I am totally with you Shoe Gal. Some readers deliver with such confidence how do you not believe them and continue to have hope?
I read with Anasela for the first time back in August. Her reading blew my mind. All I asked was if she sees my ex coming back and if there is a future with him...and if not...does she see anyone else coming my way? She took off with the reading...she asked if I was training for a marathon or something along those lines...I said yes...I just completed my 2nd triathlon this summer...she asked if he was an artist...and I said yes...she asked if he painted...I said hes...she thinks he painted me and I think the one painting is me, but he will never tell me...which is 100% true (i have never discussed anything like this with anyone on CP nor did I give he any information to make her think these things)
She knew that he was very cruel during the breakup and she knew that we were apart for sometime...she knew that I saw him but there was no communication between us (which was true...I crossed paths with him on the bike path and he was so happy to see me and was slowing down to say hi...and I just kept pedaling...apparently I have a processing problem...lol) She told me that he didn't mean anything that he said and that he needed to say those things to push me away. She said that he felt I was too good for him and he felt that he wasn't good enough for me...that he had a lot of insecurities and fears.
She kept stressing that the breakup had absolutely nothing to do with me and to stop blaming myself.
She sees him reaching out and she sees us together in a committed relationship. She does see him in my life for future. The time frame that she gave me was Fall...Fall? Ugh! That was an entire season...lol...but she said it was going to be before Thanksgiving...no later.
She also said if I wanted to reach out I could. All that would do is speed things up and he would respond positively. She also said for me to stop putting a deadline on things...for me to make it spontaneous.
She then went on to say that I needed it to be him. If I reach out to me...I will always hold in my heart and in my mind "would we be together if I never reached out?" no matter how happy I am and not matter how wonderful thing are between us...I will never shake that thought. She couldn't have been more right and I had just had the conversation just a few hours ago with one of my friends. lol
I had called her again I think it was November and she yelled at me and told me to stop asking her the same questions because I am wasting my money....she said that he is right there waiting to make contact....he feels a lot of guilt and embarrassment due to how he broke things off and has a lot of regret...and soon after...I received an email from him.
I called her again in December and she said to be patient he will come around...he is just afraid and a lil thrown off by how welcoming and responsive I am...he wasn't expecting that. She also said he is very stressed and overwhelmed with work (which he was) she gave me another time frame of seeing him and hearing from him...and she was correct on both just a bit off with the time but not by much.
I had a general 2011 reading with her and she was beyond positive about how this was my year...she sees me going back to school...she sees me opening my own business...she said all things are going to work in my favor....and that M and I will be together and strong and he will not let me go.
I do want to go back to school and I am thinking of opening my own business end of 2011 beginning of 2012 (2012) has always been my time frame for that.
That was my experience with Anasela...the last I read with her she told me that she couldn't pull up a time frame unfortunately but to hang in there and be patient...that it will happen.
I am really starting to not like the following words...patience and procrastination