Author Topic: spiritminded  (Read 12813 times)

Offline Truth

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« on: May 29, 2013, 03:27:08 PM »
how many of you guys have read with spiritminded?

she was super quick with me, but quick to the point that it almost made me nervous. very rushing. i feel she was probably just trying to get to it and not blab and make a lot of money off of me, but it was slightly unsettling. anyways, she gave me negative outlooks on 2 of my 3 questions. which may be the case - it's better than false hope. i'm just curious if others have used her and if she's been accurate or what your experience was.

Offline Calleronhiatus

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Re: spiritminded
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2013, 02:52:16 AM »
Truth, check your pm

Offline Awesomeness

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Re: spiritminded
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2013, 10:54:05 AM »
^ Well, dang.  :-\

Offline Synergy

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Re: spiritminded
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2014, 04:59:54 PM »
how many of you guys have read with spiritminded?

she was super quick with me, but quick to the point that it almost made me nervous. very rushing. i feel she was probably just trying to get to it and not blab and make a lot of money off of me, but it was slightly unsettling. anyways, she gave me negative outlooks on 2 of my 3 questions. which may be the case - it's better than false hope. i'm just curious if others have used her and if she's been accurate or what your experience was.

Does anyone have a review they can offer on this reader?  Truth, was she right on your predictions back in May?

Offline Bark angel

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Re: spiritminded
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2014, 05:16:50 PM »
She accurately predicted a major issue for me earlier this year that no one saw coming (well no one but a handful of my readers), and also offered a plausible enough explanation for why I have seen little to no progress yet on the romantic front.  However, she did give me a positive outcome for reconciliation the first time I read with her, but the second time it changed a bit.  She still saw that while we would indeed reconcile,  in the follow-up reading (my second call to her) she saw that our reconciliation would not flourish into a lasting union, and that ultimately we would go our separate ways.  I am not sure if this is a change or not because from my notes on the first call I had with her, I did not make any notation of how long we'd be together.  I guess I might have just heard "reconciliation" and not asked further.  So, it is inconclusive whether she switched the read on me or if I failed to ask enough questions the first time.
how many of you guys have read with spiritminded?

she was super quick with me, but quick to the point that it almost made me nervous. very rushing. i feel she was probably just trying to get to it and not blab and make a lot of money off of me, but it was slightly unsettling. anyways, she gave me negative outlooks on 2 of my 3 questions. which may be the case - it's better than false hope. i'm just curious if others have used her and if she's been accurate or what your experience was.

Does anyone have a review they can offer on this reader?  Truth, was she right on your predictions back in May?

Offline Synergy

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Re: spiritminded
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2014, 05:58:24 PM »
Thanks, Bark.  That's interesting.  I read with her and she gave me a pretty negative reading both on current and predictions.  She also said she saw the stork around me indicating a pregnancy and she told me to be careful.  I am not sexually active right now, and even if I were to engage in sex with the person I asked about, we would be unable to have children for medical reasons.  I told her this and she stated that sometimes the stork means "new beginnings" which made me feel as if she was backtracking.  One of her negative reviews on Keen also mentions that the person was told about a pregnancy in two separate readings, so it made me question this part of the reading even more.   

I will say that while overall negative, her reading is the most realistic I've received regarding my current situation.  There was something she said that didn't sit well with me at all, but she could be right about it for all I know.   

Offline Bark angel

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Re: spiritminded
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2014, 07:42:30 PM »
If it is any comfort, spiritminded saw something in my reading about a year ago, and she used a particular word to introduce what she saw.  She had simply uttered that she had seen a particular image - and mentioned a rather unsettling word - the it rattled me so much that I asked what that meant, and she offered an obvious explanation and an alternative explanation. Since I had called about a romantic situation, she wasn't at all sure which explanation applied.  She said she had seen this image before in readings to imply either.

In my case, it would turn out that the obvious explanation was the right one.

Offline Zee

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Re: spiritminded
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2014, 07:53:21 PM »
Well, a few of the Negative Reviews also mentions that she rambles and the callers don't understand what she is saying, although some say she is quick.

This doesn't really sit well with me. I had a reader at a psychic fair once, which was in person of course, who was very quick, saying things in a mumbling like fashion and I was making a mad dash to write as much as I could down.  I went back to something she said for clarity and she told me she didn't know. If she didn't know then how the hell should I know?

Guess what readers...we really need to know what you're saying in order to get the most out of the reading that you are getting paid for - this should not be something that is too hard to wish for.

tired of it all

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Re: spiritminded
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2016, 08:07:17 PM »
I had a reading with her a couple of days ago and it was very negative.  She told me she saw my ex involved with a woman, and gave me a 3 for how long it's been going on (she wasn't sure if it was weeks or months).  She described what the woman looks like and said she lives very close by to my ex.  This really turned my stomach, but I was thinking, well that's weird because he's been on a trip overseas for the last few weeks (probably 3ish) visiting a friend. 

Well then it dawned on me, the friend looks just how she described the woman.  And she lives with someone so I highly doubt she was getting it on with my ex right under his nose.  They host friends who come visit from all over the world so it's not like this was something special between her and my ex.  And I guess since he was staying there, that's what made it look like she lives close by.

This is such a great example of how they can get some details right, but tell you the wrong story about it.  When my ex was living with a female relative, some readers would pick up on that like it was a relationship too. 


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Re: spiritminded
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2019, 06:19:13 PM »
I love spiritminded.  She predicted two things that happened just the way she said it would happen. 
She said he would not be in my life by Feb and she was right and she also told me how he loves his wife (he said he was not married)  more than me and that he will go back to her.  It was harsh lol but true.  She also said that his wife will eventually leave him because he cheats a lot and yes, the dude was sleeping around a lot while his family was in another part of the world. That last part of her leaving him has not happened but he is a huge liar and she picked up on it.


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Re: spiritminded
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2019, 12:22:46 AM »
I've spoken with her before and I agree with her being very rushed, and didn't find her to be that good. She said I would have contact in a 3 and me and POI would run into each other at some sort of celebration, I told her we were long distance so that's not possible but even then she said "well you'll be at a celebration." And she did not clarify at all. Mattie and others have mentioned a celebration for when i get contact so maybe she was seeing that i'd be at one when he reaches out but I doubt it. Then she started talking about what color candles I should light....


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Re: spiritminded
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2019, 04:39:43 PM »
I've spoken with her before and I agree with her being very rushed, and didn't find her to be that good. She said I would have contact in a 3 and me and POI would run into each other at some sort of celebration, I told her we were long distance so that's not possible but even then she said "well you'll be at a celebration." And she did not clarify at all. Mattie and others have mentioned a celebration for when i get contact so maybe she was seeing that i'd be at one when he reaches out but I doubt it. Then she started talking about what color candles I should light....

I had some money leftover in my keen account, so I decided to give spiritminded another try since I only had so much $ and I knew it would be very brief. This time she said there would be no activity from him and he is with someone else, two very different readings only a week apart.

Offline joyjoy

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Re: spiritminded
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2019, 01:28:15 PM »
I just read with her this morning for a long, long time.  She picked up things that other readers hadn't picked up and laid out what would unfold for the rest of the year. I'm defintely rattled right now, but I think she was right. 

Offline russianred

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Re: spiritminded
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2020, 11:39:25 AM »
The first time I read with her months ago I was not impressed, but I went on such a binge in the last 48 hours that I tried her again.  She threw out something inaccurate immediately (sensing two kids around the situation -- nope, zero kids involved) and gave a negative prediction.  She at least did not keep me on the phone.

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: spiritminded
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2023, 07:02:20 PM »
I often overlook Sharon despite reading with her more frequently and for longer than almost anyone, but every once in a while she reminds me that she really has an authentic gift.

First started reading with her back in 2014 about a GF i broke up with and regretted.  She told me it was going to be hellish but that I would get back together with her in June(reading was in maybe feb) and that I needed to be careful bc ex would get pregnant.  I did get back together with the ex in June, it was absolutely hellish, and I ended up breaking things off for good a few months later.  Before breaking up with the ex, I noticed she hadnt taken her birth control one day and reminded her to do so. The ex flew off the handle, saying that I was accusing her of trying to get pregnant. I ended things shortly after for alot of reasons. My ex was pregnant about a year later with her new boyfriend.

I know I spoke with her about a number of other people in the years after but cant remember details.  In 2019, I was calling sharon again about an ex who had recently broke up with me. Sharon mentioned my ex had started sleeping with someone else in the week prior to breaking up with me.  I knew my ex had been planning on breaking up with me for the week leading up to it, but later found out about the guy from mutual freinds.

Girl I briefly dated last year: sharon was correct on things but didnt give any spooky details. She was just correct in that the relationship would go on for as long as I let it.

Current situation: I read with sharon a few times about it but didnt feel like she was really helping me or seeing things correctly.  Impulse call last night about the PIO and Sharon says "this is the one that technically lives out of state right"? My current PIO, despite living 30 minutes away, lives in the state next door.

Just had to give her credit.  She is an authentic psychic and doesnt get the recognition she deserves. She is also one of the last good ones who is still dirt cheap. I feel like she is easy to overlook because she will often give a short, negative reading and she doesnt cough up those crazy validations every time. 
« Last Edit: November 12, 2023, 07:09:33 PM by Aaron0326 »