Author Topic: Help!!!!!!! I need a good empath!!!!!  (Read 16543 times)

Offline cj

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Re: Help!!!!!!! I need a good empath!!!!!
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2011, 07:55:21 AM »
Ive read with her...I like her too...Seha is kind of clairvoyant like her also

Offline Beachgirl333

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Re: Help!!!!!!! I need a good empath!!!!!
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2011, 06:07:09 PM »
Giselle sounds a lot like Sara.  I read with Sara the other day and she taped inot my SM for info.  She asked questions for me and replyed.  I also asked her to see if he is still seeing that girl and she said that she could not pick up on her energy so she said thatthat means she is not significant.  She also told me that I must not respond to him and if I run inot him make it clear I m completely out iof his life...she said he will eventually give in because he will be scared to lose me ....She said as long as he gets to talk to me he is satisfied with that sio I cant talk to him

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Help!!!!!!! I need a good empath!!!!!
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2011, 06:34:46 PM »
Good advice, I'm sure.  That's so typical of the men in these situations, they want to think we're chasing them.  After reading with Giselle and the questions that I asked her to ask him, I think I really pissed him off.  I remember her telling me that he became uncomfortable and was turning away.  Giselle was profiled a month or two ago and I recall her stating that sometimes the person she is contacting will sense that something has taken place.  As if they have an awareness that they have been contacted, very strange? 

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Re: Help!!!!!!! I need a good empath!!!!!
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2011, 06:48:00 PM »
I have never read with Giselle, she looks sort of like Genessa (soft and sweet)

I also never read with Seha, but would like to sometime.

Offline Beachgirl333

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Re: Help!!!!!!! I need a good empath!!!!!
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2011, 08:01:30 PM »
That is very Sm is very intuitive and they keep telling me that he has strong feelings for me but when he catches himself thinking about me he cuts it off.  When I see him in person I catch him staring at me and I can feel his energy....I know he still has feelings for me but this has gone on too long...I disappear from him too but its bec he always says the opposite that he doesnt want to be in a relationship with me yet he'll say he wants to see me on a weekly basis....screw that!  If I cant what I want then im not sticking around.  he recently contacted me bc I have not been around and he wanted to know where I was at....Sara said that as long as he knows where im at he's satisfied....I hate that.

I have read with she is good the majority of the time however one time I rwad with her she said it wasnt over btwn me and mu SM but then I read with her two months later and she told me that he was gonna come back but he was trying to committ to the GF...I told her but you said he wasnt with her and it was ending 2 months ago and she said that they were back but that he was not gonna make an effort with me.  Most of the time her predictions come out but thst same reading she told me that I was gonna hear from him and I didnt  at least  not within the time frame she gave me.  However all the other times I read with her she has been on point with her timelines. 
Some of these readers have to be right with most of the things I mean...I feel that he does have feelings for me ...I think the reason why he holds back is bc 1) i have made it too easy for him and I give in everytime he calls and 2) these girls at work are talking about me and making him think I have a BF or he thinks I do bc thats his perception so he plays these games with me to see my reaction,   I dont know...but most of then do say he still has feelings for me.

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Re: Help!!!!!!! I need a good empath!!!!!
« Reply #20 on: February 27, 2011, 02:44:42 AM »
Giselle is pretty good but her as far as pred are not lol

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Help!!!!!!! I need a good empath!!!!!
« Reply #21 on: February 27, 2011, 05:24:54 PM »
I read with her twice, she gave me her impression of the situation, but she didn't give me any predictions or anything like that.  Didn't know she would?

Offline AnnaMarie

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Re: Help!!!!!!! I need a good empath!!!!!
« Reply #22 on: March 27, 2011, 04:27:14 AM »
I'm going to be honest here before I met my husband I was hung up on an ex boyfriend, that's actually how I started reading with some of the psychics on CP,, liveperson, and more  For about 6 months and over 6,300$ spent I kept reading with people who's predictions just didn't come true, a lot of them tried to sell me candles and other spells and just a bunch of nonsense, this was many of the highest rated sites.  I work designing websites I make about 35$ an hour with my business, but still even though I was making a lot of money, you put that much on a credit card it doesn't matter how much you make it starts to add up.   The ones at cp didn't try to sell me anything but a lot of them really lead me on, for months they gave me fake predictions.  They said I would get back together with my ex. and now I realize it was all a bunch of nonsense.  I only read with people now, who I am referred to by friends, or people who I have serious input and reviews about.  That's why this site is such a big discovery for me.

The bottom line, if they don't give you details and actual things that nobody else could have possibly known, they're usually fake/or leading you on.  I believe in Karma, I'm not going to say anything really bad or mention names about the ones that did that, but some were some of the highest rated on CP, Keen, Liveperson and Bitwine etc.  Just make sure that your open with them too, cause after about 8 total months of waiting it never happened.  I woke up from my psychic coma, stopped spending money on psychics for relationship stuff.  I now only read with people for minor love stuff with my husband(mostly insight into what my husband is thinking cause he's so hard to read) and career stuff, business related stuff investments etc. 

I did read with a psychic at the boardwalk while I was visiting with family, she predicted I would meet chris, gave me an aprox. time frame and brief description of my "soulmate" thinking back on it, she must have been reading into chris.  I don't believe in soulmates.  This was a little before my Ex Johnathan broke up with me.  I'll post a review for her later, if she's even still around this was years ago back when my family lived in PA. Anyway, the whole point of my story, just make sure your reading with somebody who can pick up on those details.  That's one of the reasons I wanted info on that psychic from CP I posted about, she has pages of testimonials confirming names, situations etc.  This shows to me that she could in fact be genuine.  I haven't read with her yet, as I said I'm very reluctant to read with ANY new people after going through that period I haven't read with before especially people I can't read reviews about in detail like the ones you guys have posted on the forum sooooo helpful (read a lot haven't replied yet because of the trip but my experiences have roughly been the same as yours, at least similar).

Is it just me or does CP only tend to post positive testimonials?  Has anybody seen negative input on their site?  I've been reading with some of their psychics off and on for about 6 years and I haven't seen anything negative except some of the ones I've searched google for.

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Re: Help!!!!!!! I need a good empath!!!!!
« Reply #23 on: March 27, 2011, 04:43:16 AM »
Tell me about this. When people are desperate they only want hopes to make them feel better about their lost loves or anything. I have been in their shoes. It is hard to let go of their failed relationships and people are attached to their past. If only it is easy to move on from their past. I spent 2k plus on CP and I went for counselling hoping that my ex would come back. In the end all their predictions are way wrong. Those days are bad, I could not sleep properly, I could not eat or work properly. Relationships with friends was down to hell. Right now, I met someone who is worthy of my time. I am so much happier looking back. I have made some very good friends and of course, I would like to give support where I should.

But please, recover and look at reality, if reality and signs do not show you anything, please move on and meet other people. Maybe the right one is juz there for you. And I noticed the readings are as accurate at that point of time presumely nothing changes but the future changes. So what do we know about the future? All the best.

Offline AnnaMarie

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Re: Help!!!!!!! I need a good empath!!!!!
« Reply #24 on: March 27, 2011, 04:53:52 AM »
Agreed with fm, as my experiences were very similar.  Although I did not seek therapy, I've noticed out of the 100+ psychics that I've read with over the years only about 1 or 2 are actually psychic and some of the ones that were actually psychic just lead me on anyway so you have to be careful with which ones you choose.

Offline AngelGuided

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Re: Help!!!!!!! I need a good empath!!!!!
« Reply #25 on: March 27, 2011, 11:40:21 AM »
I'm so sorry for all of the difficulty you've experienced AnnaMarie, many of us have been exactly where you've been.  I know that most of the predictions I received didn't come to fruition, at least not yet.  I believe that there is true psychic ability, it's just difficult to know who to trust and the fees have just become too ridiculous!  As for the lack of negative reviews on CP, you've probably already surmised they do not post the negative ones, only the positive which is why this forum is so important.  Honest feedback is what people really want.


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Re: Help!!!!!!! I need a good empath!!!!!
« Reply #26 on: May 21, 2011, 06:26:13 PM »
Jacqueline is a great empath! :)