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Yona Farrell

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also, she didn't give specific timeframes but she said "coming up very soon" and felt like my reading in general spanned over 6 months or less

Update - another one of Yona's predictions came true today! This one was non romantic and totally random. Said there would be a man who would was selfish and thinking only of themselves and that because of this it would cost me some money, but that I would fight it and that because I would fight it I would still lose money, but not as much as if I didn't fight it.

Well my property manager all of a sudden decided that he was going to have to do some repairs in my yard with only 2 days notice and it will span for about 5 days and I have a dog - as a result of this i will have to board my dog and it will be expensive. I told him that he would need to deduct the amount I spend on boarding my dog from my rent, as the boarding would come out to $40 a day. He just got back to me and said that they could credit $20 a day.

This lady is incredible! Still don't know for sure though if her big prediction has passed or only part of it, for those that know how the other parts of my prediction have passed!

I agree that Yona is good , she's the only reader that got predictions right for me . Now she hasn't gotten everything right but most she has. When I spoke to her in December she said my bf and I will have to reschedule a trip and I would think the reason that he gives is bs but he is actually telling the truth and we will still go on the trip but another date . This prediction happened through out the month of January-February.she would the only reader that I would waste money on everyone else except Kiesha here and there didn't work for me.

Well score one for Yona. I just heard from the guy, haven't heard since Nov, she said around his birthday/Jan/Feb timing--his birthday is in two days.

Edit: Just read through notes, she also got that he relocated again. Dang this lady is good!


--- Quote from: sunshineluv7 on February 06, 2017, 02:28:17 PM ---Well score one for Yona. I just heard from the guy, haven't heard since Nov, she said around his birthday/Jan/Feb timing--his birthday is in two days.

Edit: Just read through notes, she also got that he relocated again. Dang this lady is good!

--- End quote ---

Yay! Did she tell you what he was going to say?


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