Although I dont think Yona's outcome for my current POI will happen (like 95% sure of it) - her predictions still come through for me.
For example here was a recent prediction from my October reading:"Then we've got the ace of wands in the house card we've got a positive development and again I think this is within weeks. Okay, I don't even think we're looking at a month here it says a positive development and you're at home somebody contact you you know them already. This is not a new some new contact and it's they're making quite a lot of effort to be friendly. I don't know why it's being shown as new new development have no clue why now that could be that it's the first time they've contacted you and for the first time that they broached certain topics but it's not a new contact I don't believe so they're being quite charming you're not in a particularly nurturing mood at this point.
So whatever they're trying to sort of sweet talk you into ...the seven of wands... You seem to be a bit snappy in response or maybe it's the way they word or maybe the fact that there has been a gap but you're certainly not going to make it easy for them now I could look at it the other way you know what is it if it was you making a contact and they were snappy but that doesn't fit in the approach is being made to you. You seem to be irritated with them or irritable so I can't see what's triggered that it's just maybe don't want to communicate at that point ...maybe it's... you've got the crossed wires symbol and it's not fully crossed wires it's and it's not a blockage in communication it’s uh at cross purposes which is which is irritating.
Now this is certainly going to annoy the guy not happy about it at the time was saying difference of opinion. Even though when he initially approaches he's not annoyed he's annoyed by the time that the communication stops although he will this isn't backing off or detaching.
There's a there's a follow up communication or follow up interaction that somebody is expecting an apology here. I'm not sure if that's your him. But I don't think either of you get uh anything that sort of abject ....three of get an explanation something's whiled you up they're putting their point across they’re hoping for an apology. Once they've explained themselves. They shouldn’t hold their breath.
You seem underwhelmed, but not annoyed the the person that's angry is that is the man and you're telling them that they're idiot, you're actually saying that they are an idiot sorry, got the fool there. But it's actually the fool in that position. Not in the heat of the argument here. The argument the disagreement is finished. But when they're explaining their reasoning, you saying Well, that's stupid, you're an idiot. You know it's it's not trying to provoke another argument. That is just you're saying what you think so that that I have to say, I don't get the impression that it bothers us that much.
They might have been trying to sweet talk you up to be persuasive when they initially contacted you. But it's not working. Are you heartbroken Far from it? Is this romantic? I doubt it. I very much doubt it. Because if you was smitten with them, if you're calling them an idiot I'm sure you would be disappointed to find out that they’re a moron rather than to be pleased to pass on the information. So I don't I don't believe that this is I don't think it's enjoyable. But I don't see it as a setback. You don't have any of the major cards here, though.
Afterwards, it says you wonder if you've antagonized or potentially made a different matter where they don't have to say so more complicated, but that's only a fleeting thought. Okay, you certainly don't have any sleepless nights with that. Now, I don't think you give a [care] what they think..may be just for a second you may think well how's this going to sound to a ton of people or wonder what knock on effect it has that because it says this is a very fleeting thought and it doesn't disturb you that much. I don't think that you are actually that bothered. Is it damaging? No. So it's not shown having lasting repercussions. Now, there is distance, though, I felt that this was this communication set of communications was ..... probably not face to face, because of the 2 of Pentacles there."
Here is how it all went down. It amazes me how SPECIFIC this prediction was.Basically this all happened on October 30th (had the reading Oct 6th - so timing was spot on when she said this would happen in weeks).
I went on a hiatus from talking to my POI because feelings were getting invested. I specifically told him to give me a break. At that point I didnt know if it was going to be completely over and if he was never going to talk to me again. I was prepared for it to be over and move on. Well he calls me 2.5 weeks after this request and tells me he misses me (this is before Oct 30th). After that we planned to see each other.
HOWEVER - On Oct 30, he mentioned how he wanted to see me but the communication was shady. I asked to specifically see him that same day via text. He said he was stating that he would come pick me up after he was seeing his daughter. I asked what time - he said probably around 10pm. Now this communication is NOT face to face and I was at home as Yona stated.
I was immediately skeptical of this statement because I was thinking - who in the hell arranges to see their 2 year old child at 8pm? (He is at the mercy of his baby mama, but still). SO, before 10pm hits, around 9:45pm he calls me and says "Hey babe, can we reschedule to meet up tomorrow? Im still here with my little one and I figured since this would be the first time seeing you in a while, I should take you out vs coming to your house. I think its more respectful that way." I said "AW HOW SWEET that you think of ME like that" - sarcastically. BUT I SAID NO - I want to see you TONIGHT. (Now I did this on purpose guys - because I didnt think he was seeing his daughter - as a matter of fact I just played along and said) "Yeah so how do I know you arent in some chics bathroom telling me this story". He was like "C'mon babe we are grown adults and I dont need to use seeing my daughter as a cover story - so let me just see you tomorrow".
Im like GTFOH -again why is a 2 year old still up at 10pm??? Anyway - He said "If I come over, you know Im going to want some and I dont want you to feel thats all I want so let me take you out". THIS WAS DEFINITELY SWEET TALK and BS.
So When I didnt hear a peep from him after...I sent him a long text stating that he must think Im dumb that I actually think he saw his daughter on a Tuesday night in the middle of the night and that he was actually on a date. [This was the FOLLOW UP COMMUNICATION YONA STATED]
He then replied [to put his point across as YONA stated] "I told you I did not go on a date. I saw my daughter from 8pm to 10:00pm, I was only with her for 2+ hours which is not enough time....I told you my phone was about to die and thats why I couldnt respond last night....I'll talk to you later" (he said more but I shortened it).
So I thought - That is stupid as hell and makes no sense. None at all (why because he said he was coming, I was home and he couldve still came - had nothing to do with his phone being dead, and 2yr olds typically aren't up that late). [I never called him an idiot but I thought his explanation was stupid].
He was annoyed after and probably expected an apology for me accusing, But didnt give him one - nor did he give me one for not seeing me that night.
And yes I wouldve rather went on a date - but I was testing him because I didnt believe the story. And no I dont know if it was truly a lie or not LOL (And I dont feel bad about it - JUST like YONA said!)
And there it is