Author Topic: Pyschics that claim the future can change....  (Read 31738 times)

Offline marybell

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Re: Pyschics that claim the future can change....
« Reply #30 on: September 24, 2013, 09:23:25 PM »
Thank you so very much Bark Angel. What you are saying makes a lot of sense and is mind altering to me. I do believe we are the captains of our own ships.   Any books you would recommend, or are you self learned?

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Re: Pyschics that claim the future can change....
« Reply #31 on: September 25, 2013, 12:31:04 AM »
bstalling, there is a fine line I think that a client needs to walk.  Reading enough with a reader to get the clear message, while not reading so much to become too familiar with each other, and permitting bias to occur. I am not familiar with how readers get their messages from spirit all the time - some hear words/statements, some see images, some get feelings, but mark my words these "messages" come at a pretty fast speed when one considers that we are often limited to a short period of time online with the reader.  Therefore, it is pretty understandable that a message might be misinterpreted, even by the most well-meaning psychic.
I seriously stopped believing that failed predictions have anything to do with me.

If the reader can see the future, then they need to be responsible enough to give me an alternative outcome if they can’t see the event clearly. Like I said, as far as I can tell, they are misinterpreting what they see.

This is what I ultimately believe. Although I can see how Bark Angels view can happen, I seriously doubt that it happens the majority of the time. I'm never just going to believe that things just change. I don't think life can be that random all of the time. I'm chalking up predictions that don't happen to psychics that didn't interpret the information that they were seeing good enough. Meaning, they are just not skilled enough to be accurate the majority of the time.

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Re: Pyschics that claim the future can change....
« Reply #32 on: September 25, 2013, 07:31:40 PM »
I'm just not too understanding when I've tried over 40 readers and only one was close to getting things right ( and even then, she was wrong in the end). I can't give all 40 of them a pass. They all need to go through a psychic school of some sort to get more things right for people. I thought it was just me that psychics were wrong for until I got to this board.

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Pyschics that claim the future can change....
« Reply #33 on: September 25, 2013, 07:48:26 PM »
As with every profession, though, and this is important to bear in mind, there are people that excel in their field and then there are some that are just ok.  I can see why after consulting 40+ psychics you aren't impressed, but for me it would depend highly on which 40 were consulted.  After my psychic experience I have heard too much from my trusted few that I have to believe they have a gift.  I am not sure, however, that all psychics online do, and since there are so many available, that is where one has to remember caveat emptor.
I'm just not too understanding when I've tried over 40 readers and only one was close to getting things right ( and even then, she was wrong in the end). I can't give all 40 of them a pass. They all need to go through a psychic school of some sort to get more things right for people. I thought it was just me that psychics were wrong for until I got to this board.

Offline Zee

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Re: Pyschics that claim the future can change....
« Reply #34 on: September 25, 2013, 08:01:27 PM »
You hit the nail on the head! Since the saying goes you have to kiss 100 frogs before you find a prince, you only have 60 more to go.

Offline thisiscracra

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Re: Pyschics that claim the future can change....
« Reply #35 on: February 02, 2016, 07:20:47 AM »
what was the major prediction and who made them ?

Offline Bridget84

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Re: Pyschics that claim the future can change....
« Reply #36 on: April 20, 2016, 10:03:53 AM »
I personally think this is a much more inspiring way to help clients than by giving straight psychic predictions. 

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Re: Pyschics that claim the future can change....
« Reply #37 on: May 07, 2016, 02:38:06 AM »
I do believe the future can change, but I also think a truly adept psychic would recognize the likelihood of that at the time of the reading.  They might say (as an example), as of right now it looks like things will go in this direction, however I see a strong potential for something to interfere about 2 months from now (and then describe what that looks like and what to watch out for, in other words how to prepare for that if it might take things off course).

But what usually happens is in the first few readings, they are so SURE that xyz is going to happen, there is no mention of any other possibility, and I feel like they just say that because that's what they think the client wants to hear.  Then as time goes on, they might start saying things like "Well I still see this happening, but really it could go either way."  It just comes across as trying to backtrack and cover themselves in case they are wrong again.

Realistically any major event will have multiple potential outcomes, and various forks or detours in the path along the way.  I would prefer it if a reader took that approach from the beginning, rather than just giving me a yes/no type of answer.  But I feel like some of them don't view things that way, instead they think whatever they pick up on first is "fated" so they don't probe any deeper to see how it might change along the way.  Even if I asked them to look specifically at how things might change, they would just declare it was meant to be. 

I am not comfortable with readers who think things are fated, set in stone, 100% meant to be, etc.  Life does not work that way and I think they have to be somewhat delusional to believe that it does. 

On the other hand if they keep telling you the reason their predictions don't come to pass is because of "free will," that is just being flaky.  It seems to me like the main point of having a reading is usually to predict what kind of decision a person is most likely to make...NOT because it is "meant to be", but because people have certain tendencies, deeper wants and desires and patterns of behavior that can be projected into future trajectories.  A really good reader might look deeper to see whether what a person wants "now" may not be the ultimate outcome, whether they might be likely to change their mind later, or if two or more people will clash or go separate ways because they want different things. 

My most frustrating and hurtful experiences with readers have been when they just couldn't accurately predict a person's behavior, and they would keep telling me the person is going to do something but instead the complete opposite would happen.  And it would be no surprise to anyone who knows the person in real life, wouldn't have even surprised me if the psychic had not already convinced me otherwise, because the pattern of behavior was SO predictable. 

I feel like some readers are just automatically giving the best possible outcome scenario, the "miracle" outcome, where the person has a major change of heart, finally turns around what might be a lifelong pattern of behavior and really transforms into a different person.  I also feel like sometimes that's what spirit guides give to us or give to readers to give to us because they want us to hold a vision for the best possible outcome and give energy to that, instead of feeding the behavior and the outcomes we don't want with our energy.  But in reality it can take a long time for people to change and grow that much.  I think too often something gets lost in translation, between that vision of how things potentially could be, and the reader's interpretation of how it's going to happen in the near future.

Offline bluebelle

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Re: Pyschics that claim the future can change....
« Reply #38 on: May 09, 2016, 02:41:07 PM »
I do believe the future can change, but I also think a truly adept psychic would recognize the likelihood of that at the time of the reading.  They might say (as an example), as of right now it looks like things will go in this direction, however I see a strong potential for something to interfere about 2 months from now (and then describe what that looks like and what to watch out for, in other words how to prepare for that if it might take things off course).

But what usually happens is in the first few readings, they are so SURE that xyz is going to happen, there is no mention of any other possibility, and I feel like they just say that because that's what they think the client wants to hear.  Then as time goes on, they might start saying things like "Well I still see this happening, but really it could go either way."  It just comes across as trying to backtrack and cover themselves in case they are wrong again.

Realistically any major event will have multiple potential outcomes, and various forks or detours in the path along the way.  I would prefer it if a reader took that approach from the beginning, rather than just giving me a yes/no type of answer.  But I feel like some of them don't view things that way, instead they think whatever they pick up on first is "fated" so they don't probe any deeper to see how it might change along the way.  Even if I asked them to look specifically at how things might change, they would just declare it was meant to be. 

I am not comfortable with readers who think things are fated, set in stone, 100% meant to be, etc.  Life does not work that way and I think they have to be somewhat delusional to believe that it does. 

On the other hand if they keep telling you the reason their predictions don't come to pass is because of "free will," that is just being flaky.  It seems to me like the main point of having a reading is usually to predict what kind of decision a person is most likely to make...NOT because it is "meant to be", but because people have certain tendencies, deeper wants and desires and patterns of behavior that can be projected into future trajectories.  A really good reader might look deeper to see whether what a person wants "now" may not be the ultimate outcome, whether they might be likely to change their mind later, or if two or more people will clash or go separate ways because they want different things. 

My most frustrating and hurtful experiences with readers have been when they just couldn't accurately predict a person's behavior, and they would keep telling me the person is going to do something but instead the complete opposite would happen.  And it would be no surprise to anyone who knows the person in real life, wouldn't have even surprised me if the psychic had not already convinced me otherwise, because the pattern of behavior was SO predictable. 

I feel like some readers are just automatically giving the best possible outcome scenario, the "miracle" outcome, where the person has a major change of heart, finally turns around what might be a lifelong pattern of behavior and really transforms into a different person.  I also feel like sometimes that's what spirit guides give to us or give to readers to give to us because they want us to hold a vision for the best possible outcome and give energy to that, instead of feeding the behavior and the outcomes we don't want with our energy.  But in reality it can take a long time for people to change and grow that much.  I think too often something gets lost in translation, between that vision of how things potentially could be, and the reader's interpretation of how it's going to happen in the near future.

I agree 100%...I find that the more I believe these unrealistic fantasies of what they tell me, the more disappointed I am.  So many times, the exact opposite would happen.  I remember being heartbroken a few times, but now it doesn't even affect me anymore, I just have learned to expect nothing from this person, and I'm much happier now.  Still sad that I wasted so much time on it though.

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Re: Pyschics that claim the future can change....
« Reply #39 on: May 09, 2016, 08:59:35 PM »
I agree 100%...I find that the more I believe these unrealistic fantasies of what they tell me, the more disappointed I am.  So many times, the exact opposite would happen.  I remember being heartbroken a few times, but now it doesn't even affect me anymore, I just have learned to expect nothing from this person, and I'm much happier now.  Still sad that I wasted so much time on it though.

Thank you for replying.  I feel sad too about the wasted time...and money...and most of all the emotions I've gone through, having my hopes built up and then shattered, or other times having fears and suspicions raised over nothing.  I'm not sure which is worse really. 

I've noticed that some readers give information in a more neutral way, and even if it turned out they are wrong it wasn't devastating because I didn't have a lot of emotion attached to it.  But other readers would really build up my emotions, really psyche me up to thinking something wonderful was going to happen, so I would crash really hard when it didn't come to pass.  It's a real technique they have, whether they are consciously aware of it or not, of getting us hooked emotionally and energetically. 

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Re: Pyschics that claim the future can change....
« Reply #40 on: November 29, 2018, 04:08:07 PM »
What about the readings where the psychic was completely wrong with the outcome?

And if there's this whole pitch on the future can change, well then no thanks, I'd rather save my money instead of playing Russian roulette with outcomes.

I've just become a realist when it comes to readings. Something has to be said for the hundreds of people who have contributed to this forum and have not received nowhere near the outcomes given.

I feel for those stuck in this cycle.  Please heed the stories of those gone before you (lol, dramatic) and save your money and sanity otherwise you'll be here saying the same thing months later.

I agree - what's the point in having readings if the future can "change"? It's basically a Russian roulette into your possible future which you can do yourself. The issue is that lots of readers can see a person has feelings for you, but that doesn't mean to say that they'll act upon them. I haven't had 1 reader say "he loves you, but I just can't see him reaching out".

I do believe that very very few readers can read the future. I think alot of readers can see the now, but they cannot see past your "free will", or cannot see that you or someone else is going to take a sudden U-turn in your life/obstacles that come into play. Why is it that readers can say to you, "I see you having moved on when said ex comes back, anyway", but when you call readers about the POI, they cannot see a woman coming into his life where he will get into a relationship and move on/will be distracted from you? How many times I've rang a reader who said not to worry, ex will come back, I'm the best thing in his life since sliced bread.. Next time I called, he's suddenly seeing someone, but "nothing serious", and he's getting fed up with her etc etc.

As for the future being destined? I'm not 100%. Nobody knows for sure. I do believe that certain things in life are destined, like every single person we meet is for a reason, whether it's good or bad. Death. When you have children/if you have children, etc. I have had 2 experiences though that have made me question free will. One is about the POI.

Of course we can delay things. A friend could call about a friendship between us after having a falling out and the reader could say, "Star is going to contact you on Saturday". I could think in my mind I'm going to text them, but when it comes to Saturday I put it off because I can't be bothered/unwell/something came up. I am a very impulsive person.. I can text someone on a whim or pull out. I can be very indecisive. I believe if there is a destiny, a reader should be able to see the final outcome. "YES, you will be friends with Star again, or NO, you won't be friends again. It isn't meant to be". But I think major things possibly could be destined. For example, for my own experiences - I KNOW in my gut I won't ever physically see my ex again, but we could have funny parts of contact. He could contact me possibly, but the final outcome is I feel very strongly we will never see each other in person again. That's the destined part of our future. But then I guess I could take free will and if I were psycho, camp outside his house and wait for him which obviously is very not in my nature and something I'd never do. But it isn't impossible if that makes sense? That is why I am unsure.

Offline sawthelight

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Re: Pyschics that claim the future can change....
« Reply #41 on: November 29, 2018, 04:36:17 PM »
What about the readings where the psychic was completely wrong with the outcome?

And if there's this whole pitch on the future can change, well then no thanks, I'd rather save my money instead of playing Russian roulette with outcomes.

I've just become a realist when it comes to readings. Something has to be said for the hundreds of people who have contributed to this forum and have not received nowhere near the outcomes given.

I feel for those stuck in this cycle.  Please heed the stories of those gone before you (lol, dramatic) and save your money and sanity otherwise you'll be here saying the same thing months later.

I agree - what's the point in having readings if the future can "change"? It's basically a Russian roulette into your possible future which you can do yourself. The issue is that lots of readers can see a person has feelings for you, but that doesn't mean to say that they'll act upon them. I haven't had 1 reader say "he loves you, but I just can't see him reaching out".

I do believe that very very few readers can read the future. I think alot of readers can see the now, but they cannot see past your "free will", or cannot see that you or someone else is going to take a sudden U-turn in your life/obstacles that come into play. Why is it that readers can say to you, "I see you having moved on when said ex comes back, anyway", but when you call readers about the POI, they cannot see a woman coming into his life where he will get into a relationship and move on/will be distracted from you? How many times I've rang a reader who said not to worry, ex will come back, I'm the best thing in his life since sliced bread.. Next time I called, he's suddenly seeing someone, but "nothing serious", and he's getting fed up with her etc etc.

As for the future being destined? I'm not 100%. Nobody knows for sure. I do believe that certain things in life are destined, like every single person we meet is for a reason, whether it's good or bad. Death. When you have children/if you have children, etc. I have had 2 experiences though that have made me question free will. One is about the POI.

Of course we can delay things. A friend could call about a friendship between us after having a falling out and the reader could say, "Star is going to contact you on Saturday". I could think in my mind I'm going to text them, but when it comes to Saturday I put it off because I can't be bothered/unwell/something came up. I am a very impulsive person.. I can text someone on a whim or pull out. I can be very indecisive. I believe if there is a destiny, a reader should be able to see the final outcome. "YES, you will be friends with Star again, or NO, you won't be friends again. It isn't meant to be". But I think major things possibly could be destined. For example, for my own experiences - I KNOW in my gut I won't ever physically see my ex again, but we could have funny parts of contact. He could contact me possibly, but the final outcome is I feel very strongly we will never see each other in person again. That's the destined part of our future. But then I guess I could take free will and if I were psycho, camp outside his house and wait for him which obviously is very not in my nature and something I'd never do. But it isn't impossible if that makes sense? That is why I am unsure.

This is exactly why you just can't bank on their outcomes.  people go into relationships all the time and don't consult psychics about them, and just hope for the best, or evaluate how the relationship is going by the person's actions etc. 

The readings just make you live in false reality..and that's the scary part.

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Re: Pyschics that claim the future can change....
« Reply #42 on: November 29, 2018, 04:38:36 PM »
What about the readings where the psychic was completely wrong with the outcome?

And if there's this whole pitch on the future can change, well then no thanks, I'd rather save my money instead of playing Russian roulette with outcomes.

I've just become a realist when it comes to readings. Something has to be said for the hundreds of people who have contributed to this forum and have not received nowhere near the outcomes given.

I feel for those stuck in this cycle.  Please heed the stories of those gone before you (lol, dramatic) and save your money and sanity otherwise you'll be here saying the same thing months later.

I agree - what's the point in having readings if the future can "change"? It's basically a Russian roulette into your possible future which you can do yourself. The issue is that lots of readers can see a person has feelings for you, but that doesn't mean to say that they'll act upon them. I haven't had 1 reader say "he loves you, but I just can't see him reaching out".

I do believe that very very few readers can read the future. I think alot of readers can see the now, but they cannot see past your "free will", or cannot see that you or someone else is going to take a sudden U-turn in your life/obstacles that come into play. Why is it that readers can say to you, "I see you having moved on when said ex comes back, anyway", but when you call readers about the POI, they cannot see a woman coming into his life where he will get into a relationship and move on/will be distracted from you? How many times I've rang a reader who said not to worry, ex will come back, I'm the best thing in his life since sliced bread.. Next time I called, he's suddenly seeing someone, but "nothing serious", and he's getting fed up with her etc etc.

As for the future being destined? I'm not 100%. Nobody knows for sure. I do believe that certain things in life are destined, like every single person we meet is for a reason, whether it's good or bad. Death. When you have children/if you have children, etc. I have had 2 experiences though that have made me question free will. One is about the POI.

Of course we can delay things. A friend could call about a friendship between us after having a falling out and the reader could say, "Star is going to contact you on Saturday". I could think in my mind I'm going to text them, but when it comes to Saturday I put it off because I can't be bothered/unwell/something came up. I am a very impulsive person.. I can text someone on a whim or pull out. I can be very indecisive. I believe if there is a destiny, a reader should be able to see the final outcome. "YES, you will be friends with Star again, or NO, you won't be friends again. It isn't meant to be". But I think major things possibly could be destined. For example, for my own experiences - I KNOW in my gut I won't ever physically see my ex again, but we could have funny parts of contact. He could contact me possibly, but the final outcome is I feel very strongly we will never see each other in person again. That's the destined part of our future. But then I guess I could take free will and if I were psycho, camp outside his house and wait for him which obviously is very not in my nature and something I'd never do. But it isn't impossible if that makes sense? That is why I am unsure.

This is exactly why you just can't bank on their outcomes.  people go into relationships all the time and don't consult psychics about them, and just hope for the best, or evaluate how the relationship is going by the person's actions etc. 

The readings just make you live in false reality..and that's the scary part.

Yep I'll never consult readers about a guy again, it's just not worth it. I've learnt a huge lesson.

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Re: Pyschics that claim the future can change....
« Reply #43 on: December 02, 2018, 08:44:59 PM »
I think anything can change. Things change all the time. You might feel something one month and then another the next. Some situation might come to pass. Things change, feelings change, however I think most psychics who are accurate are always able to pinpoint some of these changes or atleast say they are possible and see them. If that makes sense.


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Re: Pyschics that claim the future can change....
« Reply #44 on: December 04, 2018, 07:34:32 PM »
I wouldn't say that the future can definitely change, but not everything is set in stone and those things are malleable. Some of my go to readers will give percentages, and say "its extremely likely" or "85% chance", for example. While if it's really really extremely unlikely, will say, "no".

If they see you getting married to someone you're just about to marry, and you think after the reading, "let me fuck this up" and cut the significant others' face off, then I dont think youd still be getting married to them, would you?  ;D

But yes. In some ways, the future can definitely change, because certain things arent set in stone. You're not so much "changing" things, as much as you are choosing a different path.

