Author Topic: Any Updates from Anyone?  (Read 7791 times)

Offline bstalling

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Any Updates from Anyone?
« on: July 24, 2013, 10:32:15 PM »
I've been spending a lot of time reading past threads and have noticed that no one is posting much. Have there been any updates for anyone? Did anyone get their wish? Who has been the most right for you, looking back?

Offline Bark angel

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Re: Any Updates from Anyone?
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2013, 12:16:12 PM »
I've noticed this forum doesn't get a lot of activity now too.  I think it's because people get readings and within a certain period of time after nothing happens they quite naturally get all disillusioned and think that the whole psychic reading thing is a farce. 

Personally, what I've noted in my own psychic journey is that although I'd like things to turn around quickly, when I read and get a short timeframe for things happening, I dismiss that reading, because in reality things do take time to turn around.  I have received a number of readings that have included predictions that have manifested.
I've been spending a lot of time reading past threads and have noticed that no one is posting much. Have there been any updates for anyone? Did anyone get their wish? Who has been the most right for you, looking back?

Offline bstalling

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Re: Any Updates from Anyone?
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2013, 06:08:16 PM »
I can understand that, barkangel. Who worked out for you prediction wise?

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Re: Any Updates from Anyone?
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2013, 07:55:47 PM »
The big prediction that has happened was one made by Jenny Alton.   However, there have been many little interim predictions made by others that have also come to pass.  Uli, Lady P, Cookie, Jenny Alton all made predictions (interim predictions or events that are not final outcome predictions) that have materialized.
I can understand that, barkangel. Who worked out for you prediction wise?

Offline bstalling

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Re: Any Updates from Anyone?
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2013, 11:43:47 PM »
Thanks for sharing Bark. How do you get a reading with Uli? She is always busy, it seems.

Anyway, Im a little sad that not many people updated on this thread. It seems like most people didnt get what they wanted...or at least no psychic was accurate in any meaningful way. Very sad to come to terms with as I have been spending a lot of time getting to know a lot of people's stories through past posts. It seems like.......its almost not worth it to bother with readings in the end.

Personally, Barbara was right about my fiance coming back and proposing...its just that she didnt see that I would ultimately break up with him because he has shown no true growth. A few readers see us eventually being together. I did try Lady Perseohone last night again and she gave me some insightful information about my ex and some potential short term relationships. She affirms that things will pick up eventually and he will grow up emotionally. But I still cant stop living my life in the mean time.  :-\   

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: Any Updates from Anyone?
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2013, 01:57:33 AM »
Pardon the brevity but I'm gonna tell it like it is from my experience. My update for all the readings I had via KEEN is that everyone was wrong and the few that were slightly right were right for the wrong reasons. Nearly everyone saw my ex and horsey breaking up in April/May or "Spring". It's nearly August and they now live together. In fact, she moved in with him in Spring. With the exception of a few very minor and non-consequential events that were sort of correctly predicted, nothing I was told has come to pass. I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer and I am far from being disillusioned about readings. They are a farce. Period. Predictions are as reliable as being able to tell the exact weather six months from now and meteorology is an actual science, lol! Anyway, my point is, the future is comprised of too many moving parts. It can't be predicted. Insight and guidance into a present situation is all you'll achieve at best but then you never know if the person giving you the guidance is accurate. I choose to save my money and go with my gut. I was lucky in the sense that I have been in social proximity with my ex and was able to truly see the reality versus the fantasy I was being fed. I truly empathize with those that have no contact and the only "communication" being received is via a psychic. Do whatever you have to do to heal but understand that this is a numbers game. Read through the posts and compare the "happy endings" to the ones that nothing ever happened for or the countless ones that have never come back to share because there is nothing to share. If I gave 100 readings and told everyone that their ex would come back, there's a good chance that at least 2-5 of those people will have their ex return. Anyway, we all arrive to our conclusion in our own time. My words come from a happy and still healing place and are not meant to harm anyone. I wish none of us ever had to experience heartbreak, rejection, unemployment, and ill health. I want all of us to find true happiness. Good luck and life to you all and I hope my story helps some, one, or any of you. Cheers!!

Offline bstalling

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Re: Any Updates from Anyone?
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2013, 03:51:13 AM »
 :( Sobering, decibel diva. Maybe, just maybe, these psychics just werent good enough to see the truth..."hey, hes not coming back and heres why. He is going to move in with the new girl and be very happy with her". Its seems like just a lot of them wade through various variables and then guess in the end. very sad indeed.

Offline Zenia

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Re: Any Updates from Anyone?
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2013, 01:03:30 PM »
Hi all!
I dont have much to update either i am afraid.
Decibel Diva has a good point,and she was very fortunate to be in proximity with the man in question,so she could observe with her own eyes.Nothing beats that ;)And hearing the truth from the horses own mouth.
I still belive in some readers uncanny insight though,but when it comes to predictions,at least the final outcome is still absent here.
I think the readers are inclined to read the clients fear/hopes.Its a major pitfall,and very underestimated as a source for failed predictions.
The subcounsious mind is powerful,and the not so good readers,pick up and read this energyfield.

However,i do use my own divination tools,and have done so for 10 years.One thing is for sure in this decieving world,and that is that these methodes have never ever failed me.Remember to also ask the universe for symbols also.It works.

Offline Calypso 13

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Re: Any Updates from Anyone?
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2013, 04:10:36 PM »
I have been calling readers for only a year in which it has slowed down a whoooooleeee lot lol.

Did my ex come back? Yes. Real Growth? - probably not. Do I care? Nah not really.

I think the only healthy way to call readers is for insight into the "now" and to know that no matter what a reader says, you will make your own decisions based off of what you see, know, and past experience from the person.

Honestly, the most accurate for me hands down has been NSJ. She'll tell me like it is. Always. But has she been wrong too? yes.
In the 2 months, Gaylene has been right about a couple of contact predictions and a couple other things that were confirmed, but also wrong about others.

I'm just in a different place now with readings all together because I have grown so much from the hurt and pain last year with the ex. I'm now strong enough to walk away when I need to and no reading will influence me otherwise. I just use them for insight, but still sit back and wait and watch.

Point blank - my take on it is that they are all right and wrong and I know many others can testify to that.
If you want my honest opinion, calling while you are in the thick of the pain will hurt more in the long run. You are just prolonging your healing. I'm telling you from experience, but if you focus on you and learn and grow, trust me, you will thank yourself in the end - I promise.  ;)

Short story:
The last 2 guys I dated, they acted up so I cut them off. They came back around again - I gave them another chance and they acted up again. They tried to come back around a third time and lol I cut them off so quick...never said another word. Why? Because I know for a fact I deserve better and someone else will treat me better.

It sucked because I liked them, but I looked back at my situation last year and was actually thankful and my choice to cut them off and emotional strength now just proved to me that I learned  much and grew from my painful experience last year.
I'm not trying to give a lesson here, but I do want to point out that no reading could have brought me to where I am now. Time went on; I healed and grew.
The only thing readings did while I was super hurt was keep me clinging on to false hope. He came back yes, but not in the way I was told he would so there you have it folks!

It gets better - I promise.  :D

And DD - well said, my dear! Muah!!  :-*

Offline hope4love

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Re: Any Updates from Anyone?
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2013, 07:41:17 PM »

« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 01:32:12 AM by hope4love »

Offline sunandmoon

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Re: Any Updates from Anyone?
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2013, 09:17:41 PM »
I haven't been on here for months, and probably won't be back for months again. Just had a few spare minutes and needed to take a break from work.

I spent 18 months calling (2010-2011). Lost a job over my obsession with this man, though truth be told the guy I worked for was very difficult to work with and it turned out that he had health issues as well (why didn't anyone predict this? I called about work as well as the MIA man).

I am 2 years into a new r/s with an absolutely wonderful man. I can probably stretch and say a couple may have seen this.....but the only one that sticks out said they saw an oldest son. (he is an only son). He does not own his own business, never has - and I was told that I would meet a successful business owner many times. When we first started dating, I made my last psychic calls and I was told by 2-3 psychics that this r/s would not work out, because of course my exbf would come back.

As for exbf, I last saw him over two years ago, by chance, before I started dating the current guy. He has not emailed me or called me. Ironically we were still fb friends, but he rarely used that account. I can't remember the last time either of us commented on a post or liked something the other put up, and he deactivated that account a week or two ago.

Last fall I was dx'd with a thyroid condition and this past winter, adrenal fatigue. Best guess the thyroid condition has been with me for awhile, and the AF was probably triggered by all the stress of the failed r/s, my inability to move on (which was fueled by the psychics), work, lack of funds, the normal stuff. Based on symptoms, I'd say the AF had started to hit me in 2011 - while I was still calling psychics. Not ONE of them told me to get anything checked out. Not only is this treatable, but the depth that I have now could have been prevented. It's not like they were telling me I was going to die, but dealing with it has also been a huge financial hit and a strain on my every day life. I'm not even supposed to do anything more than walking, nor get stressed and the job that is 2/3 of my income IS stressful - not much I can do about it unless I find something to replace it and just the THOUGHT of that is stressful.

The CC I used was over 10K when I had it transferred to a 0% card. I've now transferred it a second time - and keep in mind that of course I was making payments. Ten thousand dollars. My one and only new car cost 10,500. That's almost a years worth of mortgage payments. Over 5 years worth of groceries. Over 3 years of health insurance payments. 10 thousand freakin dollars. I still have $7500 to go and I expect it will take me another 3 years to do so. And what did I get for all that? Basically a life lesson.

I did have one psychic warn me financially, only because she had another client who had spent so much she almost lost her house. I was embarrassed to tell her how much I really spent, and honestly I never tallied it. I had the CC, but I also paid some out of my own checking and my business checking accounts (hopefully I don't get audited, I'd hate to explain that one!)

I am not the only one that has spent this much. I used to say that if he ever came back, it would be worth every penny. But even if he does come back, I don't want him. I don't need anyone in my life who put me through that much pain and heartache for no sane reason.

I really don't know if there are "real" psychics. I know I talked to a lot of really compassionate people, and I talked to some great life coaches. But there are things I think a "real" psychic could have picked up on, and they didn't.

My .02

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: Any Updates from Anyone?
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2013, 11:17:48 AM »

Sun, what an awesome post and this sounds so much like what happened to me.  I hope everyone reads your post and understands how much "stock" we have placed in these readers only to find that in the end they have our money and we are left picking up the damage all of this has caused.

I am so happy that you have found some peace! Thank you for sharing your experience, I know it touched my heart and hope that it will help someone else too!

I haven't been on here for months, and probably won't be back for months again. Just had a few spare minutes and needed to take a break from work.

I spent 18 months calling (2010-2011). Lost a job over my obsession with this man, though truth be told the guy I worked for was very difficult to work with and it turned out that he had health issues as well (why didn't anyone predict this? I called about work as well as the MIA man).

I am 2 years into a new r/s with an absolutely wonderful man. I can probably stretch and say a couple may have seen this.....but the only one that sticks out said they saw an oldest son. (he is an only son). He does not own his own business, never has - and I was told that I would meet a successful business owner many times. When we first started dating, I made my last psychic calls and I was told by 2-3 psychics that this r/s would not work out, because of course my exbf would come back.

As for exbf, I last saw him over two years ago, by chance, before I started dating the current guy. He has not emailed me or called me. Ironically we were still fb friends, but he rarely used that account. I can't remember the last time either of us commented on a post or liked something the other put up, and he deactivated that account a week or two ago.

Last fall I was dx'd with a thyroid condition and this past winter, adrenal fatigue. Best guess the thyroid condition has been with me for awhile, and the AF was probably triggered by all the stress of the failed r/s, my inability to move on (which was fueled by the psychics), work, lack of funds, the normal stuff. Based on symptoms, I'd say the AF had started to hit me in 2011 - while I was still calling psychics. Not ONE of them told me to get anything checked out. Not only is this treatable, but the depth that I have now could have been prevented. It's not like they were telling me I was going to die, but dealing with it has also been a huge financial hit and a strain on my every day life. I'm not even supposed to do anything more than walking, nor get stressed and the job that is 2/3 of my income IS stressful - not much I can do about it unless I find something to replace it and just the THOUGHT of that is stressful.

The CC I used was over 10K when I had it transferred to a 0% card. I've now transferred it a second time - and keep in mind that of course I was making payments. Ten thousand dollars. My one and only new car cost 10,500. That's almost a years worth of mortgage payments. Over 5 years worth of groceries. Over 3 years of health insurance payments. 10 thousand freakin dollars. I still have $7500 to go and I expect it will take me another 3 years to do so. And what did I get for all that? Basically a life lesson.

I did have one psychic warn me financially, only because she had another client who had spent so much she almost lost her house. I was embarrassed to tell her how much I really spent, and honestly I never tallied it. I had the CC, but I also paid some out of my own checking and my business checking accounts (hopefully I don't get audited, I'd hate to explain that one!)

I am not the only one that has spent this much. I used to say that if he ever came back, it would be worth every penny. But even if he does come back, I don't want him. I don't need anyone in my life who put me through that much pain and heartache for no sane reason.

I really don't know if there are "real" psychics. I know I talked to a lot of really compassionate people, and I talked to some great life coaches. But there are things I think a "real" psychic could have picked up on, and they didn't.

My .02

Offline allbitenobark

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Re: Any Updates from Anyone?
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2013, 04:27:51 PM »
Thanks for sharing, sun. The financial stress caused from calling psychics is overwhelming. There were times I'd pay rent late just to make that call. At times I would feel pathetic but overall, in your words, what I gained was a life lesson. Within a few months of not calling I was able to take a vacation. A VACATION!! Haha. Not to mention the other little luxuries I've been treating myself to. As many of you know my ex is now living with horsey so that's that. Also, I had asked about my pup to a few readers and they all said he was fine blah blah blah. He's not. He's been in and out of specialists and his vet's office, battery of tests run, etc. I have to put him down this weekend. Just another of multiple things that psychics were wrong about.

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Any Updates from Anyone?
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2013, 07:04:56 PM »
@ decibel.diva....I am sorry to hear about your pup.....huge animal lover here!.... :(

Offline marybell

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Re: Any Updates from Anyone?
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2013, 08:58:34 PM »
Thanks for sharing, sun. The financial stress caused from calling psychics is overwhelming. There were times I'd pay rent late just to make that call. At times I would feel pathetic but overall, in your words, what I gained was a life lesson. Within a few months of not calling I was able to take a vacation. A VACATION!! Haha. Not to mention the other little luxuries I've been treating myself to. As many of you know my ex is now living with horsey so that's that. Also, I had asked about my pup to a few readers and they all said he was fine blah blah blah. He's not. He's been in and out of specialists and his vet's office, battery of tests run, etc. I have to put him down this weekend. Just another of multiple things that psychics were wrong about.
That is such good news that you are able to take a vacation. You deserve it!  But, it is heart breaking news about your pup.   I hope you feel better soon.

