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Yona Farrell

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Has anyone read with Yona and if so will you share your experience with her?

Without going into detail, recently my daughter went through something and was looking for some kind of answers. It didn't matter how much I tried to tell her NOT to call psychics because they are wrong anyway she just needed answers.

I asked a few people here that I trust who they would recommend as I feel everyone is wrong and don't believe in predictions.  Yona's name came up a few times as someone who is rather good.

My daughter read with her on Friday and voice recorded the call, I listened to the call and was impressed.  Within the first few minutes a card flew out of the deck and it was the reason why my daughter was calling.  Yona asked my daughter if she wanted to ask a specific question or if she wanted a general reading, my daughter said a general reading would be great.  So there was not any leading information as to why she was calling.

I will say this, Yona was wonderful with my daughter and she was correct with what she saw. Yona made some predictions about what is to come, but as you all know I do not believe in predictions but time will tell.

Bark angel:
I've heard people mention this reader, but I am yet to find her on Keen.  Do you have a link?

--- Quote from: kickingthehabit on October 06, 2013, 01:34:15 PM ---Has anyone read with Yona and if so will you share your experience with her?

Without going into detail, recently my daughter went through something and was looking for some kind of answers. It didn't matter how much I tried to tell her NOT to call psychics because they are wrong anyway she just needed answers.

I asked a few people here that I trust who they would recommend as I feel everyone is wrong and don't believe in predictions.  Yona's name came up a few times as someone who is rather good.

My daughter read with her on Friday and voice recorded the call, I listened to the call and was impressed.  Within the first few minutes a card flew out of the deck and it was the reason why my daughter was calling.  Yona asked my daughter if she wanted to ask a specific question or if she wanted a general reading, my daughter said a general reading would be great.  So there was not any leading information as to why she was calling.

I will say this, Yona was wonderful with my daughter and she was correct with what she saw. Yona made some predictions about what is to come, but as you all know I do not believe in predictions but time will tell.

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She is not on Keen.

--- Quote from: Bark angel on October 06, 2013, 02:31:17 PM ---I've heard people mention this reader, but I am yet to find her on Keen.  Do you have a link?

--- Quote from: kickingthehabit on October 06, 2013, 01:34:15 PM ---Has anyone read with Yona and if so will you share your experience with her?

Without going into detail, recently my daughter went through something and was looking for some kind of answers. It didn't matter how much I tried to tell her NOT to call psychics because they are wrong anyway she just needed answers.

I asked a few people here that I trust who they would recommend as I feel everyone is wrong and don't believe in predictions.  Yona's name came up a few times as someone who is rather good.

My daughter read with her on Friday and voice recorded the call, I listened to the call and was impressed.  Within the first few minutes a card flew out of the deck and it was the reason why my daughter was calling.  Yona asked my daughter if she wanted to ask a specific question or if she wanted a general reading, my daughter said a general reading would be great.  So there was not any leading information as to why she was calling.

I will say this, Yona was wonderful with my daughter and she was correct with what she saw. Yona made some predictions about what is to come, but as you all know I do not believe in predictions but time will tell.

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I read with her, very nice sweet lady. She is not really after your money like the others all, she does not care about the time, she stayed on the phone with me for like two hours, we chatted about so many things like two friends. I also recorded the call. She clearly tells you to not call back unless if you have something manifested. Well, of course I have nothing manifested yet lol. She did not give me what other psychics did, like a fairy tale ending and so on, but so the douche lord coming back, trying to enter mylife again, even give me an apology, but I would not feel it was sincere and would not have him back in my life. (Or I should not, don't remember exactly it was either an advice or a fact). She said he will be back in this year.  Well still 3 months to go I guess LOL and I wonder now how he would find me, I moved, changed address and phone, got married and changed last name, and so on lol.  :P


--- Quote from: oben on October 07, 2013, 02:27:52 AM ---I read with her, very nice sweat lady. She is not really after your money like the others all, she does not care about the time, she stayed on the phone with me for like two hours, we chatted about so many things like two friends. I also recorded the call. She clearly tells you to not call back unless if you have something manifested. Well, of course I have nothing manifested yet lol. She did not give me what other psychics did, like a fairy tale ending and so on, but so the douche lord coming back, trying to enter mylife again, even give me an apology, but I would not feel it was sincere and would not have him back in my life. (Our I should not, don't remember exactly it was either an advice or a fact). She said he will be back in this year.  Well still 3 months to go I guess LOL and I wonder now how he would find me, I moved, changed address and phone, got married and changed last name, and so on lol.  :P

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You got married? Did anyone else see that coming?


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