Author Topic: don't spend any more $$ on CP  (Read 20756 times)

Offline Jjj

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Re: don't spend any more $$ on CP
« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2017, 06:32:20 PM »
The whole review thing is bullshit. I do feel that they should post all reviews to keep it fair. So what if you have a few bad reviews. No one is perfect.

I left a review for the one psychic i do read with every few months (mind you it wasn't a bad review) and they didnt post it. They have 72 hours to review it. That was over a week ago and they still haven't posted it. Smh.


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Re: don't spend any more $$ on CP
« Reply #16 on: May 15, 2017, 07:12:30 PM »
The whole review thing is bullshit. I do feel that they should post all reviews to keep it fair. So what if you have a few bad reviews. No one is perfect.

I left a review for the one psychic i do read with every few months (mind you it wasn't a bad review) and they didnt post it. They have 72 hours to review it. That was over a week ago and they still haven't posted it. Smh.
This has happened to me too- on multiple occasions. I left reviews that weren't negative and they weren't posted. I've also left reviews where i found CP edited them prior to posting. I hate CP... they're the biggest bullshitters and extremely unethical. The more vulnerable you are, the more they'll prey on you.

Offline maroonlight

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Re: don't spend any more $$ on CP
« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2017, 02:41:41 AM »
I've never had an account on this site, but they make you purchase a min of 10 mins first? I was not aware of how they work. It seems the company in and of itself is the scam.

CP has not been accurate for me at ALL. Every reader has been off for me on their site. And yes you have to have at least 10 mins of $ in your account in order to read with an advisor, which is really stupid in my opinion.

Offline maroonlight

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Re: don't spend any more $$ on CP
« Reply #18 on: May 17, 2017, 02:45:09 AM »
California Psychics are full on conscious scammers, and should be shut down. If you think they are not, then be aware that they are very good at their job and psychological manipulation is a well studied art that has been successful from in all sorts of fields from advertising, politics, and to warfare. Unfortunately, with some know how, humans are extremely malleable and especially when in the state of heartbreak.

A recent experience with California Psychics, and an embarrassing one because I actually gave them another chance. There was a point a long time ago when I believed their bullshit much more, and maybe that's why in hard moments at 3a.m., I have been an idiot enough to give them another chance. I feel as if I have been robbed, and I have.

First I had to pay $40 for this little endeavor. After the endeavor I called and complained and was refunded all of $5.50. Yup. They bullshitted me, and I know it, and their stingy asses could only give back $5.50. Why so little? Because they pick and choose which reviews they post. I am little threat to them other than posting here. That they pick and choose over reviews, choosing only those from people with less experience or are only ever "polite" even if telling a white lie, should  be evidence enough that these people are scamming assholes. However, in emotionally hurting times when people feel there is such a need to be assured that all will be ok, the only positive reviews go over looked. Horrendous. The consumer has no idea if there were 5 negative comments to each positive, or 1 neg to 5 positive. The dissatisfied customer has very little way of expressing their dissatisfaction, so there is no reason for the company to accept a return. I mean this is already enough outright manipulation. That, and having to spend at least $40, which will be taken from you no matter what.

Ok recent experience:

Called Fallon. Fallon you should feel extreme discomfort with yourself and utter disgust, but we know that likely you do not because there are people intentionally stealing from others in many ways to only have their disgusting egos inflated. I called her, and first thing she says (this is at around 3a.m.), "Aw did you guys get in an argument?" All I had said in a basic voice was, "Please, what do you see with so and so as it relates to me. " To her question I say, "Hmm... " "Oh well, I see distance and, I don't know why I see this, but I see that you guys will get thru it." "Click"

A lesson in cold readings, and I know that a lot of people whom post and read here understand cold reading techniques, but there are some that likely don't and that is ok because maybe you are new to it all. So, how I knew Fallon was talking out of her extremely unflattering ass: 1) Immediately fished for info. 2) Made a great guess that I would be calling about an argument at 3 a.m. (not the case, but that guess has a nice chance of accuracy) 3) Used the word "distance", which can mean, and sometimes they even say this "geographic or emotional". If there was enough intimacy and closeness, or if the person could be reached on phone / in person, then wouldn't I just ask the person. Yes, of course there's some distance, bitch. I'm not impressed. 3) Fed me a "happily ever after", which is something that simply uses words like that and provides no real explanation how. Why did the prince fall in love with Sleeping Beauty when she had been sleeping and he did not even know her, yet he provided commitment to her. That doesn't make sense, but let's just shut up and believe it. 4) Told me absolutely nothing that was specific to my situation that I could verify. If a person is really psychic and can tell you what is to come, then there should be no problem what so ever telling you something special about the present that you already know. In fact reading the present will have more accuracy than the future, given the theory of free will. 4) If we believe in psychics, then we believe in intuition. My intuition had zero sense that she was energetically connecting. You know when you just can feel someone angry, or checking you out from across the room, or can just tell someone is thinking about you? When you are having a talk with a psychic, you should definitely just feel that they are sensing the situation, and you should definitely feel this because they most use a lot of intense focus.

Fallon you are pathetic crap, but worse, you steal. I know you don't care though, but society should be warned how disgusting you are.

Ok, so that call lasted 2 minutes, and unfortunately I still had money that CP had taken from me.

Next up: Zofeya.

"Hi, can you please tell me what you pick up from this person regarding me?" "Ok, when was the last time you got a call, txt, or meeting from this person?" "Hmm.." "Yes, well I just need the information to connect." "Yeah... well.." "It just helps me tune in." "Ok, a week ago approximately." "Ok, well what I see is, is that this person is connected to you though they are not yet all in." "Click."

Are you effin kidding me????!!!!! Ok, more on cold readings, and this time regarding the call with Zofeya:

1) Fished for info. 2) Fished for info that gives a sketch of how close or not close the relationship might be. Gives a good guess on how invested the other person is. Could be off, but gives a good guess. 3) Bases info on what I told her for that guess 4) nothing specific 5) my intuition sensed zero effort to connect.

Now, here's the kicker.... Sometimes these folks on CP have been able to provide me with specific detail, and sometimes they even gotten a little prediction correct. But, here's the thing, just becaise someone has a little intuition, does not mean they have a lot. And, just because you are paying someone to do a job, does not mean they will always put in their best effort to correctly do the job and especially if there is no way of getting negative feedback. Think about the times you have been amazed about your intuition. Does that mean you can always use it strongly. That you are paying someone for a job, most likely is going to have them wanting you to walk away feeling good no matter what measures it takes, so that you will come back. The waitress will be busy, but take a moment right before your tip is about to be placed to give your child a lollipop.... right? Maybe authentic sometimes, but c'mon other times it's gonna be because she has tip on her mind, and you might just think fair enough- maybe it is. Maybe the waitress wil also say that it's no problem that your kid has thrown food all over the floor that you didn't pick up and that your kid was such a joy to have around on her shift. Maybe she doesn't care that it'd going to take 10 minutes of her busy shift to clean the peas off the ground that you let your kid stomp in, but most likely she's buttering you up for the tip. So, they tell you a fairy tale.

Call #3: Brendalynn. She says "I'm sorry, I can't read for you." Yes, Brendalyn, you and I both know that your skills really aren't that strong compared to the amount of exaggeration you use and that that angers me. Why can't you just be honest about your skills? An honest psychic, will not shame you, but will try their best and be clear about what they are able to do. CP readers are encouraged to stay on for at least 10 minutes. That leaves a lot of room for utter crap.

So, I called customer service. No, we assure you our people are real. Here's $5.50.

If I had had less experience, a few drinks, tears running down my cheeks, and maybe less education, I would have been wowed and asked for more.

Fucking assholes. Scammers. Awful

More kicker.... 2% of them are good. 2%. That 2% will leave a person, in pathetic moments such as mine, reaching out for the ones that can actually get things intuitively 2% of the time.

No place to leave  honest dis-satisfied reviews but here. Why would they allow honest reviews on their site, when they know they are often full of shit? Disgusting.

Never read with Brendalynn, but yes I did read with Fallon and she was awful. She kept me on the phone as long as she could and then changed her predictions at the very end of the reading. CP has to be the biggest scam psychic site on the internet. I wasted so much money on it and I wish I could get it back. They all gave me false hope and by reading other peoples' comments on other websites saying that their predictions came true made me confident, but nothing happened.

