Good evening customers of CP. A little info about CP. They treat us like shit and they don't give us the respect that we deserve but in the end, I need to make money I have bills to pay. We make less then one seventh of the price you pay per minute. I want you all to know, that many of you have said negative things about me, many have said I dispute and say different outcomes then the other psychics. Why? Because I'm not going to give you false hope. If I know in my heart my intuition is saying that things will not happen for you and your significant other. I'm extremely sorry, that this is the case the and the amount of compassion I feel for my callers is unsurpassed. Absolutely yes I will tell you the truth, I know there has been miscommunication with many of you and I apologize in advance. I also suffer from unique physical challenges. I'm here to do right by my mistakes and apologize, regardless of my unique situation physically I do the very best I can. Many of you spend your hard earned money on my services and you should in turn be satisfied with your reading. Even though I am in the lower of the price blocks just above 3.50$ tier (hint), I've received little negative feedback since I started working for CP three years ago. I have around 60 testimonials but only a few are negative. Lately, more have been coming in due to my inability to concentrate because of my health issues. However I need to work to pay bills if I had the ability to take a leave of absence I would but I cannot. When I am healthy and feel great no other psychics on CP even hold a candle to the ability I possess. I am genuine, and I know 90% of my coworkers are not. When I get better I will be one of the best at 10$ a minute, I'm going to be the next Sylvia Browne or John Edwards, in time I know but I have to overcome my struggles personally first. I'm not here to boost my publicity, I'm not here to shamelessly self promote myself, I am here, to apologize, and to those in advance I will not connect with 100%. Just know, that even though we may not connect I give 110% every time, and you will always see me at my best, even when I'm at my worst, my heart is in it. Psychic Readings are my passion, they are my reason for living and I will continue to read to the best of my ability for the hardworking people like you who need it most. Again my sincerest apologies, and in time maybe those who I have not read with will read with me and have great experiences. Please do share the positive, when you share the negative there is a balance we can all try to keep. This will be my very first and last post on this forum. I will not be answering messages etc. for fear that I may lose my job which I desperately need. I just want all of you to know I'm sorry and I do the very best I can every time. I am genuine I know, but many of you will find this hard to believe when I'm not connecting. Again I'm sorry for this, but in the end, the outcome I said will be correct. I know this because 90% of my predictions come true, unlike the hundreds I work with who give false hope and little truth. I don't. I may be the only genuine psychic on CP as many many others I've read with are not, and none of their predictions came true for me. My predictions for myself always come true, and although it's not always what you'd like to hear, it's what you NEED to hear. Just remember when those 15 other psychics kept leading you on, I was being straightforward and honest. Because I believe HONESTY is the quality I would most desire in my psychic reading. Please do not ask for my identity, as I will not reveal it. Psychics ARE genuine but we are few and far between and remember that we all have off days, and later we're kickin ourselves for not going with our gut. I truly hate myself deep down every time somebody leaves me a negative testimonial because I show nothing but my best every single time, remember that next time you leave a review.

I'm self loathing by nature and for as confident as I may seem deep down, that confidence is virtually non-existent. We are all human, we all make mistakes I try to tell myself that everyday. Just remember that those psychics with the popularity and the booked queues, they're getting called constantly, CP boosts psychics prices based on repeat averages. So just remember that. I have a low repeat, because I don't tell people what they want to hear and they choose not to read with me again based on that because of this I have not been promoted to anything higher. Who do you want a psychic who's human accurate 50/50 on the details but right about the outcome or a psychic who can give you millions of info about the current point in time but nothing they ever says comes true. Honestly I'm not even one of the top psychics on there, but I know I'm one of the most genuine because my callers constantly tell me I am the only psychic they will ever read with on CP. Don't lose your hope, but place it in other places, hope for your career, hope for your goals and your dreams, don't hope for him to come back. Again, sometimes they are meant to come back, but this is rarely the case. I always evaluate based on that person's feelings which is why my outcomes are so accurate, I calculate free will and the hundreds of variables while I take a call, it's a lot to take in, focus on while making chit chat on the phone, trying to give you the details. Sometimes I pull it off other times I fail miserably but I always try my best. I wish all of you the best of luck and may all of you find the happiness your looking for in love and future endeavors, may all of you find the strength within yourselves to use your own intuition to find the outcomes. Most of all, live, because life is short and the more you fret the more you suffer, the secret of life, it's meant to be enjoyed, enjoy it while it lasts and breathe in, take in every moment. Appreciate the things you have an shrug off the things you don't have. I know on average 1% of my callers will not find love in their life for whatever reason, most times they're not looking for it, but that's the beauty of love. It finds you. Take a step back breathe, live, and have some fun and when your meant to find love the universe/god whatever you believe in will guide it toward you. Best wishes, the one and only genuine psychic working for CP.