Author Topic: Yona Farrell  (Read 2038697 times)

Offline scarlora

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1020 on: November 06, 2018, 04:28:36 PM »
I first read with Yona one year ago.  She told me my ex would try to reconnect in about 6 weeks.  It never happened.  I did start to have lunches and convos with an old friend, but I had no romantic interest in him.  I believe he did with me though. 
I read with Yona again in May and she said, your ex is going to put out feelers but you will ignore them.  Well the same old friend has been messaging me on FB but I have completely ignored them because I have no interest in even having lunch with him again. 
It seems to me she confused the 2 energies, even though this was a random person I have known for while that I had no interest in.  Disappointing, but I wanted to put that experience out there for others to be aware. 

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1021 on: November 06, 2018, 04:37:22 PM »
I first read with Yona one year ago.  She told me my ex would try to reconnect in about 6 weeks.  It never happened.  I did start to have lunches and convos with an old friend, but I had no romantic interest in him.  I believe he did with me though. 
I read with Yona again in May and she said, your ex is going to put out feelers but you will ignore them.  Well the same old friend has been messaging me on FB but I have completely ignored them because I have no interest in even having lunch with him again. 
It seems to me she confused the 2 energies, even though this was a random person I have known for while that I had no interest in.  Disappointing, but I wanted to put that experience out there for others to be aware.

Great example of Classic Yona!! I'm sure he looked like an ex because of the past connection - maybe because at least one person was not into the other like her predictions happen but most of the time not in the way you think ....some people would say she was wrong because it wasnt the ex, but its known that she can confuse ppl - heck because she doesnt know who they are lol. If the scenario plays out exactly as she said - Id call it a prediction. I've learned with her that the scenarios play out but the ppl involved may be different sadly.

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1022 on: November 06, 2018, 04:38:42 PM »
Most readers mix energies or we assume it’s our poi. Then the event happens just like they say but with another.

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1023 on: November 06, 2018, 04:57:36 PM »
So she said she know I am psychic before even drawing psychic card
So she sense that some how? She said knew through my voice i think. And she said i should have no issue read tarot. Any idea on how I can expand this gift with out card?

Perhaps I should leave this question in other thread. Sorry.

I gave you advice already. I'd suggest going to a spiritualist church or speaking to a medium near you. Meditation, sitting in a quiet room, a peaceful room with your eyes closed just asking any spirits of the higher good to come in.

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1024 on: November 06, 2018, 05:16:38 PM »
So she said she know I am psychic before even drawing psychic card
So she sense that some how? She said knew through my voice i think. And she said i should have no issue read tarot. Any idea on how I can expand this gift with out card?

Perhaps I should leave this question in other thread. Sorry.

I gave you advice already. I'd suggest going to a spiritualist church or speaking to a medium near you. Meditation, sitting in a quiet room, a peaceful room with your eyes closed just asking any spirits of the higher good to come in.

Yes thank you. I live in small town and none near me. But meditating is good thank you(: I was curious about what other say when yona told them they psychic to

GO to YOUTUBE its probably the best place to help you. You wont get any specific help on this board.

But based on your posts you dont sound like a medium to me - I would advise you going to Youtube and look up the different types of psychic gifts to see which one you have. (Clairvoyance - which it sounds like what you have), Clairaudience, etc. then watch different videos of people who can help you there. Its more of an internal journey not external. Everyone's experiences are different. I just choose not to entertain mine lol


Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1025 on: November 06, 2018, 05:29:51 PM »
So she said she know I am psychic before even drawing psychic card
So she sense that some how? She said knew through my voice i think. And she said i should have no issue read tarot. Any idea on how I can expand this gift with out card?

Perhaps I should leave this question in other thread. Sorry.

I gave you advice already. I'd suggest going to a spiritualist church or speaking to a medium near you. Meditation, sitting in a quiet room, a peaceful room with your eyes closed just asking any spirits of the higher good to come in.

Yes thank you. I live in small town and none near me. But meditating is good thank you(: I was curious about what other say when yona told them they psychic to

GO to YOUTUBE its probably the best place to help you. You wont get any specific help on this board.

But based on your posts you dont sound like a medium to me - I would advise you going to Youtube and look up the different types of psychic gifts to see which one you have. (Clairvoyance - which it sounds like what you have), Clairaudience, etc. then watch different videos of people who can help you there. Its more of an internal journey not external. Everyone's experiences are different. I just choose not to entertain mine lol


Ya I do not do any thing with spirit. I understand I am very very sensitive and can feel other emotion but only if they are near to me. I some time hear ringing in my ear and hear gibbrish. But i do not know who to trust on utube but that is a idea thank you!!!(:❤❤❤

The gibberish is definitely Clairaudience.

Well if you are willing to trust strangers on the board - please try those on youtube. Just do your research and find someone who connects with you to learn from. It will be then you will develop trust. Some of the folks there are truly gifted and can provide more education than what you would find here

Offline scarlora

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1026 on: November 06, 2018, 06:00:15 PM »
Most readers mix energies or we assume it’s our poi. Then the event happens just like they say but with another.

Yep.  I find it strange that she picked up this guy when he was just a blip to me.  Completely unimportant.  Despite the mix up, I will read with her again some time. 

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1027 on: November 06, 2018, 06:06:37 PM »
So she said she know I am psychic before even drawing psychic card
So she sense that some how? She said knew through my voice i think. And she said i should have no issue read tarot. Any idea on how I can expand this gift with out card?

Perhaps I should leave this question in other thread. Sorry.

I gave you advice already. I'd suggest going to a spiritualist church or speaking to a medium near you. Meditation, sitting in a quiet room, a peaceful room with your eyes closed just asking any spirits of the higher good to come in.

Yes thank you. I live in small town and none near me. But meditating is good thank you(: I was curious about what other say when yona told them they psychic to

GO to YOUTUBE its probably the best place to help you. You wont get any specific help on this board.

But based on your posts you dont sound like a medium to me - I would advise you going to Youtube and look up the different types of psychic gifts to see which one you have. (Clairvoyance - which it sounds like what you have), Clairaudience, etc. then watch different videos of people who can help you there. Its more of an internal journey not external. Everyone's experiences are different. I just choose not to entertain mine lol


Ya I do not do any thing with spirit. I understand I am very very sensitive and can feel other emotion but only if they are near to me. I some time hear ringing in my ear and hear gibbrish. But i do not know who to trust on utube but that is a idea thank you!!!(:❤❤❤

The gibberish is definitely Clairaudience.

Well if you are willing to trust strangers on the board - please try those on youtube. Just do your research and find someone who connects with you to learn from. It will be then you will develop trust. Some of the folks there are truly gifted and can provide more education than what you would find here

Sparkle - Do you see/sense things?

Yes I do - I'm not really fond of the gift mainly because it scares me. But I typically have visions or hear things ...I write them in my journal and usually what I see or hear happens within 24hrs to a month. I have to reference Yona on this one (Im trying not to be a fanboy, but hey she just works for me) she told me that I would get premonitions strong ones since my reading in April of this year. She told me 6 weeks of strong premonitions.

Welp - one premonition that stuck out was one I kept seeing - vividly - I was with my POI, he was on the left side of me - we were holding hands walking into the American Airlines stadium. Very specific. I kept seeking flashes of him and me. It was dark outside. He was on my left I and I was looking up at him by my side. Had this vision in August and it came true exactly as I saw when we went the Drake concert at the American Airlines center....thats just one thing.. yeah and he sat on the left of me - when I looked up at him I realized it happened.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2018, 06:08:23 PM by Sparkle002 »

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1028 on: November 06, 2018, 06:18:28 PM »
I read with Yona this past September and already have had all but one prediction happen. In all the predictions, she never once said who exactly whom the other people were just gave eye colour and personalities. One of the people she was talking about turned out to be my son. She saw me having a meeting with a dark eyed man over money. Said he had his hands over his ears and won't listen. He got a bonus and we argued how it should be spent.

She then said the next three would happen around the same time. One happened last week where I had a telephone conversation telling a man in a authority how well my group is and what we have done. 2nd one was  a tower regards to a family member and that we would have to talk and sort things out. My son lost a very expensive jacket, I found this out yesterday. This is the second time he has done this and then lied and said it was in his closet.  So the third one should come in soon. I will report back if it does.

Offline Bostongirl

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1029 on: November 06, 2018, 06:22:22 PM »
Wow that's amazing... I have dreams that have come true. 

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1030 on: November 06, 2018, 06:24:01 PM »
Wow that's amazing... I have dreams that have come true.

Ive had dreams specifically with my POI that come true - I literally saw a vision of me running my fingers through his hair a certain way and it happened the last time I saw him :o. Sometimes I can pick up things on certain ppl vs others.

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1031 on: November 06, 2018, 06:25:40 PM »
I've also been told I have a gift by Yona. I guess it's kinda true? I can get strong intuitions, and I sensed alot upto my early adulthood.

And Sparkle, I didn't know you were a guy! Nice to have a rare guy on the board for a change. Your gift is cool, I wish I still had mine. I found the more often stuff happened, the more I got used to it. When you see things after not having experiences for a long time is when you get freaked out and aren't used to it. I've had dreams but none of them have happened (thankfully). I dreamt a couple of years ago that a family member was dead on her sofa, and she's still very much alive to this day. I had dreams of my POI that haven't happened. The only dream I've had of substance is that my Mum was upset. Woke up, texted her and she was indeed upset. I think premonition dreams are cool  :P

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1032 on: November 06, 2018, 06:30:47 PM »
I've also been told I have a gift by Yona. I guess it's kinda true? I can get strong intuitions, and I sensed alot upto my early adulthood.

And Sparkle, I didn't know you were a guy!<-- Nope Im a woman lol Nice to have a rare guy on the board for a change. Your gift is cool, I wish I still had mine. I found the more often stuff happened, the more I got used to it. When you see things after not having experiences for a long time is when you get freaked out and aren't used to it. I've had dreams but none of them have happened (thankfully). I dreamt a couple of years ago that a family member was dead on her sofa, and she's still very much alive to this day. I had dreams of my POI that haven't happened. The only dream I've had of substance is that my Mum was upset. Woke up, texted her and she was indeed upset. I think premonition dreams are cool  :P

WAIT IM A WOMAN LOL (Real gendered woman)! Where did I say I was a guy??? :o :o :o ;D ;D ;D ;D
« Last Edit: November 06, 2018, 06:34:10 PM by Sparkle002 »

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1033 on: November 06, 2018, 06:36:14 PM »
I've also been told I have a gift by Yona. I guess it's kinda true? I can get strong intuitions, and I sensed alot upto my early adulthood.

And Sparkle, I didn't know you were a guy!<-- Nope Im a woman lol Nice to have a rare guy on the board for a change. Your gift is cool, I wish I still had mine. I found the more often stuff happened, the more I got used to it. When you see things after not having experiences for a long time is when you get freaked out and aren't used to it. I've had dreams but none of them have happened (thankfully). I dreamt a couple of years ago that a family member was dead on her sofa, and she's still very much alive to this day. I had dreams of my POI that haven't happened. The only dream I've had of substance is that my Mum was upset. Woke up, texted her and she was indeed upset. I think premonition dreams are cool  :P

WAIT IM A WOMAN LOL (Real gendered woman)! Where did I say I was a guy??? :o :o :o ;D ;D ;D ;D

*face palm* I'm so sorry, lol. When you put "fanboy".  I bet you feel so confident, now lol  ???:-[

Offline Sparkle002

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Re: Yona Farrell
« Reply #1034 on: November 06, 2018, 06:39:57 PM »
I've also been told I have a gift by Yona. I guess it's kinda true? I can get strong intuitions, and I sensed alot upto my early adulthood.

And Sparkle, I didn't know you were a guy!<-- Nope Im a woman lol Nice to have a rare guy on the board for a change. Your gift is cool, I wish I still had mine. I found the more often stuff happened, the more I got used to it. When you see things after not having experiences for a long time is when you get freaked out and aren't used to it. I've had dreams but none of them have happened (thankfully). I dreamt a couple of years ago that a family member was dead on her sofa, and she's still very much alive to this day. I had dreams of my POI that haven't happened. The only dream I've had of substance is that my Mum was upset. Woke up, texted her and she was indeed upset. I think premonition dreams are cool  :P

WAIT IM A WOMAN LOL (Real gendered woman)! Where did I say I was a guy??? :o :o :o ;D ;D ;D ;D

*face palm* I'm so sorry, lol. When you put "fanboy".  I bet you feel so confident, now lol  ???:-[

BWAHAHA - I just use Fanboy as a Gender Neutral term - its ok LOL - Great Laugh!