Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Storefront Psychics & Online Services
Yona Farrell
--- Quote from: stargazer on November 02, 2016, 05:56:53 AM ---bump--
has anyone read with yona lately? if so, how was your experience?
thanks in advance :)
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Hey Stargrazer I read with Yona in Feb and she said the ex and I will not get back together though she did getf some details wrong the big outcome she got right.She said I will meet someone who is better suited for me than my ex and we will be in a relationship by the end of the year she described his personality well. I read again with her on November 13 two weeks before my g=uy asked me to be his gf and she expressed that my cards were not telling her who I will be in a relartionship with whether with someone elsed or my new guy she expressed that cards did say theres a possiblity it could be (my current bf who at the time was the new guy I was seeing) but she wast sure she expressed that the cards were saying that I will be in a realtionship but not telling with whom.She said she would like tp read with me for free in January becuase she believed there will be more movement then.Well day after thanksgiving my guy asked me to be his gf I updated Yona today so I will update you guys on my reading with her next month.
Thanks for updating @lovefash. Very happy for you and your new relationship! let us know how your next reading with yona goes :)
I just had a reading with her this morning. First off, she is highly ethical. Yesterday was my appointment and she just couldn't get a good clear reading so we rescheduled for today. The same thing happened. The cards were being very vague. I kind of put the puzzle together but it was after about 30 minutes of her trying to make sense of them. She was very kind and apologized and said she was refunding my money because of the lack of clarity in the reading. She did so immediately when we got off the phone. She could have easily fed me a fairy tale or bullcrapped her way through the reading and kept my money but she didn't. That is HUGE to me. She did say she saw my life getting better in all areas because I got the wheel of fortune card and said late January early February. She said I could call her back then if I wanted to.
I was disappointed because I really was looking forward to seeing what she saw, but I guess it wasn't in the "cards" :)
Hey Baypark1,
I'm sorry that she wasn't able to connect. I do agree with you that she is really ethical.
I tried Yona twice and the first time she had a lot of details, but the outcome never happen. The second time I specifically asked her why something would be happening and she was totally wrong. She picked up on it happening but her reason was not correct at all. She seems to be great for many so I don't think we had a strong connection.
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