Diva, I'm so sorry about your pup! Let me tell you this too, one of my pets got sick this year. Another died, I don't expect a psychic could've picked up on these since it's been 2 years since I called. My point is though, I was considering a CT scan for the one that is sick. It will cost me $1500 plus bloodwork. She also has a heart murmur I have not had checked out yet because I was busy treating the other issue. I'm sure you can image the hell I put myself through thinking of all the $$$$$$$$$$ I wasted on that jerk and now I didn't have it for my girl!!! I was (and still am) beside myself, since I am still making substantial payments on that card. She's "recovered" now, but I honestly have no idea what was wrong with her or if it will come back. I'm at the point of weaning her off a second med and keeping my fingers crossed. I spent over $900 on her in June (which does include food for 2 of them) - all paid cash or out of my checking. But because I have very little savings (because of that damn card!) it has taken me till about now to recover my checking account. Almost 3 months and in November my income will substantially drop until early spring.
I also took a trip this year, first time since 2009 (exbf paid for part of that last trip as we went together). I am still struggling financially but at least I am seeing this bill go down and not up. I am so hoping I'll be in decent shape in 2-3 years. And at my age that really hurts to say.
I never paid the mortgage late but boy was I behind in all my utilities! I even had my electric shut off - I actually had the money the day they shut me off but was so out of it I forgot to pay it. But if I hadn't been so far behind..... ugh! It took me two years to get caught up from all that.
Oh, and I have to laugh - there was a girl my exbf hung out with and I called her Horse! Funny thing is now we get along (me and Horse)
Once again, I am so sorry for you and your pup.

(I just remembered, I had TWO die in 2011, when I was still calling. One was my choice, he was declining. The other had a tumor under his jaw and it actually grew so big that it dislocated his jaw! No one picked up on any of these issues)
BTW I was able to see and communicate with my exbf until 2 years ago, while I was calling. I had kept in touch with one of his family members too, and got updates that way. He, intentionally or not, fed me just enough to keep me going and that in addition to the psychics kept me hooked. I am so glad I finally saw the light. I think the longest outcome I ever got was last fall - and it's a year past. If he came back I'd happily kick him to the curb. Because honestly, anyone that treated me that badly for NO reason doesn't deserve my time - despite how I felt when I first joined here! I just fed myself a bunch of lies, he's confused, hurt, conflicted. While he does have issues, he's also pretty smart. Enough said
Also - there were a couple of times I almost called due to my girl. I was so desperate not to waste a ton of money on all these tests if someone could just GUIDE me. I'm so glad I didn't, as that would have been more money wasted. I actually searched a couple of my groups for animal communicators too, but decided to just have some faith in my connection to her and modern medicine. I think if I hadn't called so much before, I may have given it a try.
Sun, what an awesome post and this sounds so much like what happened to me. I hope everyone reads your post and understands how much "stock" we have placed in these readers only to find that in the end they have our money and we are left picking up the damage all of this has caused.
I am so happy that you have found some peace! Thank you for sharing your experience, I know it touched my heart and hope that it will help someone else too!
You know what? There were a couple of similar posts by others when I first joined her. And they were what made ME think about what I was doing and why. I remember one lady, I think from the UK? Who had spent more than me and I'm pretty sure she lost her house and her job. We pm'd a bit and things she told me were really a slap in the face. I did a lot of soul searching the summer of 2011 and was finally able to open my heart and see the possibilities in others. It was hard, trust me, and it took me so so long to stop waiting for the red flags to appear (my exh was also a piece of work, not as bad as the exbf but still lots of issues). I am so glad that I released myself from the exbf and I didn't even have to do a cord cutting ceremony to do it!

I hope that what I have said will make others think. I know people won't move on till they're ready, I sure didn't. But sometimes you need to think about what you're doing and what you're getting out of it.