Relationship Psychology Discussions > Connect With Others
Hey I'm New
Thanks everybody for taking an interest!! I've read with Samadi, Ariel, Joseph (no longer cp), Tansy, Miss Krystal, Lorna (no longer cp), Darcy, Philip and many others. I'm going to write some reviews in details, read with the ones listed above but some I didn't really care for Samadi being one, I agree she does tend to give mixed signals while reading but what pissed me off is how she does those chants and prayers while she reads. I think it's a stalling tactic to get more minutes but I don't know. Joseph was just horrible said my husband was manic depressive, said he was thinking about killing himself. I don't think so, if he was he would have told me about it, for one, for two he's just the most laid back funny guy always making me laugh and vice versa. Lorna isn't with them but she picked up on the name of my husband's father's business unknowingly which was really cool, everything she said to me happened in the time frame she gave me except for like two things. Wasn't specific about time but said the end of winter etc. and everything did happen around the aprox. time frame. I haven't read with Corrine yet, but she looks like my childhood best friend which makes me kinda want to. She looks really young, which is why I haven't read with her. I'm just thinking she looks inexperienced but I haven't read with her. Ariel, I totally love she's so gentle and compasssionate, described the realtionship with my mother to a t really cool. I'll write more later have to pack for a trip for the next 5 days, going to Atlantic city!
I agree with you healer. Maybe you guys were a bit harsh. I feel bad for the lady now.
thehealer, you make a good point.
However, I do think that one advertising post would have sufficed.
Woops! I do feel a bit bad about that lady, maybe someone can contact her through myspace and issue an apology for being so harsh, and let her know that so far 2 members were happy, and we do want her back. :-[
If there is any issues with anyone in future, we will let Healer handle it since he is the Administrator. Im sure her intentions were honest and she is a real psychic, maybe only not very business savvy, it kind of felt like she was pushing with the ads too much. But again this should have been handled by the Healer.
I guess from now on we will be friendly and accepting :)
aef2929 P:
Hi Anna Marie! Welcome here! Things have been crazy busy for me lately so I haven't been keeping up in here much but I agree about Bast we never want to push anyone out I don't feel really we were mean let's remember if she truly wants to come in and help people in here...and yes she is reasonable...well you post 1 advertising with your info and maybe a little more informal than copy paste...also she came in and saw the multiples were deleted and respectfully yes Healer did leave 1 advertising post and then even seeing that the same multiple posts were put where is the respect with that on her end? But of course we welcome everyone....I think everyone in here has expressed they are accepting of others views etc...and other venues for readings. :)
Healer maybe make a category or place for Reader's if you are a psychic offering reading services post your info and pricing here...or something like that...this way there is a specific place for it. Just a thought.
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