I've skipped over post just because everything was rammed together and although, they might have been interesting, smart or what have you, reading it from a large screen was tedious at best.

I meant no harm dear. Hope you are feeling better once your little friend has past; ;) and it will all be better and swept under the rug, once this week is over.

Good night...pleasant dreams.  :-*


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