Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Psychic Readings That Came True
Pyschics that claim the future can change....
What is the difference between destiny and fate? Are both subject to free will? What is free will?
What if a psychic tells me that the guy I met at the gym is the one I am going to marry? What if she says that he is going to ask me out soon and because I believe in my psychic , I have decided that gym guy and me are already an item so, I stop wasting time and ask him out immediately. If its destined for us to be together, does it really matter if I ask him out first. What if he ends up rejecting me because I moved too soon and made him pull back and instead he asks out that other gal in the gym? 6 Months later those 2 are engaged.
Was the psychic reading destiny or fate? Did I change anything by acting on information in a way I would not have done normally? Should the psychic have seen this variation caused by my behavior and others? And if so, why don't they tell us all of them? Or was she wrong in the first place?
Bark angel:
--- Quote from: marybell on September 23, 2013, 10:14:59 PM ---What is the difference between destiny and fate? Are both subject to free will? What is free will?
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Destiny and fate are different. Fate is predetermined, like death for mortal beings. We are all fated to die. It makes no difference what roads we take, what choices we make, our fate is ultimately that we die. It is an unchangeable fact. Whether we live our lives with a purpose, a special purpose, is destiny. Some of us are destined by the gods to lead lives of excitement, some destined to lives of misery. But that destiny will assuredly all lead to the same end - death, and that is fate. If we make a conscious choice in our life and exercise our free will we can change our destiny, we can change the path of our lives, but not our fate. Free will cannot change fate.
--- Quote from: Bark angel on September 23, 2013, 10:48:48 PM ---
--- Quote from: marybell on September 23, 2013, 10:14:59 PM ---What is the difference between destiny and fate? Are both subject to free will? What is free will?
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Destiny and fate are different. Fate is predetermined, like death for mortal beings. We are all fated to die. It makes no difference what roads we take, what choices we make, our fate is ultimately that we die. It is an unchangeable fact. Whether we live our lives with a purpose, a special purpose, is destiny. Some of us are destined by the gods to lead lives of excitement, some destined to lives of misery. But that destiny will assuredly all lead to the same end - death, and that is fate. If we make a conscious choice in our life and exercise our free will we can change our destiny, we can change the path of our lives, but not our fate. Free will cannot change fate.
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Thanks Bark Angel. That was surely the best explanation I have heard. So, where do psychic predictions come in? When do they tell us our fate and when destiny?
Bark angel:
My personal belief is that psychics are attuned to report on what is to occur along our paths. If we continue on the course we are on, they can foresee events unfold. If we exercise our free will and make changes those events may or may not occur as predicted.
Their are various camps that will offer their views as to whether a relationship exists between free will, destiny and fate. Some claim that free will relates to the exercise of our will while in the present, and that fate is the sum total of the effect of past actions that now influence our present life. So, the exercise of free will in the past becomes our fate in the present. In a broader sense, free will and fate are not separate; they are in fact both related to the exercise of free will.
I found this story on the Internet helpful to begin to grasp the concept of free will and how it might affect our destiny or fate. One night an old man had a dream that a storm would come and wipe away his village, but that God would protect him. As expected, a terrible storm came to his village the next day.
On the first day of the storm, the old man’s brother came and warned the old man to get out of the village straight away. The conditions would grow worse. The old man refused, knowing that God would protect him. On the second day, a neighbor came through. He was fleeing with his family and offered to take the old man with them. The old man denied this help because he was sure that God was going to protect him.
On the third day, the man took to his roof as the storm waters raged below. A group of villagers came by on a boat and offered to take him to safety. Again, the old man refused knowing that God had promised to protect him.
Soon after, the old man drowned and died. In heaven, he asked God: “Why didn’t you help me as you promised?”
God replied: “I sent your brother, your neighbor, and even a boat; but you declined my help.”
As for psychic readings...I believe they show the current path we are on, and what might occur if we remain on that path. If we exercise free will and make choices or changes, it must be understood that the events that are predicted could change. And by choices, I do not mean ordering a vanilla shake instead of a chocolate one, but rather *ignoring* signals, signs, turning off ones' inner voice; choosing not to consult one's inner compass and ignoring moral and ethical direction. As in the story above, the man was so devout in his belief that God would save him that he *ignored* the very acts of God *to save* him, thinking that Gods acts would come in some other form. He had a preconceived idea of how God would save him, that he turned away from logical signs of help to wait for those signs that he had in his mind he would receive. So exercising free will does not always indicate making a choice for the wrong reason. Sometimes it can be making a choice for the right reason, but not identifying the correct choice.
I believe that psychics can predict both our destiny and our fate. Our destiny is the course our lives will take if we proceed on the current path. Of course, exercising free will in the present can change that course in the future. Psychics can also predict our fate, but if one believes that fate is related to the choices or the free will that we have exercised in the past, then fate is both predictable but unchangeable, because the events that occurred in the past that fashion fate are already done. I am not so sure that free will exercised in the present can change fate.
--- Quote from: marybell on September 24, 2013, 12:57:15 AM ---
--- Quote from: Bark angel on September 23, 2013, 10:48:48 PM ---
--- Quote from: marybell on September 23, 2013, 10:14:59 PM ---What is the difference between destiny and fate? Are both subject to free will? What is free will?
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Destiny and fate are different. Fate is predetermined, like death for mortal beings. We are all fated to die. It makes no difference what roads we take, what choices we make, our fate is ultimately that we die. It is an unchangeable fact. Whether we live our lives with a purpose, a special purpose, is destiny. Some of us are destined by the gods to lead lives of excitement, some destined to lives of misery. But that destiny will assuredly all lead to the same end - death, and that is fate. If we make a conscious choice in our life and exercise our free will we can change our destiny, we can change the path of our lives, but not our fate. Free will cannot change fate.
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Thanks Bark Angel. That was surely the best explanation I have heard. So, where do psychic predictions come in? When do they tell us our fate and when destiny?
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Bark angel:
Just wanted to add this to my former comment. I think the reason I am intrigued by the free will discussion is because I believe it could explain or be the missing link to explain why there are so many psychics that are able to pick up with an amazing level of accuracy those events and details in the past and present, and yet there are so few, at least according to the active members on this forum, that are able to predict with any accuracy events in the future. How can that be? Some might be inclined to refer to it as an excuse given by psychics as to why they aren't accurate with predictions, but I am not so inclined to believe that it is an excuse. I believe that if a psychic can pick up details of events that they themselves have not witnessed in the flesh, then why can't they do the same for the future? Both require that they operate in another dimension - a dimension that mere mortals are not adept in doing.
There has to be some logical explanation as to why the future is so hard to predict, and yet the present and past do not pose a problem for psychics. Don't you agree?
Of late, when I read that XYZ psychic failed to predict an accurate outcome for a member, I am inclined to question what change or choice was made by the client that might have affected the outcome as predicted. I know how very difficult it is to "stay the course". I am experiencing it myself. I am determined to be patien, but with every dawning day my feelings fluctuate and that changes my disposition. It's for this very reason that I believe we clients might not be so aware of just how this has an impact on what has been foreseen.
Do you not agree?
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