Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services

Yona Farrell

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I think the only thing I will disagree with you here KTH is "throwing out the notes"
I think we should keep them and years later go back to them and read them. I am sure then we will have a very good laugh  ;D


--- Quote from: skyline on October 07, 2013, 10:27:10 PM ---
--- Quote from: oben on October 07, 2013, 04:23:58 AM ---No one saw anything coming  ;D just cookie saw a move, but not a marriage, just said I would move and yes I moved

--- End quote ---

Wow, what a huge miss that your readers didn't pick this up. I would probably stop calling all together if this happened to me.  :D

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haha!YES!This must be considered to be a huuuge miss :)
congratulations Oben!I am happy for you!What did our friend "the persian"tell you about the upcoming marriage?I seem to remember she did tell you that your life would change very much for the better ;)

Hey Zenia, long time :)
When I read with our friend I was already engaged so she did not have anything to tell me there besides number 22... And that a "miracle" would happen lol

Yeah, I picked up on Douche Lord being a romantic ex, but could you tell me how the call was recorded and her rates? I can't access her site at work, although I found her FB and her rates aren't shown here.

shes like $40 for half an hour. something like that.
i've used her a couple times and liked her a lot. the second reading wasn't as good as the first and she repeated herself a lot. we only touched on 1 or 2 subjects because she just kept saying the same things. however, she was really accurate in picking up the situations.


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