Author Topic: SherriLynn  (Read 32399 times)


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Re: SherriLynn
« Reply #15 on: August 25, 2016, 01:37:11 PM »
I've never read with her but I absolutely hate it when readers throw out numbers that could be "hours, days, months, years , decades" etc. like how the hell does that help >:( By "right now" maybe she means that currently, with one being angry, a reconciliation isn't likely. But once that anger subsides and time has passed, something in the future could happen?


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Re: SherriLynn
« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2016, 03:48:42 PM »
Omg ! I hate it too like it can drive you crazy does see mean the fourth day of the week which is a Thursday or 24th of the month or 4 pm or am. It's not my cup of tea at all. That's what I was thinking that could be the only logical explanation . I'm the one who is hurt by what he said and he's angry about me cutting it off even though it was due to him being distant. Now , what Sherri is stating is totally different from what Judi stated when she channeled him he was panicky about me being upset with him because of what he said . He doesn't want me to be upset . So I have no clue


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Re: SherriLynn
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2016, 06:33:26 PM »
I spoke to Sherri Lynn in regards to schoo she said that I will get accepted and she sees me taking a test to get in(this is true I'm taking the gre )she said I will get in and there will be a delay she also stated the school is far from where I live. I asked her what she meant by there will be a delay . Is she meant I will get in but not in fall 2017 or they will be a delay in letting me know. She said that there will be a delay probably in letting me know.

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Re: SherriLynn
« Reply #18 on: September 06, 2016, 07:53:53 PM »
What are her rates?


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Re: SherriLynn
« Reply #19 on: September 06, 2016, 08:01:04 PM »
She is 30 dollars for 15 minutes and 60 fir 30 minutes and she is 8 dollars for an email reading and 20 for 3 email readings . I would suggest doing a phone reading because her email tends to be vague and you can only ask one follow up question

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Re: SherriLynn
« Reply #20 on: September 06, 2016, 08:27:33 PM »
How long is the email reading for $8?


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Re: SherriLynn
« Reply #21 on: September 06, 2016, 09:03:56 PM »
Three sentences lol very vague, like I emailed her over the weekend asking what school I will be accepted to I named the schools that are my favorite and she said I dont see the name of the school probably because you will get accepted to more then one. I just see the color red could be school colors or buildings. I do see you going to a school out of state and the school you chose will be a great fit. Well I went on a internet rampage and searched all the schools that I am applying to their school colors.Funny thing is all the schools dont have just one school color they either have three or two such as blue,red,and white or gold and blue. So its no help
« Last Edit: September 06, 2016, 11:19:11 PM by Lovefash67 »


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Re: SherriLynn
« Reply #22 on: September 22, 2016, 01:48:14 PM »
So I have one update on this reader last week I asked her if I will get placement at the NYSPI as a volunteer research assistant . She said that she does seeing me getting it and that it will probably be something that I don't really want to do and said she I will be doing that within a 6 and said 6 months well, 6 days later at 6 pm I received an email from one of the researchers at NYSPI asking me to come in to interview me . I don't know where she got 6 months because if I get accepted into a program like she said I will it does not make sense for me to volunteer in 6 months if by that time I will be leaving to start school.

Offline Baypark1

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Re: SherriLynn
« Reply #23 on: September 29, 2016, 04:34:05 PM »
i just read with her.  She's now the 3rd person out of probably 20 people that said the POI will NOT be coming back and won't be ready for a relationship for a long time.  She said he's been talking heavily with a woman from his past.  Well, the only women I know of are his ex wife and his ex psycho girlfriend who is in jail for at least another 30 days.  So, I don't know what to think.  I've spoken to all the good ones, Keisha, Judi, Sincerity and they all said he has feelings and he'll be back mid October.  These readings are SO confusing.  I think I'm done with readings AND this guy. 


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Re: SherriLynn
« Reply #24 on: September 29, 2016, 06:14:47 PM »
Hey BayPark! I'm a frequent reader with Sherri Lynn and so far sadly she seems to be accurate but I have been told she also can be wrong too. So maybe she is wrong for you. She told me my ex and I will not get back together right now >:( which of course is obvious we are not talking right now she can't seem to give me answer if he will get back together in future and she said he is emotionally away from me while others have mostly said he is confused and has not made a decision on whether not he doesn't want or wants me so he stays away.

As in regards to Judi though I thought she was good at first, she made it appaer in August that my ex was really sorry for what he said to me in July and he doesnt want me to be mad with him. Well, guess what I have heard nothing and he does not seem to care at all.

All I can say is just take it one day at a time and go by his actions and right now hes not doing anything.

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Re: SherriLynn
« Reply #25 on: September 29, 2016, 06:54:17 PM »
Hey BayPark! I'm a frequent reader with Sherri Lynn and so far sadly she seems to be accurate but I have been told she also can be wrong too. So maybe she is wrong for you. She told me my ex and I will not get back together right now >:( which of course is obvious we are not talking right now she can't seem to give me answer if he will get back together in future and she said he is emotionally away from me while others have mostly said he is confused and has not made a decision on whether not he doesn't want or wants me so he stays away.

As in regards to Judi though I thought she was good at first, she made it appaer in August that my ex was really sorry for what he said to me in July and he doesnt want me to be mad with him. Well, guess what I have heard nothing and he does not seem to care at all.

All I can say is just take it one day at a time and go by his actions and right now hes not doing anything.

It sounds like we are in the same boat.  The readers have said the same thing to me.  He's confused, not sure he wants a relationship, is in decision making mode, etc.   As for Judi, I've had 3 readings. The first one he was filled with fear but loved me and wanted something with me but needed time.  He was doing the "what ifs" and he was stressing about it.  The 2nd one was basically the same except he wasn't ready to give up his freedom and give what it takes to have a relationship but had no desire to date or find anyone else, then yesterday, he really "likes" me - no love was mentioned and that he wants to be friends and is trying to label it as that but really does want more.  Then when I told her he was on a dating site, she said he was basically just looking around and if he found friends with benefits/companion that would be fine, but he's really not into it and doesn't think he'll find anyone.  She said what he's looking for is me in someone else.  So either she is full of crap or he is really screwed up :)

Here's the bottom line.  He's not making any effort and I don't see any actions as to him even wanting to maintain our friendship and go from there.  After my reading with Sherri Lynn, I completely let go.  I actually texted him and told him his lack of communication via text, about something that was pretty important, shows me where he is at and that I will cease trying to maintain a friendship.  He texted back and said he didn't know what to think of my text so I told him his actions show me he doesn't even want to maintain a friendship so I'm letting him go.  He hasn't responded.  He wanted me to call him but I didn't want to talk to him so I lied and told him I couldn't talk.  He probably won't call or text again because he doesn't want to deal with emotional stuff and me being honest is basically being an emotional woman.    I'm really freaking tired of these men not seeing my worth and how really great I am.  The grass is always greener syndrome has struck them all and they can't see something amazing that is standing in front of them.  They would rather seek another woman that will eventually be a nightmare then acknowledge the person in front of them, for whatever reason. 

I think these readings get our hopes up and as times goes by the readings change to reflect what they should have told us from the beginning.  I'm disappointed in Judi actually.  My 2nd call to her I told her he said he wanted to be friends.  So the third call she must have remembered and talked about just being friends and he really likes  but the 2 previous calls were he loved me and really wanted me blah blah blah.  How can it change so drastically in 5 days?  Impossible.

I think the best way to get a man to come back is to let them go 200%.  If they come back, then it's meant to be, as the saying says.  I've wasted ALOT of time, thoughts and MONEY to find out everything I've been told is bullcrap.  In my gut, I knew the answer.  I think we all do. But these readings tell us what we want to hear so it prolongs us from moving on.  In my gut, I feel he doesn't really care for me like he said he did and I'm really not as important to him as he said I was.  We need to remember that actions speak volumes regardless of what a psychic says. 

So for now, I'm moving on and letting go.  If he comes back fine and I'll see how I feel.  If he doesn't, he's the loser and I'm the winner.  I'm taking MY power back!  Enough of this bullcrap.

Can you tell I'm at the end of my rope?  LOL 


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Re: SherriLynn
« Reply #26 on: September 29, 2016, 08:21:33 PM »
Mannnn baypark!!!! I TOTALLY understand what you are saying! I feel the exact same way!

Judi has a great memory so she does tend to take things that you say and incorporate it into future readings . These readings really do have you holding on. Now I will have to say before cutting my ex off in July a lot of empaths got his feelings correct and I was able to verify with him . Right now I guess he is still upset about me telling him I'm dating someone else and cutting him off that he just hates me right now . All I can do is control me . That's all we can do. Some guys have to learn the hard way and may not get it right till it's too late which is had but I guess as humans you don't know what you have till it's gone and gone completely .

I'm recently starting my journey of moving on because right now my ex is silent  and he said very hurtful things and unless he apologizes and mans up I will never speak to him again . My ex has this idea that he will be in and out of my life and when he's is finally ready to settle down he will find me and marry me. I can't wait till the day when I just laugh in his face with my future husband by my side. I want a man who can get it right once not someone who continues to walk away and doesn't understand that , that behavior is not acceptable .

Offline Baypark1

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Re: SherriLynn
« Reply #27 on: September 29, 2016, 08:31:13 PM »
That's right girl!  His loss.  There is someone out there that will give us what we need and deserve.  Manifest the right man and he will come. Screw the ones that make us feel so bad we go into debt calling psychics. That right there should be our clue :)


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Re: SherriLynn
« Reply #28 on: September 29, 2016, 09:41:54 PM »
Right now I guess he is still upset about me telling him I'm dating someone else and cutting him off that he just hates me right now . All I can do is control me . That's all we can do. Some guys have to learn the hard way and may not get it right till it's too late which is had but I guess as humans you don't know what you have till it's gone and gone completely .
are you really dating someone else? if you aren't, but he thinks you are, why would he contact you/ come back to you?


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Re: SherriLynn
« Reply #29 on: September 29, 2016, 09:44:23 PM »
That's right girl!  His loss.  There is someone out there that will give us what we need and deserve.  Manifest the right man and he will come. Screw the ones that make us feel so bad we go into debt calling psychics. That right there should be our clue :)
yes, wasting $ calling a bunch of different readers yet not getting anywhere with your man is just insanity. move on. there's more to life.